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Praising exemplary models, good people, good deeds and honoring 10 elite citizens of the capital city in 2017


Attending guests at the conference were central leaders, Mr. Vo Van Thuong – Commissioner of the Political Bureau, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Propaganda and Education Commission; Ms. Dao Hong Lan – alternate Commissioner of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Minister of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs; Ms. Tran Thi..

Attending guests at the conference were central leaders, Mr. Vo Van Thuong – Commissioner of the Political Bureau, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Propaganda and Education Commission; Ms. Dao Hong Lan – alternate Commissioner of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Minister of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs; Ms. Tran Thi Ha – Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Head of the Central Committee of Emulation and Reward, and representatives of ministries and central committees and departments.

The presence of the leaders of Hanoi City at the conference was represented by Mr. Hoang Trung Hai – Commissioner of the Political Bureau, Party Municipal Secretary; Ms. Ngo Thi Thanh Hang – Commissioner of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Standing Party Municipal Secretary; Mr. Nguyen Duc Chung – Commissioner of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Party Municipal Secretary, Chairman of the Municipal People’s Committee; Ms. Nguyen Thi Bich Ngoc, Deputy Party Municipal Secretary, Chairwoman of the Municipal People’s Council; Mr. Dao Duc Toan, Deputy Party Municipal Secretary; Mr. Vu Hong Khanh – Chairman of Vietnam Fatherland Front Municipal Committee of Hanoi City, and leaders of municipal departments, boards, and authorities, and especially 10 “Elite Citizens of the Capital” and 790 exemplary models representing the capital city’s “Good People, Good Deeds” movement in 2017.

Delegates attending the conference – Photo by

In his speech at the conference, Mr. Nguyen Duc Chung, Chairman of Hanoi Municipal People’s Committee, had reviewed 25 years of implementation of the capital city’s “Good people, good deeds” movement.

In implementation of the call for patriotic emulation of Uncle Ho and the directives of Mr. Pham Van Dong, Adviser to the Party Central Committee, the Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee, and Vietnam Fatherland Front Municipal Committee of Hanoi City officially launched an emulation movement named “Good people, good deeds” in 1992. The authorities of Hanoi City have since issued a number of significant directives and plans to direct the implementation of the movement and considered it to be the focus of the emulation and reward activities in the renovation period.

The Chairman of the Municipal People’s Committee affirmed that in the past 25 years, thanks to the awareness of the role and effect of the “Good People, Good Deeds” movement, the Party committees, authorities, and unions have actively directed and organized the implementation of the movement with increasingly practical contents which were associated with political tasks and social life of the capital city. Therefore, the movement has created a spread within the community, attracting more and more sectors and people to participate and to show support. Through the movement of emulation, over 24,000 representative “good people, good deeds” models have been discovered and over 32,000 “good people, good deeds” models have been praised and rewarded by the district, town authorities and heads of units.

Mr. Nguyen Duc Chung, Chairman of Hanoi Municipal People’s Committee, delivering his speech at the conference – Photo by

With the motto of delivering innovation and efficiency by using specific measures and solutions, the deployment of the “Good People, Good Deeds” movement in 2017 has, up to this point of the year, been more extensive and practical so far. The goal of the city’s deployment of the “Good People, Good Deeds” movement in 2017 is to inspire and promote the spirit of solidarity and responsibility to the community of the masses of people.

The city recognizes that the sectors, localities, and units have had many initiatives and creative ideas, embodied in the establishment of specific emulation movement, good models, or new deployment methods which deliver practical results. The 11,250 local exemplary models and “good people, good deeds” models as well as 790 individuals rewarded by the city are good examples in working and in building and contribution to the capital city in the areas of economy, science, culture-society, security, and defense.

To ensure the efficiency of the “Good People, Good Deeds” movement in the coming time, the Chairman of the Municipal People’s Committee required the Party committees, authorities, departments, sectors, unions, and the masses of citizens of the capital city to continue to raise awareness about the role and significance of the movement, to focus on the implementation of the five key tasks, especially to effectively implement the contents and solutions stated in the Plan No. 115/KH-UBND dated June 1, 2017 issued by the Municipal People’s Committee on reforming and enhancing the quality of the emulation and reward activities propagate, and to thoroughly grasp and strictly implement the policies on consideration and conferment of the title of “Good People, Good Deeds” in the city. The units shall monthly consider carrying out the conferment and reward according to their competence, focusing on discovering and recommending typical “Good People, Good Deeds” models for timely recognition by the city. The units were also required to pay attention in timely rewarding workers, farmers, officers, civil servants, and public employees who directly perform the tasks as well as children and elderly people in the communities who do good deeds.

Exemplary models and elite citizens sharing stories about their good deeds

After the delivery of the speech by Chairman of the People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Chung, representative “Good People, Good Deeds” models and Elite Citizens of the Capital came up on stage to share the stories about their work and deeds. Some prominent individuals were Ms. Tran Mai Anh, founder of the “Thien Nhan and Friends” program, one of the first 10 Elite Citizens of the Capital who were honored on the occasion of the Millennial Anniversary of Hanoi for her volunteer work to bring happiness and life-changing opportunities to thousands of children with genital abnormalities; Captain Nguyen Tuan Cuong from Traffic Police Team No. 2, PC 67 Department, Public Security of Hanoi City, an exemplary model of 2017 in serving the people, an officer who, outside from his professional work, had repeatedly participated in the arrest of criminals and return of lost property to owners; athlete Duong Thuy Vi (b. 1993) of the Hanoi Wushu Team who had constantly strived to overcome difficulties and made great efforts in sport competitions to bring glory to the capital city and the country; Hoang Duc Manh, student of class 9A of Hong Quang Secondary School, a good student despite his difficult living conditions and an exemplary model in helping friends who are less fortunate with his stories of picking up on the bike and piggybacking to school twice a day his classmate who had a broken leg.

At the conference, Mr. Vo Van Thuong, Commissioner of the Political Bureau, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Propaganda and Education Commission, and Mr. Hoang Trung Hai, Commissioner of the Political Bureau, Party Municipal Secretary, awarded the title of “Elite Citizen of the Capital” of 2017 to 10 following individuals:

Mr. Vo Van Thuong, Head of Central Propaganda and Education Commission, and Mr. Hoang Trung Hai, Party Municipal Secretary, honoring 10 Elite Citizens of the Capital of 2017 – Photo by

10 individuals awarded the title of “Elite Citizen of the Capital” of 2017

1- Photographer Le Vuong (b. 1918) from Hanoi Union of Literature and Arts Associations.

2- Athlete Duong Thuy Vi (b. 1993) from Hanoi Wushu Team and National Wushu Team

3- Assoc. Prof. Tran Xuan Bach, PhD. (b. 1984), lecturer of Department of Health Economics, Institute of Preventive Medicine and Public Health of Hanoi Medical University, Member of the Standing Committee of Hanoi Young Physicians’ Association.

4- Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thi Bich Thuy (b. 1958), senior researcher, lecturer at the University of Transport Technology

5- People’s physician Nguyen Hong Siem (b. 1956), Chairman of Hanoi Traditional Medicine Association

6- Mr. Nguyen Huu Loc (b. 1960), Head of Inspection Department No. 6, Inspectorate of Hanoi City

7- Mr. Dang Cat (b. 1938) from Nhat Tan Ward, Tay Ho District

8- Artisan Le Ba Chung (b. 1960) from Kieu Ky, Gia Lam District

9- Mr. Ta Dinh Huy (b. 1983) from An My Village, Thuong Vuc Commune, Chuong My District

10- Senior Lieutenant Colonel Dao Anh Tuan (b. 1967), Vice Head of PC52 Department, Public Security of Hanoi City.
