The Capital’s trade union members and youth parade propaganda to build civilized lifestyle before the 2nd North Korea – United States Summit in Hanoi.
To provide the best services for the 2nd North Korea – United States Summit in Hanoi, from 26/02/2019 until 02/3/2019 as well as continue to maintain urban order and traffic order and safety, improve the people’s awareness in ensuring environmental hygiene, keep an elegant and civilized cultural lifestyle and implement two sets of the Code of Conduct in next time in order to enhance the image and position of Vietnam and Hanoi Capital with international friends, the Chairman of the City People’s Committee asked the Director of the City’s Department and the Chairmen of the People’s Committees at district and town level to focus on the following contents:
Strictly implement the contents directed by the City People’s Committee, ensure environmental hygiene in streets, public areas and areas expected to be visited by the delegations, hotel expected to be stayed by the delegations and organize the Summit; and strengthen coordination with the concerned agencies in absolutely ensuring security, urban order, traffic safety and environmental sanitation during the Summit.
Consolidate propaganda for the Capital people to understand the meaning and importance of the Summit and the honor of Hanoi City where this event is closely interested in the whole world; mobilize and encourage the Capital people to implement the following contents:
Strictly abide by law provisions, preserve and ensure security and order; actively participate in and respond to orderly waving when the delegations travel on the roads (dressing up elegantly and neatly and holding flags and flowers in two hands)
Comply with traffic laws, request the competent agencies to ensure traffic, proactively give way Maintain and promote the behavioral culture of Hanoians, enhancing the image of civilized, elegant, friendly and hospitable Vietnamese people and Hanoians in international press and friends, especially with the Summit, to maintain the image of a safe and friendly Hanoi – Vietnam – City for Peace;
Nhiệt tình hướng dẫn, giúp đỡ các nhà báo, khách quốc tế tham quan, tác nghiệp trên địa bàn Thành phố; Các tổ chức, các hộ gia đình, cá nhân kinh doanh, buôn bán, sinh hoạt ở hai bên các tuyến đường nâng cao ý thức, trách nhiệm trong công tác đảm bảo vệ sinh môi trường, trật tự đô thị,trang trí nhà cửa sạch, đẹp, không thực hiện tăng giá tất cả các dịch vụ, các loại sản phẩm, hàng hóa phục vụ khách trong thời gian diễn ra Hội nghị.
Enthusiastically guide and help international journalists and visitors to visit and work in the City; request organizations, households and individuals doing business and living on both sides of the roads to improve awareness of and responsibility for environmental hygiene, urban order and beautiful home decoration. Do not increase the price of all services, products and goods serving the visitors during the Summit;
This is a good opportunity to introduce culture, development and images of the country, Vietnamese people and Hanoi Capital to the world; affirm the position and responsibility of Vietnam, Hanoi Capital toward the international community and maintain peace and friendship. The Chairman of Hanoi City People’s Committee asked the Director of the City’s departments, the Chairmen of the People’s Committees at district and town level to strictly fulfill the assigned tasks; request the news agencies, press, organizations, individuals and Capital people to continue to support and coordinate with the Capital Authority and functional agencies to serve the Summit.