Culture & Life

Summarizing and evaluating the results of the preliminary round of the 3rd Friendly Village Head contest in Hanoi – 2022


Participants of the meeting were Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Hanoi city Nguyen Sy Truong, members of the Jury, the secretariat; representatives of departments and units under Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports; representatives of People’s Committees, Culture and Information Offices of districts and towns for which their village heads will..

Participants of the meeting were Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Hanoi city Nguyen Sy Truong, members of the Jury, the secretariat; representatives of departments and units under Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports; representatives of People’s Committees, Culture and Information Offices of districts and towns for which their village heads will participate in the final round.

 Mr. Bui Minh Hoang – Head of Cultural Lifestyle and Family Development Department spoke at the meeting.

At the meeting, the Organizing Committee made comments and evaluated the results of the preliminary round, and implemented the tasks of organizing the final round of the 3rd Friendly Village Head contest in Hanoi – 2022.

Accordingly, the preliminary round of the contest took place in 03 areas with the participation of 18 village heads representing 18 districts and towns in the city. For the quality of the contest’s preliminary round in 03 areas, the Organizing Committee said that the contest items had been carefully and elaborately invested and staged in content and form with participation of many people in villages and communes. The contest created a chance for cultural and artistic activities in the residential community. The village heads participating in the contest learned and equipped themselves with more knowledge and skills about professional work to participate in the contest, and met and interacted with other village heads in the city. The host districts (Thach That, Gia Lam, Chuong My districts) had performed well their role of host in the contest areas, which was reflected in the decoration of the ceremony, preparation of  facilities, mobilization of supporters, dissemation before, during and after the contest.

Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Hanoi city Nguyen Sy Truong spoke at the meeting.

 Director of City Cultural Center Ly Thi Thuy Hanh spoke at the meeting

Based on the contest rules, after evaluating and scoring, the Jury selected each contest area with 02 village heads with the highest score and 01 village head with the third highest score to participate in the city-level final round, including village heads of Hoai Duc, Gia Lam, Dong Anh, Quoc Oai, Chuong My, Thuong Tin districts and Son Tay town. However, the Organizing Committee said, after the preliminary round of the contest, the village head of Hoai Duc district was no longer holding the position of village head for the next term, so the final participants were expected to be 06 village heads.

 Comments by representative of units of which their village heads will participate in the Final round.

In the Final round, the village heads will participate in 3 contest parts: Greeting, Knowledge and Situation handling. The city-level final round of Friendly Village Head contest is expected to take place between 15-25 October 2022.

The contest is an opportunity to introduce and promote people and cultural traditions, especially the results of the movement of building cultural villages in districts and towns in the city, a chance for experience exchange among communes and villages, and for honoring and encouraging village heads.

Phuong Lan