
Hanoi determines to fight the epidemics in the shortest time and strives to increase GRDP by 1.3 times in the whole country (*)


  The Politburo’ member, Hanoi City Party Committee’s Secretary Mr. Vuong Dinh Hue delivered a conclusion speech at the Meeting. Photo by HNM After an active and responsible and expeditious working day, the 23rd Party Committee’s Meeting was greatly successful. Members of the City Party Committee’s Executive Committee seriously studied the reports and statements, lively..


The Politburo’ member, Hanoi City Party Committee’s Secretary Mr. Vuong Dinh Hue delivered a conclusion speech at the Meeting. Photo by HNM

After an active and responsible and expeditious working day, the 23rd Party Committee’s Meeting was greatly successful. Members of the City Party Committee’s Executive Committee seriously studied the reports and statements, lively discussed and contributed many insightful and intellectual ideas to the contents submitted to the Meeting. The Standing Committee of the City Party Committee and the City Party’s Working Committee of the City People’s Committee have explained and acquired seriously and maximally the ideas in the Meeting. The Executive Committee highly agreed with the Resolution of the 23rd Meeting of the City Party Committee. I would like to summarize the main results of the Meeting.

  1. Regarding the performance of socio-economic development, security and defense and COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control missions

The Executive Committee totally agreed that in the first quarter of 2020, the world, the region and our country had to face many adverse factors for economic development such as the outbreak of COVID-19  on a global scale, decrease in the world’s economic growth, deep decrease in prices of crude oil, increase in geopolitical tensions and profound impact from the climate change… For Hanoi, besides the advantages from the results achieved in 2019, the economy in the first quarter of 2020 coped with difficulties and challenges from the fast, complicated and unpredictable progress of the COVID-19 epidemic which heavily affects production and business and people’s life. To deal with this situation, the committees at all levels focused on leading the implementation of the “dual-task” of epidemic control, socio-economic development, maintenance of political stability, safety and order to ensure a peaceful life for the people of the Capital.

  1. COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control

The epidemic prevention and control was under prompt and drastic direction. Based on early forecasts and proper identification of the situation and the dangerous nature of the epidemic, the City Party Committee and the People’s Committee of City have actively implemented the early prevention and control of COVID-19 (updating the epidemic situation in China from the end of December 2019, on January 21, 2020, the City People’s Committee gave a written direction – even when there was no notice of widespread epidemic in Wuhan, China). Party committees, authorities and the entire political system from the City to grassroots levels had implemented seriously, proactively, drastically and comprehensively under the direction of the Government and the Ministry of Health with methodical, scientific, creative, timely, effective and consistent measures in light of disease movements.

The Standing Committee of the City Party Committee maintains the weekly meeting on the prevention and control of COVID-19 and promptly issued 29 guiding documents. The Standing Committee of the City Party Committee established 05 inspection teams, assigned members of the Standing Committee to strengthen the situation, check and monitor the disease prevention and control in the relevant localities and units, and assigned heads of committees and governments at all levels to be directly and comprehensively responsible for the results of epidemic prevention in localities and units.

The whole city unanimously join hands in effectively implementing the Call of the General Secretary cum President Nguyen Phu Trong, the leadership and direction of the Politburo, the Standing Committee of the Secretariat, the Government and the Prime Minister, and the Directive No. 31 of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee with the motto “prevention is the core”, “4 on-the-spot tasks”, “fighting against epidemic as fighting against the enemy”. The people at all classes supported, believed and appreciated the participation, sense of responsibility and measures of the Central Government and the City. The majority of the Capital’s people voluntarily implement social distancing as directed by the Prime Minister and the instructions of the City Party Committee and the People’s Committee.

The City Steering Committee is well-informed about the situation, regularly and closely directs and promptly deals with problems arising from the COVID-19 epidemic, deploys integrated measures at different levels to prevent and control epidemics including the highest levels such as applying medical declarations for grasping and classifying, investigating and verifying circumstances relating to cases, supervising entries through Noi Bai International Airport, organizing isolation reception of nearly 8,000 people at 13 concentrated isolation zones and hotels, implementing isolation of over 71 thousand people in the community under the supervision of the villages and residential quarters, organizing concentrated treatment and isolation at the Hospitals, ensuring adequate supply of food and necessities for the people, ensuring contingencies and preventing a shortage of supplies, closing crowded places, well performing medical examination and treatment in service of epidemic prevention and control, preparing adequate material facilities, equipment, medical medicines, protective equipment and human resources for prevention, isolation and treatment, implementing general hygiene and disinfection in areas of bus stations, railway stations, schools, hospitals, offices, apartment buildings, relics and public places to prevent epidemics, strengthening inspection and supervision, and strictly punishing violations…

The Standing Committee of the City Party Committee and the City People’s Council promptly adopted policies and undertakings, and organized business dialogues to remove difficulties and obstacles for production and business activities, and supported those affected by the epidemic; directed City’s units to cut down at least 5% of regular spending in addition to the saving 10% plan from the beginning of the year. The Fatherland Front, mass organizations, agencies, units, businesses and people have carried out many activities to promote the tradition of solidarity, mutual affection and assistance to overcome difficulties caused by the epidemic. The entire contingent of civil servants and employees of the City contributed at least the basic rate of pay for 1 day, totaling 56.7 billion VND to support the epidemic prevention and control of the City. The Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at all levels of the City has received the donation of over VND 128 billion from organizations and individuals for the prevention of the COVID-19 epidemic, including VND 108 billion and other goods.

Recently, the City has basically controlled and prevented the spread of COVID-19 disease in the community (until 11AM on April 20, 2020, Hanoi recorded 112 cases in total, of which 38 cases were detected at the Airport/ concentrated isolation area (not in the community). 74 cases were detected in the community. Currently, 75 cases have been discharged from hospitals, and 37 cases are being treated. The economic activities according to the Directive No.16 are maintained; goods, prices, social safety and order are basically stable; social security is guaranteed. The public expressed admiration, acknowledged the efforts and enthusiasm of the frontline forces in the prevention and control of the epidemic, from city leaders to frontline soldiers such as medical doctors, police, the army… The Central Party, the Government and the Prime Minister have recorded, appreciated and praised the results of Hanoi City in the work of epidemic prevention, safety health and life protection for the Capital’s people and international friends in the area, which make important contributions to the prevention and fight against epidemics in the whole country. Although the epidemic situation has been controlled, the risks are still potential, so neglect is prohibited but it is required to continue focusing on prevention and fighting against epidemics in the future.

  1. Socio-economic development

All levels and sectors focused on implementing the plan from the beginning of the year, immediately embarked on work after the Lunar New Year holidays, focused on fulfilling the objectives and tasks of socio-economic development in 2020. The growth rate is maintained, GRDP of Hanoi maintained an increase of 3.72% thanks to the good maintenance of Industry – Construction with an increase of 5.46% (of which Construction reached 6.35%), and the Service reached 3.20% because January and February were not strongly affected by COVID-19. Total social investment reached VND 63.04 trillion, increasing by 5.2% (compared to the increase by 10.5% in the same period last year). State budget revenues in the province reached VND 71,383 billion, equal to 25.6% of the predicted level, increasing by 6.7% (compared to the increase by 30.3% in the same period last year). Some areas are less affected by the disease and have opportunities to strongly develop such as Industrial products for disease prevention and control, information technology application services, services, banking, insurance, logistics services… with high added value.

Up to now, Hanoi city has 06 districts meeting the new-style rural area standard, 356/386 communes (accounting for 92.2% of the total number of communes in the city) meeting the new rural standard, as the highest number of communes meeting the new-style rural area standard. There were 11 communes recognized by the City People’s Committee as the new-style rural areas. Urban technical infrastructure continues to be maintained; urban management is promoted; management and development of social houses have been strengthened; strengthening the land management and construction order is respected. Consolidation of national defense, political security, social order and safety are guaranteed; traffic accidents decreased on all 03 criteria compared to the same period last year; the implementation of fire prevention and fighting solutions is strengthened; foreign affairs are expanded. Culture and society are concerned; social security is guaranteed; and the Capital’s People celebrate the Lunar New Year with a joyful, excited and peaceful spirit.

It can be said that, despite the global economic situation and difficult areas, the situation of COVID-19 epidemic happened quickly, complicatedly and unpredictably which directly affected to most industries and sectors, but the above-mentioned achievements in the city’s socio-economic development are very important and remarkable.

At this Meeting, the City Party Executive Committee welcomed the active, positive and drastic spirit of all levels, sectors, the Fatherland Front and mass organizations at all levels for effective implementation of political tasks on the fields of the City in Quarter 1/2020 and sincerely thanked the people of the Capital, businesses, National and City press agencies for their efforts, unanimously together with all levels and branches to unitedly perform the tasks of the City, especially is in the prevention of the disease COVID-19. The Meeting acknowledged, appreciated and thanked the forces which involved in the prevention and control of epidemics, especially the frontline forces including doctors, nurses, medical staffs, polices, military, Fatherland Front and mass organizations, the villages, the population groups… have contributed to the very important initial success of the City and the whole country in the fight against COVID-19.


The scene of the Meeting

  1. Regarding the contents prepared for the City Party Congress under the authority of the City Party Executive Committee

The meeting highly appreciated that the Standing Committee of the Party Committee prepared seriously, elaborately, thoroughly and responsibly the reports submitted to the City Party Executive Committee and concurred, highly agreed with the contents of the Reports.

Regarding the Report summarizing the personnel work of the Party Executive Committee of the XVI City Party Committee period 2015 – 2020: The delegates affirmed the results achieved with outstanding features in the human resource work of the City Party Committee. period 2015 – 2020, especially in the training, retraining, evaluation and rotation of cadres. Thereby, 5 valuable lessons have been learned in human resource work.

Regarding the direction of human resource work of the XVII City Party Committee Executive Committee, period 2020-2025 and Personnel direction of the XVII City Party Committee Inspection Committee, term 2020-2025: Executive Committee of City Party Committee agreed on a high number of City Party Executive Committee members for the 2020-2025 term, including 71 comrades, decrease 05 comrades which strictly equals to 5% according to the Central’s guidance; the plan to prepare a maximum of 81 comrades to elect 71 members to the XVII City Party Executive Committee. The Executive Committee structure is reasonable, ensuring comprehensive leadership, inheritance and development, and representation of industries and regions (not necessarily all localities participating in the committees, but if anyone deserved and elected by the congress); give priority to representatives of important branches and fields of the City. Strive to achieve the percentage of female commissioners of more than 15% and have female staff in the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee; the percentage of members being young officers is 10% or higher. Resolutely not rely on of the target number and structure to put in the party committee, the leading agencies who do not meet the requirement. Thoroughly grasping the spirit of the direction of the General Secretary, President of the motto “Resolutely not to let people with ambition to power, run office, run right, run the vote, run structure, factional, local, group interests, degradation of political ideology, morality, lifestyle, “self-evolution”, “self-transformation”, bureaucracy, corruption; conservative, stagnant, inefficient work, saying not to go along with doing; themselves or their spouses or children lead a lack of exemplary lifestyle and abuse their power to gain illicit profits into the new executive committee”.

Regarding the scheme of allocating the number of delegates to the XVII City Party Congress. Members of the Party Committee agreed that the number of delegates attending the XVII Party Congress of the City Party Committee was 500 delegates which ensuring a reasonable and harmonious structure in sectors, fields, localities and social classes with criteria are typical comrades of quality, morality, lifestyle, representing the intellect, bravery and innovation spirit of the Capital’s Party Committee, who are capable of making practical and effective contributions to the success of the Congress.

The Meeting assigned the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee to receive the report to direct the implementation of the procedures for introducing personnel to join the XVII City Party Committee in accordance with the regulations and report to the City Party Executive Committee through the proposal of the personnel committee and specific human resource plan at the City Party Committee Meeting.

  • Regarding the policy of investing in two urban railways and the Smart City project

The Party Committee discussed and highly agreed with the reports of the City Party Committee Personnel Committee. Propose the Committee of the City Party Committee to receive maximum opinions of the City Party Committee, complete the Report of pre-feasibility study; Minutes of the Evaluation Council and supplementation of the Report of internal appraisal results of the City Evaluation Council to the dossier of 02 Urban Railway Projects to ensure full content and continue to organize the implementation of the continuous steps following the regulations of the Law on Public Investment, Law on State Budget and relevant laws.

The Executive Committee of the City Party Committee agreed on the policy of partial adjustment of the General Plan on the construction of Hanoi to 2030 with a vision to 2050 in the area of phase 1 and a part of phase 2 of the Smart City Project.

Assigning the City Party Committee Personnel Committee to direct relevant agencies to implement the above policy in accordance with the order, procedures and current provisions of law; report to the Ministry of Construction for evaluation and submit to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision according to its competence.

  1. Regarding the human resource task

At the Meeting, the Party Committee additionally elected 02 comrades Mr. Tran Dinh Canh, Member, Standing Deputy Head of the Party Committee’s Organization Committee and Mr. Nguyen Chi Luc, Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee, Chairman of Hoan Kiem District People’s Committee as a Member of the Party Inspection Committee with a very high number of unanimous votes (nearly 99%).

Ladies and gentlemen,

Along with carrying out the task of leading the socio-economic development, in Quarter 1/2020, the City Party Committee and all levels of the Party Committees have directed to perform well the task of building the Party. Directly organizing activities to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam; 90th anniversary of the founding of Hanoi Party Committee with profound, impressive and widespread content by making creative, practical and appropriate in the situation of preventing and fighting COVID-19. All levels and branches of the City have promoted patriotic emulation movements among cadres, party members and people of all classes; deploy specific constructions and projects, enhance environmental sanitation, build a bright – green – clean – beautiful environment from villages and residential quarters… practically welcome congresses at all levels and prevent epidemics.

Besides the achieved results, the Party Committee also frankly pointed out some limitations that need to be overcome. They are: The work of grasping and forecasting the situation of ideological situation, public opinion of officials, party members and people at grassroots level committees, especially with complicated cases sometimes, in some places is not timely. The visual propaganda in some units is still slow. The economic growth targets all decreased sharply over the same period due to the impact of COVID-19 epidemic which creating great pressure on the achievement of socio-economic development targets in the last months of the year; adversely affecting to the budget revenue of the City, affecting the budget revenue and expenditure of the City in 2020. The price index tends to increase higher than in the same period, especially pork and necessities. The progress of some key point projects and constructions remains slow, the rate of disbursement and efficiency of investment capital are low, especially public investment. Crime has decreased, but there is a potential risk of complicated developments, especially in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic. There still happen drug activities, black credit, violating environmental laws. The consolidation of weak party grassroots organizations in some districts has not yet ensured the mentioned progress. The settlement of complaints, denunciations and solving remain cases, especially 10 important ones are still slow. The effectiveness and efficiency of state management are still limited, administrative reform still has many obstacles, a part of cadres still stagnated, avoided, pushed, irresponsible for dealing with public affairs which caused difficulties for people and businesses.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The task in the coming time is very heavy, they require all levels, sectors, localities and each unit to continue urgently, focus on seriously implementing the directions of the Central, Party Committee, People’s Council, City People’s Committee about the Socio-Economic Development Plan, State budget revenue and expenditure estimates for 2020. Continue to implement drastic measures to prevent and control COVID-19 epidemic. At the Meeting, the Executive Committee of the City Party Committee acknowledged and highly appreciated the City Party Committee’s Personnel Committee for proactively developing 3 scenarios of economic growth in the coming time. Propose the City Party Committee to continue completing the three growth scenarios mentioned above to be ready to cope with the evolution of the disease and to well prepare the conditions for economic recovery and promote growth after the epidemic is under control shortly. Strive to increase the city’s GRDP by about 1.3 times the national average. To win the economic recovery of the Capital, the Executive Committee of the City Party Committee suggested the committees, authorities, Fatherland Front and mass organizations of the City continue to perform well the following contents:

Firstly, proactively stick to the evolution of the COVID-19 epidemic, Direct the entire political system from the City to grassroots to continue thoroughly grasping the motto of “anti-epidemic like fighting against the enemy” and “4 on the spot”; well implement the Call of the General Secretary, the President, the Directive No.16-CT / CP by the Prime Minister and the Directive No.31-CT / TU by the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee. Mobilize solidarity, join hands with people in all classes and the whole society to participate in preventing and controlling the epidemic.

Review, update and finalize disease prevention strategies and scenarios at different scales. Give priority to all conditions and resources to prevent epidemics especially in cases of the outbreaks happen again. Determine to earliest repel epidemic to restore economic development. Encourage calling on collectives, businesses and individuals to promote the spirit of “solidarity, mutual affection”. Organize to implement seriously and urgently the right subjects of social security support packages under the Resolution No.42 of the Government and other specific policies of the City in the Capital area. Take good care of the lives of the poor, policy beneficiaries and forces involved in epidemic prevention and control. Strictly implement the spirit of “Hanoi must do the best and most exemplary prevention of COVID-19” and “The capital also continues to be exemplary and proactive in economic and social recovery after epidemic” as the direction of the Prime Minister.

Secondly, the whole Party Committee fiercely focused on directing the successful organization of the Party Congress at all levels and the XVII Party Congress of the City Party Committee. Performing well the work of preparing the Congress, ensuring the right principles, structure, quantity, standards, conditions, personnel process as prescribed. Ensuring the coherence, synchronization, democracy, objectivity, fairness, publicity and transparency. Focusing on well implementing the work of setting up documents of the Party Congress at all levels and Documents of the XVII Congress of the City Party Committee to ensure the quality and progress. Well organizing the collection of comments from the gender, sectors and people to draft the Document of the XVII Congress of the City Party Committee. Performing well the work of organizing and serving the Party Congress at all levels and the XVII Congress. Well implementing the Directive No.32 by the Standing Committee of the Party Committee about internal political protection; the focusing on ensuring political security, social order and safety. Struggling, refusing fabricated information, distorting against the sabotage of hostile forces, reactionaries in the City before, during and after the Congress.

Implement drastically solutions to perform the Resolution No.15 and the Directive No.15 by the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee in accordance with the practical situation in localities and facilities, Strengthening weak grassroots party organizations (namely 9 districts, towns, 30 party grassroots organizations that need strengthening, 69 grassroots party organizations that need attention) and resolving grievances completely extended cases, complicated cases (62 outstanding and complicated cases). Determine not to give rise to hot spots on complaints and denunciations, order and security in order to best prepare for the congress of the Party Committees at all levels. Through resolving outstanding cases, complaints and denunciations to sort officials, cadres and personnel work at the Party Congress at all levels.

Thirdly, focus on directing the successful implementation of socio-economic development tasks, ensuring national defense, security, social order and safety.

Continuing to focus on leading the implementation of the “dual-task” which is both preventing epidemics, being active and creative in socio-economic development. Formulating growth scenarios and simultaneously offering task groups and solutions for implementation to strive to reach the highest level of socio-economic targets in 2020, contributing to fulfilling the whole task in the period 2015 – 2020. Seriously implement well the Prime Minister’s Directive No.11 on tasks and urgent solutions to remove difficulties for production and business, ensure social security to cope with the COVID-19. Determine to remove obstacles to accelerate the disbursement of public investment capital in the spirit of “contributing wind to storm”. Along with that, solving difficulties and promoting private investment and PPP’s style investment.

Paying attention to policies on start-up, innovation, and promote the strong development of fields and industries in the context in the implementation of the 4.0 Revolution, the areas with high demand and ability to grow in terms of the epidemic condition. Promoting strong development of agriculture, strengthening re-pig herds to ensure biosecurity, restructuring farming, reviewing and utilizing thoroughly, not wasting land. Continue restructuring and pay attention to developing high-quality agricultural products by the end of 2020, reaching 1,000 products under the OCOP program. Pay attention to developing trade villages in association with environmental protection; promoting high-tech agricultural application models to strive to increase the additional value by over 4% in 2020. Having plans, solutions and mobilize specific resources to definitively solve the completion of new rural construction in the remaining 30 communes in 2020, no later than Quarter I / 2021.

Continue to promote reform of administrative procedures, strongly improve the business investment environment to create favorable conditions for enterprises to operate and develop. Reduce time and costs for enterprises. Strengthen discipline, administrative discipline, improve the sense of responsibility, the attitude of serving the People of the contingent of cadres, civil servants and officials. In the battle of economic recovery and reconstruction, we must fight fiercely with the “stagnant virus” which is a tangible virus but it equally dangerous like COVID-19 that we are facing.

Continue to pay attention to developing cultural and social fields. Take care of the material improvement and spiritual life of the people, well solve problems that arise. Ensure social security, improve social welfare and sustainably reduce poverty. Have appropriate solutions to ensure educational quality in the context of recent epidemics and improve the quality of education and training. Elevate the quality of medical examination and treatment and people’s health care. Concentrate on strengthening national defense and security, well perform the local military work and maintaining political security, social order and safety in all situations; Absolutely protect events, major holidays of the Capital and the country and the peaceful life for the people.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The 23rd Meeting of the Party Executive Committee of the XVI City Party Committee was greatly succeeded. I propose to each member of the Commissioner whom in your position, right after this Meeting, to be drastic, dynamic, creative, focus on leadership, seriously, drastically direct the implementation and effective resolutions, conclusions of the Meeting. Contribute to the highest achievement of objectives and tasks of socio-economic development in the second quarter, both 2020 and the whole period to create a solid premise for the following years of the new period. This is the time to challenge the bravery and sense of responsibility of officials and party members at all levels. Each party committee, government and the political system of the City should detect, praise and respect comrades who dare to think and to do for the overall benefit of the Capital. At the same time, irresponsible, stagnant, avoidance, harassment and negative cadres need to be sorted, replaced, even eliminated so that the Party and State apparatuses will be more streamlined, effective. Consolidating trust for people and businesses while trust is the most decisive factor to bring victory on the battle of the City’s socio-economic recovery and development.

With a sense of responsibility and tradition, the more difficulties, the more solidarity, creativity to promote the civilized and heroic traditions of the Capital. All levels, branches, Fatherland Front and mass organizations from the City to grassroots levels are more and more strengthening solidarity, concentricity, raising the effectiveness and efficiency of the entire political system under the leadership of the Party Committee. Successfully organizing the Party Congress at all levels and successfully implementing the main political tasks of the City in the future. The Capital’s Party Committee determines to continue pioneering, exemplary in epidemic prevention and fighting and pioneering and exemplary models to win in the Capital’s economic recovery and development battle as well as other political tasks in 2020.

With those spirits, I would like to finish The 23rd Meeting of the Party Executive Committee of the XVI City Party Committee.

Wishing all of you good health and good fulfillment of your responsibilities to the Party Committee and the people of the Capital!
