
Relics Promotion and protection to be furthered


Head of the supervising mision concludes the meeting Ha Noi at present boasts 5.922 relics, including 2.435 classified by differrent categories (world heritages, special national relics, municipally categorized relics) and 3.486 non-classified relics. Of which, they are split into various forms as 50 revolutionary relics, 2.007 pagodas, 1.804 temples, 811 altar houses and 292 shires…..

Head of the supervising mision concludes the meeting

Ha Noi at present boasts 5.922 relics, including 2.435 classified by differrent categories (world heritages, special national relics, municipally categorized relics) and 3.486 non-classified relics. Of which, they are split into various forms as 50 revolutionary relics, 2.007 pagodas, 1.804 temples, 811 altar houses and 292 shires… The city has 18 intangible heritages listed as national ones, namely 3 recognized by UNESCO as human representative intangible cultural heritage, intangible cultural heritage in urgent need to be protected and 1 world documentary heritage… After having conducted a survey, made a dossier and an inventory, there are existing 727 degraded relics which need financial resources for repair, i.e 448 degraded relics and 279 other are under serious condition.

Recently, Ha Noi Department of Culture and Sports has attached great importance to the managerial work, such as regularly organizing training courses, disseminating documents on management, protection and promotion of the heritages’s values, aimed at improving the expertises and professionalism in favour of staff at all levels. So far, there are 136 heritages which have been submitted to Ha Noi People’s for project approval; and 27 others for urgent rehabilitation. At the same time, agreement papers for 8 embellishment relic projects have been issued; demarcation of lanmarks has been made at certain relics; the masterplan for conservation and enhancement of Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam cultural temple has been designed … Apart from that, the cultural and sports sector has also counselled Ha Noi People’s Committee to focus on the completion of a network of culture – information – sports  institutions, especially at the grassroots level which have been conceived as criteria for rcognition under the City’s Programme  No. 04-CTr/TU and Plan No. 155/KH-UBND…

Concluding the meeting, Head of the Socio – Cultural Committee Nguyen Thanh Binh highly appreciated the outcomes achieved by the Cultural and Sports Sector in the aspects of counselling; relic management, renovation and promotion. Speaking about the task of cultural management, he emphasized that the cultural work be more frequent and also requested that the Sector strengthen the inspection of relics management, attaching the responsibilities to the administrations and unions at the grassroots level in the relic protection and enhancement.

By Quynh Anh