Culture & Life

Further educating the youth on traditional values


On the morning of 2nd February, at Hoa Lo prison relic, the Party Committee of Ha Noi municipal bodies bloc held a thurifying ceremony and a site visit in favour of the youth union members on the occassion of the 88th Founding Anniversary of the Communist Party of Viet Nam (03/02/1930 – 03/02/2018), and the..

On the morning of 2nd February, at Hoa Lo prison relic, the Party Committee of Ha Noi municipal bodies bloc held a thurifying ceremony and a site visit in favour of the youth union members on the occassion of the 88th Founding Anniversary of the Communist Party of Viet Nam (03/02/1930 – 03/02/2018), and the 110th Anniversary of Nguyen Duc Canh’s birthday (02/02/1908 – 02/02/2018).

88 years ago, it was in the spring of 1930 when Leader Nguyen Ai Quoc convened a conference to merge the Communist Party organizations to found the only Communist Party of Viet Nam. The birth of the Communist Party of Viet Nam was a great historic event, which ushered in a major turning point in the cause of national development. It was for the first time in the history, the Vietnamese people were under the leadership of a genuine Party bearing its revolutionary and scientific nature, which was fully capable to lead its people to take back rights to live, democracy, pursuit of happiness and other fundamental national rights for the purpose of the building and development of the country.

Youth union members and veterans are together posing for commemorative photo

Mr. Nguyen Duc Thanh, Deouty Head of the Party Committee of Ha Noi Municipal Bodies Bloc speaks at the ceremony

Hoa Lo prison relic is a visible testimony of the past historical period, in relation to that is the morality “Drinking water never forgets its origin” and the gratitude toward the heroic martyrs who have devoted their whole lives to the Party’ ideology. Along the downstream of the national history, Hoa Lo prison relic is also a vividly and importantly visual curriculum in educating the revolutionary tradition among people from all walks of life, especially the youth.

Youth union members are hearing the veterans relate national traditions in the resistance war and visiting the displays at Hoa Lo prison relic

Ms. Nguyen Thi Lan Anh – Youth Union head of Ha Noi municipal bodies bloc

She asserted: “The history of Viet Nam is always attached to glorious feats in the presevation and safeguard of sacred national. Above all, starting from here, the more the youth will be full aware of their obligations in bringing into play the national tradition, the more they will be striving to determinedly build a new youth generation with clear conscience – clearsightedness – great ambition so as to further follow suit the glorious tradition of the nation for development of the Capital and the country”.

By Bao Han