Culture & Life

Bac Tu Liem District implements Action Month for Children


Leaders of Bac Tu Liem district give gifts to children in the district in 2019 To continue to promote this work in the summer of this year, on May 18, 2020, the Bac Tu Liem District People’s Committee issued Plan No. 212/KH-UBND on the implementation of Action Month for 2020 (from June 1 to June..

Leaders of Bac Tu Liem district give gifts to children in the district in 2019

To continue to promote this work in the summer of this year, on May 18, 2020, the Bac Tu Liem District People’s Committee issued Plan No. 212/KH-UBND on the implementation of Action Month for 2020 (from June 1 to June 30) with the theme Joining hands to protect children, prevent and combat child abuse”.

Accordingly, the message and slogan of the Action month for children 2020 has the following themes: “Listen to children with heart, protect them with action”; “No good children from whipping, love rather than scolding”; “Don’t let any children be left behind”; “Law strictly punishes all acts of children violence and abuse”; “Safety for children, happiness for parents”; “Call 111 to protect children”. On this occasion, the district will promote communication activities and social mobilization to focus on some of the following contents:

Firstly, communication, counseling, providing for children with knowledge of life skills, skills in preventing and combating accidents and injuries, skills for preventing and combating child abuse, especially cyber-abuse prevention in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic due to which children must study online. Extensively propagating and educating the law on the implementation of children’s rights and children protection, the provisions of the Law on Children 2016, Decree No. 56/2017/ND-CP dated May 9, 2017, of the Government and sanctions to handle acts of violating children’s rights and child abuse according to the provisions of law.

Secondly, organizing activities to promote children’s participation with the theme “Joining hands to protect children, prevent and combat child abuse” phù hợp với tình hình thực tế. Providing knowledge of life skills, self-protection skills, especially knowledge about prevention and control of child abuse and violence, and prevention and control of child injury; effectively implementing Circular No. 36/2018/TT-BLDTBXH dated December 26, 2018, of the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, guiding the implementation of the consultation of children in the process of developing programs and policies, legal documents, decisions, planning, socio-economic development plans for children or related to children.

Thirdly, organizing campaigns to support the Child Protection Fund, supporting nutritious meals at schools, visiting to give gifts, sponsoring, awarding scholarships and supporting medical examination and treatment for children living in the poor families, ethnic minority children, giving gifts to children with special circumstances, at risk of falling into special circumstances, living in poor families, in disadvantageous circumstances on the occasion of Children’s New Year 1/6 in the area; supporting for surgery, orthopedic, and functional rehabilitation for children with disabilities, especially children with fatal diseases, congenital heart disease, affected by accidents … according to regulations. Mobilizing the support from resources to build welfare works for children (investing in construction, renovating and upgrading buildings, classrooms, semi-boarding houses, entertainment spots, providing equipment for children’s play …)

Fourthly, strictly implementing measures to prevent the COVID-19 epidemic for children and caregivers according to the guidance of the Ministry of Health, recommendations of the World Health Organization and the guidance of the City’s government as well as the actual situation and direction of the City, ensuring effective and safe teaching according to regulations. At the same time, coordinating the handover and reception of children when children are not studying at school to strictly manage the safety of children, minimize the situation of child abuse, violence, accidents, injury, especially drowning accidents.

Fifthly, organizing cultural activities, entertainment, gymnastics, sports, exchanges … with useful content, appropriate forms to attract the participation of children. Orienting and educating children to preserve and promote the traditional cultural values ​​of the nation.

Bac Tu Liem District People’s Committee requests the local activities in Action Month for Children to ensure practicality and efficiency in line with the COVID-19 epidemic. Ensuring that 100% of children with special circumstances, living in poor families and disadvantageous circumstances are cared for and supported on the occasion of International Children’s Day 1-6; organizing safe and useful learning and entertainment activities for children in association with child protection and care; organizing prevention and control of child abuse and prevention of child accidents and injuries.

Dieu Linh