“Going by Autumn” is an exhibition of the “So you can paint” group, consisting of 12 artists who are originally from the technical field and are not specialized in painting. But a strong passion for art has brought these people together, motivating them to pick up their brushes and compose every day.
60 works on display at the exhibition of “Going by Autumn” are works inspired by simple things, daily happiness and precious contemplations of each author in his life. The beautiful years of youth have passed, but now looking back, they pack all those beautiful emotions into each of their works. The exhibition is also a meaningful activity to encourage the elderly to participate in cultural and artistic activities, improve spiritual values, and lead a joyful and healthy life.
The work of “The field in the afternoon” by Dang Kim Tram
Through this exhibition, the group of 12 artists want to present a milestone for the past learning journey for each individual in the group. Simple and idyllic – it’s a way to start, and also an affirmation of the creative passions that will follow them for a long time to come.
It is known that the group “So you can paint” was founded by 3 sisters of martyr Dang Thuy Tram, including Dang Phuong Tram, Dang Hien Tram, Dang Kim Tram and friends, in September 2016 to evoke artistic potential from peers. They are retired engineers, scientists, managers but passionate about painting and could not afford to study in their youth.
The exhibition will be on display from October 28, 2021 to November 1, 2021 at the 1st floor of the Exhibition Hall of Fine Arts at No.16 Ngo Quyen Street, Hanoi.