For the Code of Conduct to come to life, the Steering Committee for Program 04 will implement the model from units with pilot models to be deployed in the districts of Tay Ho, Cau Giay, My Duc, Soc Son, etc. to draw experience for the deployment throughout the city.
Mr. Hoang Trung Hai, Hanoi Party Secretary, chairs the working session – Photo: Gia Huy
On the morning of March 7, Hanoi Party Secretary Hoang Trung Hai chaired the working session with the Steering Committee for Program No. 04-CTr/TU on “Developing culture and society, improving the quality of human resources, and building modern and elegant Hanoians in period 2016-2020”.
Defining the object of dissemination
One of the major contents of Program 04 to be implemented in 2017 is issuing the Code of Conduct for officials, public employees, civil servants, and laborers working for Hanoi City’s authorities and the Code of Conduct in public places of Hanoi City. Up to now, the agencies, units, and localities have implemented the Codes with initial positive changes.
Regarding the Conduct for officials, public employees, civil servants, and laborers: Not to use working time for personal matters, to handle documents and work documents in a timely manner, and to recognize this as a regular and permanent task to create a breakthrough in the way of working, raising the sense of responsibility to serve the people, and preventing bureaucratic behaviors and irresponsibility in handling affairs.
With regard to the Code of Conduct in public places: the Code has been disseminated to the sectors, departments, organizations, and the people in the localities, especially members of the Steering Committee for the movement of people being united to build cultural life in the levels. Based on the subject of the Conducts, the authorities and units have publicly posted the Codes at village cultural houses, residential quarters, relic sites, and have increased the time of dissemination of the Code of Conduct in public places in the media.
However, the Steering Committee for Program 04 has assessed that the effect of implementation of the Codes of Conduct was still unclear. There are still violations of the officers and civil servants in communicating with colleagues and the people, receiving disapproval from the public. The behaviors of the people in families and public places have not shown positive changes. Domestic violence, behaviors lack of civilization and culture, insensitive behaviors are still present.
According to Mrs. Nguyen Thi Bich Ngoc, Chairwoman of the People’s Council of Ha Noi, the Steering Committee has determined the reasons for the unchanging situation in the building of elegant and modern Hanoians and the deployment of the Codes of Conduct, namely the increase of population and constant change of population structure (an annual average increase of 200,000 with about 2 million self-employed laborers), resulting in an ineffective generic dissemination campaign whereby specific subjects have not been determined, and the lack of sanctions and lack of strict enforcement of those present.
Therefore, in 2018, the Steering Committee for Program 04 identifies the target group as officers, public employees, and civil servants of the city as well as the students, college students, Youth Union members, and members of organizations. Each of these subjects will be applied a different solution package, with the first solutions being those for the dissemination and assignment of the implementing units.
The Steering Committee for Program 04 has decided on the pilot deployment in the districts of Tay Ho, Cau Giay, My Duc, Soc Son, etc. from which experience will be drawn for deployment in other areas. The pilot deployment will be disseminated to each unit and residential group. The monitoring of the People’s Council will also be enhanced.
There must be clear results in the implementation of the Codes of Conduct
In his speech at the working session, the Party Secretary of the Hanoi stated that Program 04 was a very important program in the eight work programs defined by the Municipal Party Committee because culture was the foundation of the society; economic development must be build on cultural and social development. Therefore, the development of solutions for the implementation of Program 04 is of importance so as to ensure the achievement of the city’s development objectives.
The Party Secretary of Hanoi also noted that in the past two years, Program 04 had attracted the participation of all levels, branches, residential areas, and residential quarters in maintaining and preserving many beautiful cultural features of the capital city.
Regarding the plan of implementation of the two Codes of Conduct in the coming time, the Party Secretary of Hanoi requested the implementation plans from now to 2020 to achieve clear results upon deployment in the system of officers, public employees, and civil servants in the political system of the city.
“The city’s authorities must consider this as a task and must develop a plan for implementation, and make clear changes. Suggestions and proposals must provide implementation models for the coming time, focusing on models at family, residential group, residential area, commune/ward, district, and city levels” said the Party Secretary of Hanoi.
The Party Secretary of Hanoi also asked for behaviors showing lack of cultural traits to be criticized in the families and residential areas. In addition, the role of the heads is also important; the heads of units, officers, public employees, and civil servants showing bad behaviors would also not be qualified to serve the people. Each district, commune, and ward should organize cross-examination to learn good traits and discover the limitations of each unit.
On the dissemination of the Code of Conduct in public places, the Party Secretary of Hanoi stated clearly that it is necessary to identify places likely to incur inadequate behaviors, such as markets, commercial centers, cinemas, bus stations, roads, etc. for effective dissemination.
Regarding the Code of Conduct in agencies and units, the Party Secretary of Hanoi stressed: “The city’s officers, public employees, and civil servants must be aware that their unit are service units and the government’s role is to serve the people in order to change their mindset to avoid having controversial behaviors with the people and enterprises”.