
Strengthening the Party’s leadership in family building work in the new situation


Clearly defining that family affairs as the focus of socio-economic development policies and plans and the family building work as an important and regular task of the whole political system, contributing to the building up the image of elegant and civilized Hanoians, the a richer and more beautiful, civilized and modern capital and the concretization..

Clearly defining that family affairs as the focus of socio-economic development policies and plans and the family building work as an important and regular task of the whole political system, contributing to the building up the image of elegant and civilized Hanoians, the a richer and more beautiful, civilized and modern capital and the concretization of the Directive No. 06-CT/TW of the Secretariat is implemented in accordance with the development conditions and requirements of the Capital in the new period, in association with the implementation of the 6th Program, the 6th session of the City Party Committee on “Developing culture, improving the quality of human resources, building up the image of elegant and civilized Hanoians in the 2021-2025 period” and the City’s programs and projects on family affairs.

The plan sets out 5 tasks and solutions as following:

Raising the awareness and responsibilities of all levels of Party committees, Party organizations, Government, Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations on family building work in the new situation.

Continuously studying and thoroughly grasping the guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State on family building work; Strengthening the leadership of Party committees at all levels and the direction of governments at all levels for family affairs. Party committees and governments at all levels should define family affairs as an important content in local socio-economic development plans and programs, consider this a regular and main task in developing annual programs and plans to solve difficulties and challenges on family and family affairs. Employees and party members must be examples and mobilize residents to actively participate in building up progressive and happy families. Continuously building and replicating the model: “Typical cultural family“; “Exemplary grandparents, good children“; “Prosperous, equal, progressive and happy families”; “Safe families without Covid-19“. Upholding the role of families in nurturing, orienting values, educating the young generation, building up the image of elegant and civilized Hanoians. Resolutely fighting against the pragmatic lifestyle, social evils, family violence and eliminating backward customs and practices in marriage and family. Overcoming “The disease of achievements”, “form” in family building work, improving the quality of commenting and recognizing the title of “Cultural family”. Strengthening the protection, care and education of children, especially children with special circumstances. Paying more practical and comprehensive attention to women, creating favorable conditions for them to well perform their role as the first teachers to nurture, educate, form and develop the personality, moral lifestyle and humanity of family members. Innovating contents and methods in understanding and implementing of the Directive No. 06-CT/TW in accordance with conditions in the local area and the unit.

Then, it is necessary to improve the system of mechanisms and policies on family affairs. Continuously improve the system of mechanisms and policies on family affairs in the direction of taking family activities as the focus, ensuring the cohesion between the society and the role of the family. Making a list of public services in the family sector. Developing a system which provides basic social services for families, implementing gender equality in families, supporting family’s sustainable development, creating favorable conditions for all families to access legal knowledge on law, culture, health, education, science and technology and social welfare. Mobilizing individuals, social organizations and communities to participate in providing family services, taking care of and supporting poor and disadvantaged families; ensuring that families may access basic social services in a fair, equal and convenient manner. Connecting the implementation of family building work with the National Target Program on Sustainable Poverty Reduction; National target program on new rural construction. Paying attention to family economic development, developing priority policies to support family economic development for policy families, ethnic minority families, poor and remote households with difficulties. Thoroughly handling family violence, women trafficking, sexual abuse and the illegal employment for children; preventing negative impacts of the market mechanism, the pragmatic lifestyles and negative information on the internet and social networks. Promoting effectively the cooperation between families, schools and the society in giving value orientations, conduct and lifestyle education for young people, especially those living in the city.

In addition, it is necessary to improve the state management capacity on family building work. Developing the family value system of Vietnam in general and Hanoi in particular in the new period. Developing and issuing some guidance documents on family affairs in the city: Implementation plan for “Vietnamese family development strategy up to 2030”; “Conduct and lifestyle education program in families up to 2030”; “The national program on family violence prevention in the new situation”. Building digital data on families as a basis for making policies, programs and plans for socio-economic development. Improving the quality in supporting activities for support families to enable them to access social resources, giving investment priority for scientific research on the family, organizing the implementation and evaluation on family policies and literary and art works composing on family topic. Renovating and consolidating the organizational structure of the state management apparatus on the family to ensure that it is streamlined, efficient, unified and in association with the fields of population, gender equality and children. Giving focus on training and fostering human resources who are in charge of family affairs in the direction of multidisciplinary integration, clearly determination of professional training and family affairs managers. Strictly implementing programs and plans on family affairs in association with the inspection and supervision of implementation results of the of Directive No. 06-CT/TW, evaluating the effectiveness of investment resources for family affairs. Reviewing and consolidating the apparatus that perform family affairs from the city to the grassroots levels to ensure stability, consistency, streamline, improving the operational efficiency and effectiveness.

Strengthening and innovating the dissemination and education of policies and laws on family affairs. Strengthening and innovating the dissemination and education of policies and laws on marriage and family, standards and values on family culture, knowledge and skills on developing skills on family building, risks for families, helping residents proactively prevent negative effects on families. Strengthen conduct and lifestyle education in families. Promoting the role of families, the community and society in building a cultural environment, Vietnamese people who are rich in kindness, tolerant, sincere, prestigious, respect for morality, industrious, hard working, thrifty, creative, aspiring and modern. Improving the efficiency and practicality in building up cultural families in association with the movement “All residents join together to build up a cultural life” and the campaign “All residents join together to build up new and civilized rural areas” in the City. Promoting the dissemination and education work to raise the awareness on the position and role of family and family affairs among all levels, sectors, communities and family members in the new situation; organizing the dissemination on the implementation of the Party’s guidelines and policies, and the State’s policies and laws on marriage and family in various diversified forms, helping families have knowledge and life skills, proactively prevent and combat the penetration of social evils into families, inherite and promote the nation’s good traditional cultural values ​​and selectively absorb advanced values ​​of family in the developed society, helping family members live with more and more responsibly towards themselves, their families and the society; promoting good traditions of Vietnamese families, building up prosperous, equal, progressive, happy families with sustainable development. Implementing dissemination to abolish backward customs and practices in marriage and family, preventing social evils, family violence and fighting against a pragmatic, selfish and depraved lifestyle. Promoting the role of news agencies, press, radio, television and electronic portals in disseminating the implementation of the Directive No. 06-CT/TW. Disseminating outstanding achievements of localities, socio-political organizations and individuals which have implemented well guidelines and policies on family affairs and the emulation movement on building up “Cultural families“, building up the image of elegant and civilized Hanoians in the city.

Periodically inspecting and supervising the institutionalization of the Party’s guidelines; the legal compliance of state management agencies during their implementation of policies and laws on family and family affairs.


Thanh Mai