
Preserving and promoting heritages in Phu Xuyen District


Over the years, Phu Xuyen District has always done a good job of preserving and promoting the value of the heritage sites in the area. Every year, the District People’s Committee directs the People’s Committees of communes and townships to strengthen the Commune Relic Management Board and the Village Relic Management Division in order to..

Over the years, Phu Xuyen District has always done a good job of preserving and promoting the value of the heritage sites in the area.

Every year, the District People’s Committee directs the People’s Committees of communes and townships to strengthen the Commune Relic Management Board and the Village Relic Management Division in order to preserve, manage, preserve and promote the value of relics. The district also has practical policies to provide financial support to people who directly take care of ranked monuments in the area. In addition, Phu Xuyen district also does well in making scientific records of tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

Phu Xuyen district currently has 345 relics approved by the City and announced in the inventory of relics. It is one of the units with a large number of relics in Hanoi. The relics and heritages of Phu Xuyen district are diverse in types such as communal houses, pagodas, temples, shrines, family churches, and ancient houses… The whole district has 120 ranked historical sites, of which, there are 38 National-ranked monuments and 82 city-ranked monuments. Phu Xuyen district also has 01 revolutionary relic of the resistance war in Trai Dien, Hong Thai commune, and 06 places that have been attached with souvenir signs of the resistance revolutionary relics. Many relics and heritages of Phu Xuyen district have become destinations for many tourists such as Gie Ha and Gie Thuong (Phu Yen commune), Da Chat communal house (Dai Xuyen commune), Co Che communal house (Phuc Tien commune), the ancestral temple of the inlay Crafts (Chuan My commune). Phu Xuyen is also a place to store many intangible cultural values ​​such as Cua Dinh chanty and Bai Bong dancing and singing in Phu Nhieu hamlet (Quang Trung commune); Quan drum singing in Phuc Lam village (Phuc Tien commune), Ceremonial singing in Chanh Thon village (Nam Tien commune) and To he making crafts in Xuan La village (Phuong Duc commune), etc. There are famous traditional festivals such as

Water procession festival in Cat Bi (Thuy Phu Commune), and Pig racing festival in Trai Dien (Hong Thai commune), etc.

Crafting To he in Xuan La

Over the years, Phu Xuyen district has requested superiors to invest in embellishing relics and also invested a lot of money in the management, restoration, and embellishment, promoting the values of tangible and intangible historical-cultural relics in the area. In the period 2016-2020, the District Party Committee developed Program No. 07 about “Developing social culture, improving the quality of education, building a national standard school, building elegant and civilized Phu Xuyen people” and the implementation plans of the annual Program; in which the content of restoration, embellishment, management, and promotion of the value of historical and cultural relics is one of the essential goals of the socio-cultural field that the district concerns.

In addition, Phu Xuyen district has closely coordinated in the management, protection, and promotion of the value of relics and cultural heritages with the rights of communes and townships in the district. The district has mobilized the entire political system to join hands to protect the relics and heritage. The most typical ones are the CCB Association, the Women’s Union, the Youth Union, and a large number of people, so the relics are always protected, looked after, and preserved. The landscape of the relics is always spacious and clean.

Bai Do Temple and pagoda

 Gie Thuong communal house in Phu Yen commune – a tourist destination (Documentary photo)

In order to strengthen the management, protection, and promotion of cultural heritage values in the area, in the coming time, Phu Xuyen district and its communes and towns will continue to propagate and encourage people to raise their spirits about protecting cultural heritage; promote socialization in protection and embellishment of relics, repair the relics to become tourist attractions; Encourage, strengthen and further develop intangible culture; invest in cultural sites such as Cua Dinh Chanty, Bai Bong dancing and singing, Ceremonial singing, and To he crafting, etc., so they could be expanded and developed. Phu Xuyen advocates continuing to maintain and well organize local traditional festivals, especially organizing festivals honoring traditional craft villages in the district.

Thanh Thanh