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Promulgating the implementation plan for the program on ethics and lifestyle education in the families up to 2030


The plan aims to contribute to the implementation of the Vietnam Family Development Strategy to 2030 (Decision No. 2238/QD-TTg dated December 30, 2021 of the Prime Minister) as well as to specify the work contents, completion schedule, coordination mechanism and responsibilities of agencies and units in the cultural, sports and tourism sectors and related agencies..

The plan aims to contribute to the implementation of the Vietnam Family Development Strategy to 2030 (Decision No. 2238/QD-TTg dated December 30, 2021 of the Prime Minister) as well as to specify the work contents, completion schedule, coordination mechanism and responsibilities of agencies and units in the cultural, sports and tourism sectors and related agencies and organizations in the implementation of the Program.

This plan is the basis for units under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to develop the detailed plans to implement the Program according to their assigned functions and tasks, and for Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism/Department of Culture and Sports/Department of Culture, Information, Sports and Tourism (hereinafter referred to as Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism) of provinces and cities directly under the central government to advise the People’s Committees of the same level to issue implementation plans and direct the implementation, inspection, supervision and evaluation of the implementation of the Program.

 Happy family. Illustration

The plan includes 8 basic contents as follows:

  1. Continue to innovate communication work to raise awareness of families, community and society about the importance of moral education and lifestyle in families.
  2. Step up the State management of the family works: Review, develop and issue guiding documents, deploy and urge ministries, branches and localities to implement the Program and Code of Conduct for families. To foster and train staffs performing family works at all levels in the organization and implementation of the Program. Develop and sign interdisciplinary cooperation programs between relevant agencies on the implementation of moral and lifestyle education in families. Build and replicate models and clubs about typical, happy and model families.
  3. Promote the effectiveness of grassroots cultural institutions in order to improve the spiritual life of family members: to promote the efficiency of use of grassroots cultural and sports institutions to serve these needs of recreation, exercise and sports, contributing to building Vietnamese people’s physical and mental health. Consolidate the role of the system of cultural houses, traditional houses, grassroots libraries, and institutions of cultural and historical works; develop a variety of forms and activities of culture, art, physical training, sports and other community activities in the education of ideals, ethics, lifestyles, and standards of conduct for family members, especially the younger generation. Integrate the content of moral and lifestyle education in families into the activities of the Movement “All people unite to build cultural life”.
  4. Promote the role of the families in moral and lifestyle education: Communicating to mobilize grandparents, parents, and elders in the families to promote their roles, responsibilities, and play as role models in education of moral, lifestyle and conducts in their families to comprehensively and harmoniously educate about virtue, intelligence, physical health and fine arts for the young generation, teenagers and children. Organize activities to implement the Code of Conduct for Families for the period of 2022-2025; 2025-2030 aimed to achieve the goal of reaching 70% by 2025 and by 2030 reaching over 90% of households registered to implement the Code of Conduct for Families.
  5. Promote the application of information technology and digital transformation in moral and lifestyle education in families: Effectively exploit information technology applications and enhance digital transformation in moral and lifestyle education for family members suitable for each age group and target group. Apply software and tools in cyberspace to capture information and direct public opinion on building a prosperous, progressive, happy and civilized families, and promptly detect and prevent risks, conflicts and violence in families.
  6. Timely commending and rewarding organizations and individuals that make positive and effective contributions to moral and lifestyle education for family members.
  7. Effectively mobilize and use resources for family works, give priority to rural and mountainous areas, ethnic minority areas with extremely difficult economic conditions and where many industrial parks are located; promote socialization, encourage and facilitate for individuals, organizations and enterprises to support officials and employees to participate in and study content of moral and lifestyle education in families.
  8. To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned agencies in, annually inspecting, monitoring, evaluating and reporting to competent authorities on the results of the Program’s implementation; organize a preliminary review of the implementation of the Program in 2025, a summary of that in 2030.

The Departments of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the provinces and of centrally-run cities shall, based on this Plan, advise the People’s Committees of the same level to issue local plans to implement the Program; Organize the integration of tasks and solutions of the Plan in the implementation of programs, plans and projects of the sector in the locality; Focus on promoting the effectiveness of interdisciplinary cooperation in moral and lifestyle education in families, especially at the grassroots level; Pay attention to the arrangement and balance of resources of the sector in the locality to ensure the effective implementation of moral and lifestyle education in families; Develop a network of collaborators participating in propaganda and raising awareness about moral and lifestyle for family members; Guidelines for integrating the content of Code of Conduct for Families and Family Values ​​in the new era into the conventions of the residential communities;etc.