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Many meaningful cultural activities to celebrate the 67th anniversary of the Capital Liberation Day


At 20:00 tonight, October 10, the City Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee, Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Hanoi city organized, Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports presided over the implementation of the art performance program of “Hanoi’s epic song” to celebrate the 67th anniversary of the Capital Liberation Day (October 10, 1954 – October..

At 20:00 tonight, October 10, the City Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee, Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Hanoi city organized, Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports presided over the implementation of the art performance program of “Hanoi’s epic song” to celebrate the 67th anniversary of the Capital Liberation Day (October 10, 1954 – October 10, 2021) at the Viet Xo Friendship Labour Cultural Palace. The program had no audience and was broadcast live on channel H1, Hanoi Radio – Television Station.

Cultural and sports program of “Hanoi is the faith and hope” by Thang Long Water Puppet Theatre.

Along with that, the Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports has directed its affiliated theatres to stage many special art programs to serve audiences in the capital and the whole country. Thang Long Water Puppet Theatre held a recording without an audience of the cultural and sports program of “Hanoi is the faith and hope” with many arts and sports performances such as martial arts performance of “Going to Hanoi”, gymnastics performance of “Hanoi’s 12 seasons of flowers”, nourishing dance of “Hanoi’s rice village and flower village” and songs about Hanoi. Participating in the program were artists of Thang Long Water Puppet Theatre, athletes in martial arts, gymnastics, nursing, Hanoi Sports Entertainment Association, along with singers Minh Quan, Tien Hung, Thu Thuy, Thu Huyen, etc. The program was broadcast on the Youtube channel – Fanpage – Website of Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports, Youtube channel of Thang Long Water Puppet Theatre and replayed on People’s Television on the same day 17/10.

 The program was carried out with many special performances.

The Hanoi Cheo Theatre also organized the art program of “Hanoi always bright the faith” on the occasion of the 67th anniversary of Capital Liberation Day. The program would bring to the audience artworks praising Hanoi and its unique cultural features. The program was broadcast on Style TV, VTV Cab12, Info TV, and VTV Cab9 channels on the evening of October 10.

 Art program of “Hanoi always bright the faith”

The Hanoi Cai Luong Theatre also recorded the art program of “Remembering the historic autumn” with 19 performances such as: “Vietnamese spirit”, “Hanoi’s autumn”, “Going to Hanoi”, T’rung solo, Van Singing of “Thang Long, the land of the masterpiece”, Vietnamese Ao Dai fashion, Xam singing of “Hanoi – 36 streets and wards”, etc. with elaborate staging. The program was broadcast on the website on October 11, 2021.

On this occasion, the Hanoi Drama Theatre performed the art program of “Hanoi Unforgettable Days” with art performances expressing gratitude to medical forces, police, army, journalists on the front line to fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. The program would be streamed online on YouTube and Facebook channels of the Hanoi Drama Theatre at 8 pm on October 10.

At the Hanoi Library, the Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports in collaboration with the Hanoi Department of Education and Training also organized the announcement and awarding of the first contest of “Ambassador of reading culture in Hanoi” – 2021. Here, Hanoi Library also organized a book exhibition introducing more than 500 documents and books to help readers better understand the leadership of the Party and President Ho Chi Minh and the values ​​of historical traditions, civilization, thousand-year heroes of the ancient land and the proud prospects and achievements of Hanoi capital. To ensure the prevention and control of the Covid-19 pandemic while still helping readers access documents, books, and newspapers, the exhibition was also organized online by the Hanoi Library at https://

 Book exhibition at Hanoi Library.

In addition, right from the end of September 2021, the Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports has organized the implementation, and at the same time guided the districts, towns on the decoration, propaganda, and visual promotion of welcoming the 67th anniversary of the Capital Liberation Day.

Cultural and artistic activities and exhibitions were organized to deeply educate cadres, Party members and people of all walks of life, the Capital’s armed forces about the great historical significance of the Capital Liberation Day about the glorious revolutionary struggle tradition of the Party Committee and People of the Capital. Simultaneously, propaganda to the masses about the historical, cultural and revolutionary traditions of the nation, Thang Long – Hanoi thousand years of civilization – heroes, the City for peace, the Creative City.

Bao Han (Implemented)