Culture & Life

Exhibition “Former Vietnamese Education and Examinations through Documentary Heritages of the World” showed the Vietnamese education and examinations during the monarchy


On the afternoon of March 5, at the Special National Relic Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam, the Center of Scientific and Cultural Activities of Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam coordinated with the National Archives Centre N1, the National Archives Centre N4 under The State Records Management and Archives Department of Vietnam, Ministry of..

On the afternoon of March 5, at the Special National Relic Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam, the Center of Scientific and Cultural Activities of Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam coordinated with the National Archives Centre N1, the National Archives Centre N4 under The State Records Management and Archives Department of Vietnam, Ministry of Home Affairs, organized the opening of a special exhibition titled “Former Vietnamese Education and Examinations through Documentary Heritages of the World”.

 Grand Opening Ceremony Ribbon

The exhibition introduced to the public, domestic and foreign visitors 07 printing woodblocks of Nguyen Dynasty, 40 displaying shelves of 56 documents reflecting the former Vietnamese education and examinations which were distilled from three World Heritage Sites of Vietnam such as Nguyen Dynasty’s printing woodblocks, imperial records of Nguyen Dynasty and stone stele records of imperial examinations at Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam, a place where many talented people of the country have been trained and honored for the tradition  of fondness for learning, respecting talents, honoring the cultural celebrity today.

The exhibition entitled “Former Vietnamese Education and Examinations through Documentary Heritages of the World” not only reappears the vivid picture of the Vietnamese education and examinations during the monarchy such as the point of view of the State on education, the examinations; examination system; famous academics; State rewards granted to academic achievers, etc. which are  preserved in the World Heritage Documentation, and through which promotes and honors the value of the documentary heritage of Vietnam internationally recognized. The layout of the exhibition consists of three parts including the history of Vietnam education and examinations through dynasties; Quoc Tu Giam – high-level education center of the monarchy; stone stele records of imperial examinations and distinguished academics.

Historian Duong Trung Quoc said: “Attending the exhibition, the public is seen, approached a heritage we have preserved, over time, the ups and downs of the times as well as the weather. That gives us a perception on a scientific basis of an area of ​​great importance to our people in the cause of national construction and defense, i.e. examinations – training of talents, etc. This is the evidence is preserved and scientific in nature. To the world, it is considered a world tangible cultural and material heritage which is showed clearly from the evidence we are trying to preserve and continue to collect. This exhibition is also an opportunity for the public to know and understand the education and examinations background of the country, and to see that the archiving agency is a place to preserve and also communicate. This exhibition is a very meaningful work not only in the archives but also in the culture in general. ”

 Historian Duong Trung Quoc

The co-ordination of the exhibition on the occasion of the beginning of Lunar New Year 2018 among the Center of Scientific and Cultural Activities of Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam, National Archives Centre N1, National Archives Centre N4 and the agencies in charge of directly preserving the World Heritage Database of Vietnam has opened a new direction in preserving and promoting the value of the world documentary heritages, enabled the domestic and international public to be approached closer to the documentary heritage of Vietnam, as well as raised the awareness of the community in protecting and promoting the cultural heritage value of the nation.

The exhibition is being held in the Dai Bai Courtyard of Van Mieu-Quoc Tu Giam from March 5th 2018 to April 5th 2018.

By Bao Han