
Implementing prevention and control of acute respiratory infections in festive activities in 2020  Suspending all festivals as directed until further notice


Accordingly, the Department has asked the People’s Committees of districts and towns to seriously implement the guiding documents of the Central Government and the City; Official Letter No. 391/BVHTTDL-VHCS dated January 31, 2020, of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Official Letter No. 393 / CD-BVHTTDL dated January 31, 2020; Official Letter No. 396/CĐ-BVHTTDL..

Accordingly, the Department has asked the People’s Committees of districts and towns to seriously implement the guiding documents of the Central Government and the City; Official Letter No. 391/BVHTTDL-VHCS dated January 31, 2020, of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Official Letter No. 393 / CD-BVHTTDL dated January 31, 2020; Official Letter No. 396/CĐ-BVHTTDL dated February 3, 2020, of the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism on prevention and control of epidemics in festive activities, cultural and historical relics, and scenic places. All festivals stop following the instructions at the Official Telegraph 396/CĐ-BVHTTDL dated February 3, 2020, and Official Letter No. 343/UBND-KGVX dated February 1, 2020, of the City People’s Committee until further notice.
The reception of visitors and organization of cultural activities at historical-cultural relics and scenic places (except for cases of performing assigned tasks) is suspended to avoid crowds. The people and visitors are notified widely for implementation.
It is required to promote the propagation of measures to prevent and combat acute respiratory infections, direct the Office of Culture and Information, and People’s Committees of communes, wards and townships to coordinate with specialized agencies to regularly monitor and update disease situation, give the timely, complete and accurate information to people for active prevention, encourage organizations and individuals to give masks free of charge to people.
The units are responsible for inspecting and supervising the implementation of the Government, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the City People’s Committee regarding disease prevention and control in festive activities, historical and place of attraction under the decentralized management.
The daily information and reporting are carried out via the City’s hotline: 086.9295538; It is required to report in writing to the Department of Culture and Sports before 15:00 every Tuesday and Friday.

Also, the Department of Culture and Sports requires the Department’s Inspectorate to lead the coordination of divisions under the Department and districts, towns and townships to inspect and supervise the implementation of the direction of the Government, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and City People’s Committee; timely summarize and report to the Board of Directors of the Department as prescribed.
The Divisions shall build the cultural and family lifestyle, preside over and coordinate with specialized departments and committees, People’s Committees of districts, towns and township to comply with the guiding documents of the Government, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the City People’s Committee, guide localities to strengthen propaganda on prevention and control of acute respiratory infections in grassroots cultural institutions, receive, handle and propose solutions and report to the Board of Directors of the Department of Information through the hotline on prevention and control of acute respiratory infections during festivals and in relics, advise and summarize the Department’s reports to report to the City People’s Committee and MOCST on the situation and results of disease prevention.
