
The conference for adopting documents ranking of Dong Van Communal House relics


Attending the conference were Ms. Dao Thi Hong – Vice Chairman of Dan Phuong District People’s Committee; representatives of the Office of Culture and Information, Office of Natural Resources and Environment, and District Home Affairs Office; leaders of Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee, Fatherland Front Committee of Dong Thap commune, Subcommittee on the management..

Attending the conference were Ms. Dao Thi Hong – Vice Chairman of Dan Phuong District People’s Committee; representatives of the Office of Culture and Information, Office of Natural Resources and Environment, and District Home Affairs Office; leaders of Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee, Fatherland Front Committee of Dong Thap commune, Subcommittee on the management of Dong Van Communal House relic.

Overview of the conference

After listening to the brief contents presented by the representative of the Hanoi Heritage Management Board on the historical, cultural and aesthetic value of the relic and the planned zoning of the protected area of the relic, participants expressed opinions, discussed and agreed on the content and value of the Dong Van Communal House relic. On that basis, the Conference agreed to request the Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports to submit a document to the City People’s Committee for consideration and decision on ranking the historic relic of Dong Van communal house, Dong Thap commune, Dan Phuong district.

                                                                                    Nguyen Ben