
Celebrating 150th anniversary of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin’s Birthday (April 22, 1870 – April 22, 2020): Immortal values


Lenin has made great contributions to the cause of liberation of the working class and laborers worldwide, fighting against imperialism, fighting for peace, independence and freedom of the nations. The legacy of Lenin left behind for humankind progress is immense, both in terms of revolutionary practices and theoretical thought. Regarding the theoretical thought, Lenin succeeded,..

Lenin has made great contributions to the cause of liberation of the working class and laborers worldwide, fighting against imperialism, fighting for peace, independence and freedom of the nations. The legacy of Lenin left behind for humankind progress is immense, both in terms of revolutionary practices and theoretical thought.

Regarding the theoretical thought, Lenin succeeded, defended and developed an excellent and comprehensive Marxism which includes philosophy, Marxist political economics and scientific socialism in the new condition.

He has scientifically criticized, persuaded the erroneous ideological views and theoretical movements such as the Russian “populist” faction, the “legal Marxist” faction, the “left”, “right” in the workers’ movement, opportunism, revisionism… to protect Marxism. At the same time, he supplemented and developed many specific points of Marxism under the practical conditions as well as the development of contemporary science…

Many problems in the age of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and practices which have not been posed historically but in the new era have been solved by Lenin to develop extremely creatively the Marxism … In the process of leading and directing the tasks of the revolutionary struggle, without any changes, he always based on the life, the scientific and revolutionary nature of Marxism and the practice of revolutionary struggle to supplement and develop Marxism.

For the Vietnamese revolution, Lenin’s thought opened new horizons and paved the way for our people in the struggle to liberate the nation and build socialism.

In the journey to find the way to save the country, President Ho Chi Minh was deeply touched and happy when he read Lenin’s “First Draft Theses on National and Colonial Questions”. He said: “Leninism is not only a miraculous “handbook”, a guideline for us, the revolutionists and the people of Vietnam but also a sun that illuminates our path to the final victory and socialism and communism.”

From there, he followed Lenin to become the first Vietnamese communist who brought Marxism – Leninism to the Vietnamese revolution. Thanks to attaching to the position of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s thought, such as the Platform on national construction in the period of transition to socialism (supplemented and developed in 2011), the Party of Vietnam led our people to conduct revolutionary struggles and achieve great victories.

These were the victory of the August Revolution 1945 smashing the colonial rule and feudalism and establishing the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, bringing our nation into an era of independence and freedom; the victory of resistance wars against aggression which culminated in the historic victory of Dien Bien Phu 1954, the Great Victory in the spring of 1975, liberation of the nation, the reunification of the country, the protection of the nation, the fulfillment of international obligations; the victory of renovation, industrialization, modernization and international integration.

Since the 90s of the XX century, Marxism – Leninism in general and Lenin’s thought in particularly have been destructed by frantic forces. However, the madness of the enemy forces proved the spirit of science, revolution, and vitality of Lenin’s thoughts.

Although today in the world, after the disintegration in the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries, some people are confused, even abandon the revolutionary theoretical system of Marxism – Leninism, but the spirit of science, revolution, and vitality of Marxism – Leninism remains in millions of people’s heart and brain around the world.

The assertion of leader Nguyen Ai Quoc in 1927, “Now, there are many doctrines, but the truest, most sure and most paradoxical one is Leninism” is still valid today.

Following the thoughts of President Ho Chi Minh and by the practice of his revolutionary struggle, the Vietnamese communists affirmed that the most basic issues in Lenin’s doctrine were irrefutable and remained originally scientific and revolutionary values in this era.

Lenin has passed away, but his life of revolution is still a shining example for the true communists around the world to strive, study and follow. His ideology and reasoning is still immortal, and become a revolutionary flag in the way of liberating the working class and laborers, and the career of building socialism in all nations around the world.

                                                                                                                              Thanh Lam