
Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports organizes an international children’s painting contest


Pursuant to the Plan No. 176/KH-UBND dated July 30, 2021 of the Hanoi People’s Committee on the implementation of Program No. 06-CTr/TU of March 17, 2021 of the Hanoi Party Committee on “Developing the culture, improving the quality of human resources, building the image of elegant and civilized Hanoi people for the period of 2021-2025”,..

Pursuant to the Plan No. 176/KH-UBND dated July 30, 2021 of the Hanoi People’s Committee on the implementation of Program No. 06-CTr/TU of March 17, 2021 of the Hanoi Party Committee on “Developing the culture, improving the quality of human resources, building the image of elegant and civilized Hanoi people for the period of 2021-2025”, Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports develops Plan No. 557/KH-SVHTT to organize the International children’s painting contest with the theme “I love Hanoi – City for peace” in 2022.

The contest is organized to propagate education about the meaning and love for peace for Vietnamese and international children living and studying in Hanoi, promoting the image of Hanoi – the thousand-year-old capital, City of “Tradition – Civilization – Modernity”; arousing the children’s passion for painting, creative thinking and art… The contest aims is to find, discover and foster talents, create a healthy and rewarding playground, and give them opportunities to exchange experiences and develop painting skills.

Contestants are Vietnamese and foreign children (from 6 to 15 years old) who are living and studying in Hanoi. The children participating in the contest will have a chance to express through the works their interest and favorite topics about Hanoi – the City of “Tradition – Civilization – Modernity, love for peace, people, life and beautiful nature, fights against environmental pollution, war, poverty, epidemic…

The contest creates a healthy and useful playground, giving children the opportunity to exchange experiences and develop their painting skills. Illustration

The contestants paint directly within the time specified by the Organizing Committee (90 minutes). The Organizing Committee distributes easels, painting boards, painting paper of A3 size… The paintings can be painted with optional colors such as: watercolor, wax, powder color, oil paint, markers, crayons… Each contestant can only register for 1 work. Entries are paintings that have not been entered into any existing or ongoing painting contest, and have not been released or published in the media or on social media sites. The contestants’ entries are evaluated through the following criteria: Right topic, clear message, good emotion and effect, conveying the meaning of the Contest; painting layout (balance, harmony, clear main array and sub-array); Beautiful colors, impression and creativity. 

Contest launch time: From September 26, 2022 to October 20, 2022. Time to receive application documents: From October 15, 2022 to October 20, 2022 at Hanoi Cultural Center, No. 7 Phung Hung, Ha Dong District, Hanoi City (Service Sales Department Event Organization Office). The contest is scheduled to be held at 8:00 a.m. on November 26, 2022 at the Monument Cam tu cho To quoc quyet sinh and around Hoan Kiem Lake.

Based on the evaluation results of the Jury, the Organizing Committee will award prizes with bonuses to the works with good results in the Contest, including: First Prizes, Second Prizes, Third Prizes, Consolation Prizes, Topic Consolation Prizes and side prizes.

The Department of Culture and Sports assigned the City Cultural Center to implement and coordinate with the Hanoi Union of Friendship Organizations to organize the implementation of the Plan; Disseminating the Contest rules to primary schools, secondary schools and gifted clubs in Hanoi city… Requesting the Hanoi Union of Friendship Organizations to coordinate in deploying and launching international children studying and living in Hanoi to participate in the contest, coordinating with the City Cultural Center in organizing the event according to the Plan, creating spillovers to international friends, contributing to the promotion of the Contest. The Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports requested the divisions and units under the Department and related units to coordinate in organizing the Contest for good results.

Mai Phuong