
Reviewing the contents of the competition program of the 31st SEA Games  


  According to the General Department of Physical Training and Sports, to complete the preparations for the 31st Southeast Asian Games (31st SEA Games) held in Vietnam in 2021, on February 24, Mr. Tran Duc Phan – Deputy The General Director of the General Department of Physical Training and Sports had a meeting with the..


According to the General Department of Physical Training and Sports, to complete the preparations for the 31st Southeast Asian Games (31st SEA Games) held in Vietnam in 2021, on February 24, Mr. Tran Duc Phan – Deputy The General Director of the General Department of Physical Training and Sports had a meeting with the departments of the High-Performance Sports Department 1 and the High-Performance Sports Department 2.

 The 31st SEA Games will be held mainly in Hanoi and some neighboring localities.

The meeting focused on reviewing the competition content of each subject scheduled in the competition program of 31st SEA Games. Accordingly, 37 sports selected to compete in this Games with a specific report on the content as well as the strengths of each subject.
According to the guidance of Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam, in this 31st SEA Games from organizing to professional work, it needs to change in many aspects. The host country will bring the entire Olympic system to compete in the 31st SEA Games, in addition to adding some traditional sports, Vietnam’s strengths into the competition, but this number is very few.
Therefore, Deputy General Director Tran Duc Phan requires the subjects to be registered and competition content must be in the competition content of the Olympic, from which to build the suitable orientation, selection, players training plans. This will be a special SEA Games, Vietnam will be the pioneer country to organize the SEA Games with the largest number of Olympic sports ever.
The biggest goal that the 31st SEA Games host country wants to aim for is that the content of the competition must ensure harmony between the participating teams, to create a fair and fair playing field and reflect a beautiful image of the organization of Vietnam. All will compete equally on the contents of the Olympic system of each subject included by the organizing Board.
Deputy General Director Tran Duc Phan affirmed: Decision No. 1616/QD-TTg also clearly defined the number of subjects in the official competition program of Olympic, Asian Games accounting for about 2/3 of the total number of subjects at the 31st SEA Games; Other countries in the region can propose some other subjects as usual… This is the right direction, assessing the development trend of regional sports as well as the foundation of Vietnamese sports.
Based on this general orientation, the experts of subjects have built a specific draft of the content of competition as well as the competitive ability of Vietnamese athletes. In particular, the common criteria in the Olympic group, Asian Games must be the basic subjects and the subjects are widely developing in Southeast Asia. Traditional sports of Vietnam such as Shuttlecock, Vovinam are also organized, to preserve the value of these subjects, and promote them to the whole region. Besides, there are some traditional subjects in the region, which are attracting many Southeast Asian countries to develop together, constantly appearing in the Asian Games competition will be held.
According to Mr. Tran Duc Phan: 31st SEA Games will focus on the subjects of the Olympic program, Asian Games. In particular, the contents of swimming, athletics, rowing, etc., will be fully organized. Vietnam wants to organize SEA Games close to the Olympic or Asian Games. That means it will ensure the same content of the competition as in the Olympic or Asian Games, creating more opportunities for the gold medals competition for delegation to attend, not just the home team.
Another reason for Vietnam Sports to confidently focus on organizing the Olympic and Asian Games at 31st SEA Games in 2021 is that the quality of these sports of Vietnam has been developing steadily in recent years. Along with that, the force of young athletes, the national team of Vietnam is making progress, developing very professionally and has many opportunities to win the Gold Medal. Therefore, in this 31st SEA Games, Vietnam Sports is relatively confident with Olympic Sports and this is also in the right direction of development of Vietnam Sports in the coming years.
Therefore, to ensure the correct schedule and preparation plan for the 31st SEA Games, Deputy General Director Tran Duc Phan requested that the subjects based on the proposed draft content of the competition in each subject need to be subject to final close review, focusing closely on the guidelines of the steering committee and the organizing board required to devise appropriate organizational plans. From there, soon submitted to the Prime Minister to approve the competition program of the 31st SEA Games.
