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Organizing the Vietnam Sea and Islands week


Accordingly, in response to many practical and effective activities, the agencies focused on propagating the Party’s orientations and guidelines, the State’s policies related laws and international law on seas and islands; the lawful and legitimate rights and interests of Vietnam in the sea; position, role and importance of seas, islands and oceans; marine and island..

Accordingly, in response to many practical and effective activities, the agencies focused on propagating the Party’s orientations and guidelines, the State’s policies related laws and international law on seas and islands; the lawful and legitimate rights and interests of Vietnam in the sea; position, role and importance of seas, islands and oceans; marine and island resources and environment; sustainable development of marine economy, etc., on the basis of the Resolution No. 36-NQ/TW of the Central Committee and the Guidance No. 35-HD/BTGTW dated 31/12/2021 of the Central Committee for propaganda on  sea and island in 2022 which were sent to the Standing committees of the provincial and municipal Party Committees.

From 15/05 to 15/06/2022, the activities are organized within the framework of Vietnam Seas and Islands Week and in response to World Oceans Day 2022 in whole country, with a focus on practical activities for strongly influencing the community’s awareness. Hang banners, panels, posters on the above topics (encouraging the use of environmentally friendly materials) in public places, main streets, office buildings, etc. to remind and create conditions for all organizations, individuals and communities to exercise their rights and obligations to participate in the protection of the marine and island environment, and to develop sustainably the marine economy.

In addition, it also organizes seminars, conferences and workshops on management, exploitation and use of resources and environmental protection of sea and islands towards sustainable development and unified management serving socio-economic development as well as ensuring national defense and security.

Media agencies, newspapers, radio and television stations increase the broadcast time to report, articles, reportages, special pages and columns to propagate activities in response to the Vietnam Sea and Islands Week and the UN World Oceans Day 2022./.

Duy Thái