Bộ The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism requested to strengthen the propaganda, dissemination and introduction of books, newspapers and documents to serve the political tasks of the country and localities. Illustrations.
The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism issued Document No. 2371/BVHTTDL-TV to the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Department of Culture and Sports, the Department of Culture, Information, Sports and Tourism of provinces/cities on guiding the implementation plan of tasks in 2022 in the field of libraries.
Accordingly, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism requested the above units to direct the local public library system to continue to strengthen the propaganda, dissemination and introduction of books, newspapers and materials to serve the needs of the political tasks of the country and locality; implement projects and work programs of the Government and branches; implement the Library Law No. 46/2019/QH14 and its guiding documents; advise the People’s Committees of the provinces/centrally-run cities to approve the plan and implement the “Program on the digital transformation of the library field to 2025, with orientation to 2030”. The plan continues being implemented in the period 2021 – 2025 for the scheme for “developing reading culture in the community”.
Local Book and Reading Culture Day 2022 – Responding to Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day (April 21) and World Book and Copyright Day (April 23); propaganda, display and exhibition activities in service of the Lunar New Year of the Tigers in 2022, political tasks, national and local celebrations in 2022will be organized.
In addition, the units facilitate and arrange to participate in activities scheduled to take place in 2022 organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, including Contest “Ambassador of Reading Culture 2022”; Online Book Introduction Contest 2022; Workshop on digital transformation and library linkage; Festival of Librarians to Propagandize and Introduce Books – Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs’ Day (July 27, 1947 – July 27, 2022); Training to improve skills to develop a reading culture in the community; Training to improve digital transformation capacity in public libraries; Closing ceremony and awarding of the Reading Culture Development Award 2022.
In the process of organizing the implementation of tasks, based on the actual situation, it is required to ensure strict implementation of safety measures to prevent and control the Covid-19 epidemic under the direction of the Government.