Ba Vi summarized and awarded the contest “Building and preserving villages, hamlets, and alleys that are bright, green, clean, beautiful and safe” and implemented a civilized lifestyle in organizing wedding parties.
Overview of the Conference.
According to the report at the Conference, and implementing Directive 11 of the Hanoi Party Committee, District Party Committee and People’s Committee of Ba Vi district thoroughly spread the regulations on implementing a civilized lifestyle in organizing wedding parties, and the related Resolutions, directives and consider it as a mandatory requirement and task for establishments, departments, organizations, officials, party members, civil servants and public employees, especially heads of localities, agencies and units and consider it as the standard for evaluating and ranking officials, party members, and for rating emulation of branches, agencies and units in the district.
In the 10 years of implementing Directive 11 of the Hanoi Party Committee, the contents and regulations on the implementation of civilized wedding parties in Ba Vi district have been widely implemented so far. Awareness and observance of officials, party members and people have been raised day by day. The organization of the wedding party is solemn, economical, and avoids being ostentatious, wasteful. All weddings are carried out in accordance with the Law on Marriage and Family; wedding procedures have been simplified, shortening the organization time; wedding guests have decreased; the use of tobaccos no longer exist; the use of alcoholic beverages is limited; The organization of weddings among cadres and party members has made many advances such as the wedding parties during office hours are reduced, the number of guests is limited and selective, many weddings are held in the form of congratulatory announcements and tea parties instead of banquets, the organization of wedding is simple and solemn in accordance with the traditional customs and cultural beauty of the nation and the locality. During 10 years of implementing Directive 11, 22,723 weddings were held in the district. Of which, the number of weddings carried out according to a civilized lifestyle is 18,095, accounting for 79.6%.
Corporates and individuals were rewarded for implementing Directive 11.
At the conference, Ba Vi District People’s Committee also summed up the contest “Building and preserving villages, hamlets, alleys that are bright, green, clean, beautiful and safe” in August. Accordingly, in August, the emulation movement and the contest “Building and preserving villages, hamlets, alleys that are bright, green, clean, beautiful and safe” continues to be actively participated by all levels of Party committees, authorities, departments, and organizations from districts to grassroots levels. Thereby, emulation movement and the contest have spread to many villages, hamlets, and people who enthusiastically and unanimously have responded. Movement of environmental sanitation, home decoration are maintained regularly. Local people have planted 9,348 more trees and flower for more 46,879 m of road, painted 4,236 m2 of murals and frescoes, newly installed 4,532 lights; 6,618 households have sorted wastes at source; over 7,954 million has mobilized from community, of which cash is more than 6,690 million.
Up to now, after 4 months of implementing the emulation movement and the contest “Building and preserving villages, hamlets, alleys that are bright, green, clean, beautiful and safe” in Ba Vi district, an amount of over VND 22,701 million (including more than VND 16,823 million in cash and other kind with a total value of over VND 5,877 million) has mobilized from community). At the sections of self-governing roads, main roads in residential areas and historical relic areas, attention has been paid to arranging planting, tending, maintaining and protecting landscape, trees and flowers. The active construction of new models such as: “Con đường bích họa (Mural-decorated road)” with a total area of 6,620m2; “Tuyến đường phụ nữ nở hoa (Flowering Women’s Road)” with a total length of 264,083m have been implemented, and 15,221 households have participated in the classification of organic waste at home.
In addition, communes and townships promote propaganda in various forms by using 10,971 panels and slogans; installing 48,941 fixed and synchronous flagpoles and promote propaganda in environmental sanitation weekly attracting over 125,570 participants. The whole district has 27,490 lights (17,127 leds) with design and installation meeting technical standards (with hood, cover) for safety and aesthetics; total 29,956 trees are newly planted.
In the speech at the conference, Vice Chairman of Ba Vi District People’s Committee – Deputy Head of the Steering Committee for the emulation movement and the contest “Building and preserving villages, hamlets, alleys that are bright, green, clean, beautiful and safe” Nguyen Duc Anh wished that localities continued to strengthen leadership, direction, propaganda in various forms, to mobilize people and funds from community to promote the emulation movement so that the contest has far-reaching and stronger influence to all classes of people in villages, alleys and hamlets. Vice Chairman of Ba Vi District People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Anh emphasized that the emulation movement and this contest were for the people, implemented by the people, all achievements are for the people to enjoy. Therefore, the Party committees and authorities at the grassroots might be closely, together with the People to implement the movement and the contest so that the rural appearance of the district was more and more prosperous, the spiritual life of the people was increased day by day.
Those villages are awarded in the emulation movement and contest in August.
On this occasion, the District People’s Committee has rewarded 19 corporates and 15 individuals having outstanding achievements in the implementation of Directive 11 of the Hanoi Party Committee and the villages that won prizes in the emulation movement and the contest “Building and preserving villages, hamlets, and alleys that are bright, green, clean, beautiful and safe” in August 2022.