
Launching the Award “For a Liveable Hanoi”


The Organizing Committee introducing the rules of the Award “For a Liveable Hanoi”. “For a livable Hanoi” is a network founded by a group of architects and social activists. The network gathers members from many different fields of work, of different ages, but have in common a love for Hanoi and a common goal of..

The Organizing Committee introducing the rules of the Award “For a Liveable Hanoi”.

“For a livable Hanoi” is a network founded by a group of architects and social activists. The network gathers members from many different fields of work, of different ages, but have in common a love for Hanoi and a common goal of building and implementing activities for the community, towards a more livable Hanoi. One of the outstanding activities of “For a Liveable Hanoi” recently is to renovate a section of the Red River bank into an ecological park; the project for greening the Phao Hamlet.

Coordinator of the Network “For a livable Hanoi” Le Quang Binh said: “In fact, there are many organizations and individuals that silently contribute to Hanoi in many different fields. We feel it is necessary to spread these actions to the community, so we have built the Award to honor the specific actions of organizations and individuals that have contributed to the conservation and development of the Capital in terms of culture, society and environment”.

Illustration: The award aims to honor the specific actions of organizations and individuals that have contributed to the preservation and development of the Capital in terms of culture, society and environment.

The award “For a livable Hanoi” consists of the following main categories: The arts and culture category honors cultural and artistic works, programs and art – cultural projects that contribute to improving the cultural life of the Capital people; The category of environment – urban space will be given to activities and projects that contribute to improving the environment, expanding and renovating urban space, increasing the quality of people life; The inclusion category is for activities and projects to support weak and disadvantaged groups or activities that promote empathy, non-discrimination, respect for diversity and equality in order to build humanistic urban culture.

The award also includes the Personality of the Year category, honoring people who have made outstanding cultural, social and environmental contributions to Hanoi during the year.

Candidates for the Award “For a Liveable Hanoi” must meet the following criteria: Activities that are held within 2 years until October 10 of the awarding year; activities that have positive, verifiable effects on people’s lives and living environment; activities that are creative, new and inspiring for many people to do; activities that do not go against human values ​​and dignity, etc.

After receiving the nominations, the Secretariat will screen them according to the eligibility criteria of the award. After that, the nominations will be widely introduced in the mass media; At the same time, they will be scored by the members of the Jury.

The honored organizations and individuals will receive the Cups “For a Liveable Hanoi” and are expected to be awarded VND 30 million/award. The competition’s judges are all members of the “For a Liveable Hanoi” network based on the members’ expertise, interests and work. The source of financial funding is the contributions of network members.

According to the Organizing Committee, the Award Ceremony “For a Liveable Hanoi” will be held on the Saturday before October 10 every year in Hanoi.

Thảo Nguyên