To commemorate the 43th anniversary of the Liberation of the South and National Reunification (April 30, 1975 – April 30, 2018); the 132nd anniversary of the International Labor Day (May 1, 1886 – May 1, 2018); the 64th anniversary of Dien Bien Phu Victory (May 7, 1954 – May 7, 2018) and the 128th birth anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh (May 19, 1890 – May 19, 2018), Hanoi Department of Culture and Communication developed a plan to organize activities of information, dissemination, and visual encouragement in order to create a cheerful and exciting atmosphere and widely disseminate to the masses about the historical significance of these important events.
Accordingly, Hanoi will promote visual dissemination in the inner city area, the city’s central area, main roads, including the decoration of fixed panels, 2-side panels at the headquarters of agencies such as the Hanoi Party Committee, City People’s Council, City People’s Committee, City’s Information House located at No. 45, Trang Tien Street and No. 93, Dinh Tien Hoang Street.
To install three models in the transport island in front of the Opera House, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Vietnam-Soviet Friendship Culture Palace. To decorate 2,000 banners along major roads and the City’s central areas. To decorate the National Flag, Party Flag and Red Flags at the column system in front of the Ly Thai To monument, the City People’s Committee and the State Bank of Vietnam. To maintain lighting decoration system at 3 city’s central road lines and arch system on Vo Nguyen Giap street and Vo Chi Cong street.
In addition, Hanoi will hold an exhibition of pictures and photographs on the birth anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh; 02 mobile dissemination nights in the city, strengthen dissemination activities in the mass media.
At the local levels, the People’s Committee of districts and communes as planned the City People’s Committee and guided by the Department of Culture and Communication directed the Office of Culture and Communication, the Centers of Culture, Sports and Communication at the districts, communes to work out specific plans and schemes, ensure its implementation comprehensively and on time; promote the dissemination and implementation of visual decoration at the central regions, main roads, head offices of agencies, enterprises, schools, armed force units, Culture and Sports avenues, post offices of communes, crowed areas such as the decoration and design of panels, vertical banderols, banners, posters according to specified contents, technical models approved by the City competent authorities, contributing to beautiful urban landscape and creating jubilant atmosphere on the anniversary, etc.
To continue mobilizing the people to fly the National flags before, during and after the anniversary, to ensure solemnity, safety and effectiveness. The mobile dissemination teams organize mobile dissemination sessions, art performances to serve the local people. To organize the activities of traditional departments, picture galleries on the anniversary. The Office of Culture and Communication, the Centers of Culture, Sports and Communication at the districts, communes organized and directed clubs, culture and sports groups, culture centers of wards and communes establish cultural, art and sport activities to serve the local people to take part in together.
The activities of communication and visual dissemination will take place from April 20, to May 21, 2018.
By Phuong Uyen