
Ha Noi Department of Culture and Sports: Applying IT in administrative reform


Applying IT on 100% online public servies In order to achieve the above target, Ha Noi Department of Culture and Sports issued the Plan No.129/KH-SVHTT dated 6 May, 2020 on IT use in the stte agencies’ operations in 2020 and 2021; Plan No. 139/KH-SVHTT dated 15 May, 2020 on applying, maintaining and improving the quality..

Applying IT on 100% online public servies

In order to achieve the above target, Ha Noi Department of Culture and Sports issued the Plan No.129/KH-SVHTT dated 6 May, 2020 on IT use in the stte agencies’ operations in 2020 and 2021; Plan No. 139/KH-SVHTT dated 15 May, 2020 on applying, maintaining and improving the quality control system according to the national standards TCVN ISO 9001:2015; Plan No. 375/KH-SVHTT dated 21 August, 2020 on improving, hightening the satisfactory index of administrative services of the Department of Culture and Sports of Ha Noi in 2020 and beyond; Plan No. 245/KH-SVHTT dated 25 June, 2020 on conducting surveys and measurment of the public satisfactory level on the services catered by the state agencies under the Department of Culture and Sports of Ha Noi in 2020.

Danh mục các thủ tục dịch vụ công trực tuyến mức độ 4 của Sở Văn hóa và Thể thao được đăng tải trên Cổng dịch vụ công trực tuyến Hà Nội.

Cùng với đó, Sở đã ban hành các văn bản về việc rà soát, điều chỉnh, bổ sung quy trình đối với việc giải quyết TTHC, rà soát lại danh mục dịch vụ công trực tuyến mức 3; 4 chuẩn hóa trong năm 2020, giữ vững ứng dụng 100% dịch vụ công trực tuyến.

       The public may register online through the online public service portal of Ha Noi.

100% cadres, civil servants have been able to use electronic emails for work communication; 100% documents, papers have been processed through the  system of documentation management and profession operations within the city (exclusive of confidential papers). 89/89 (100%) administrative procedures have been provided online at level 3; 4 (including 49 administrative procedures at level 3 and 41 administrative procedures at level 4) have been applied on the onestop shop software sharing among the whole city. It is expected that there would be 23/23 (100%) administrative procedures applied online at 3 level; 4 districts and towns would be using onestop shop software sharing among the whole city. The registration of the online public services list will be incorporated into the national public services portal (26/113  comprising 23% administrative procedures).

Besides, Ha Noi Department of Culture and Sports has implemented to review and check the whole net and computers system which are being used within the sector.

Special attention and concern have been paid to the tasks of administrative reforms  making sure it has been in a standardized and timely manner. It is targeted that the the ranking of administrative reform index will be maintained at 7 among 22 departments/branches in 2020.

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