
Long Bien District: On the road to a civilized city


In implementation of the Hanoi City Party Committee’s Directive No. 17-CT/TU, dated April 11, 2004 on enhancing the Party’s leadership in the campaign “All people join hands to build new rural areas and civilized cities” in association with other programs of the Party Committee, especially the Program No. 03, the Long Bien District Party Standing..

In implementation of the Hanoi City Party Committee’s Directive No. 17-CT/TU, dated April 11, 2004 on enhancing the Party’s leadership in the campaign “All people join hands to build new rural areas and civilized cities” in association with other programs of the Party Committee, especially the Program No. 03, the Long Bien District Party Standing Committee issued the Directive No. 11-CT/QU for effective fulfillment of the campaign’s purposes, requirements and contents.

Accordingly, the District Party Standing Committee requested the committees at all levels to disseminate thoroughly the Dirrective No. 17 of the City Party Committee to the Party cells, cadres and party members; directed the authorities, the Fatherland Front and the socio-political organizations to disseminate and communicate information to cadres, civil servants, officials, associations, members and residents; and clarified the responsibilities of the Party committees at all levels and the authorities in leadership, direction and coordination with the VFF at all levels with respect to implementing some key contents such as:

Together participating in economic development, improving people’s lives; Uniting to build a cultural life, caring for the cause of education, developing human resources, caring for people’s health; building cultural families; promoting the tradition of reward, mutual affection, friendship, good tradition of the capital of thousand years of civilization, developing elegant and civilized Long Bien and Hanoi people; Joining hands to protect the environment, responding to climate change; Obeying the laws, ensuring social order and security. Uniting and promoting democracy, actively participating in social supervision and criticism, contributing to the building of a clean and strong grassroots political system.

The District People’s Committee develops a concrete plan to effectively enforce the coordination between the local government and the Fatherland Front Committee; ensures the mechanism and conditions for the VFF at all levels to implement the campaign, especially at the grassroots; and coordinates in researching and promulgating the contents, criteria and emulation titles for the campaign, suitable to the actual situation of the district.

The District People’s Council takes initiative in developing specialized resolutions on building a civilized city and strengthening the supervision of the contents of the “All people join hand to build a civilized city” campaign in the district.

The District Fatherland Front presides over and guides the implementation of the “all people join hands to build a civilized city” campainge in the district; renews the contents and modes of propagation so that the people can clearly understand the purposes, significance, contents and measures of the campaign; promotes the mastery of the people and stays close to the people and the grassroots; listens to opinions and timely reflects the aspirations, proposals and initiatives of the people in carrying out the campaign; builds and replicates self-management models; discovers, replicates, commends and rewards promptly the advanced models in the campaign, creating a spread among population communities.

The district socio-political organizations work out the plans for implementing the campaign according to their functions and tasks; promote propaganda and encouragement of members to actively participate in the “All people join hands to build a civilized city” campaign in association with effective implementation of emulation movements of the units and the “smart mass mobilisation” campaign in the area.

Ngoc Thuy ward’s young volunteer team propagates the urban civilized order

 The District  Party Committee’s Propaganda and Training Commission speeds up the propaganda in various forms and with practical contents regarding the “All people join hands to build a civilized city” campaign on the broadcasting system, district portal and other means.

The district Inspection Committee strengthens checks and supervision over the Party committees, the authorities, the Fatherland Front and the socio-political organizations in carrying out the campaign.

The District Party Committee’s Commission for Mass Mobilisation takes the lead in coordinating with the District Fatherland Front Committee, the various party committees and relevant agencies to help the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee to supervise, monitor and inspect the implementation of the Directive; have periodical briefings on the implementation with the Party Committees of all levels, promptly drawing experience in leading and directing the implementation of the campaign.

The grassroots party committees intensify the urging, inspection, supervision and evaluation of the results of the campaign; attaches the responsibility of Party organizations and party members to the leadership, direction, coordination and implementation of the campaign at the units, determining this as a criterion for evaluating the performance of annual political tasks, including the term of committees, party organizations and individual party members.

Thanh Mai