
Talk show on “Love and share” on the occasion of International Day of Happiness


This is the activity of Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports on the occasion of the International Day of Happiness on 20/3/2019. Talk show on “Love and Share” has the participation of 500 students attending “Teacher training class as the Pioneer Organization General Manager in Primary School” of Hanoi City and “Training task in 2019”..

This is the activity of Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports on the occasion of the International Day of Happiness on 20/3/2019.

Talk show on “Love and Share” has the participation of 500 students attending “Teacher training class as the Pioneer Organization General Manager in Primary School” of Hanoi City and “Training task in 2019” to deploy the city model of “elegant and civilized children of Hanoi Capital”. For nearly 2 hours, the students heard Dr. Vu Viet Anh’s sharing useful knowledge and experiences in building a prosperous, equal, progressive and happy family in Hanoi Capital. Especially, there are many interesting sharing about the behavior between parents and children, between husband and wife … those factors have contributed to building happy families in the modern society. Along with sharing useful knowledge, Dr. Vu Viet Anh also has exercises in the same lively way to attract the students for nearly 2 hours.

The United Nations selected 20th March to be the International Day of Happiness since 6/2012. Up to now, 193 member countries (including Vietnam) in the world have been committed to support this day with efforts to improve the quality of life, build the fair society and sustainable development and bring happiness to the people.

The International Day of Happiness is taken from the idea of ​​Bhutan, a tiny kingdom in South Asia, located at the Eastern end of the Himalayas, which is rated as a country with a high happiness index based on factors such as: health, spirit, education, environment, management quality and living standards of the people. Bhutan is a country that has recognized the supremacy of national happiness rather than national income from the first years of the 1970s of the 20th century and well known for implementing the gross national happiness instead of gross domestic products. Bhutan’s representative said that the need for this Day of Happiness is for all countries and people around the world to create differences between countries and people around the world and linkage and solidarity of the whole humanity.

The fact that the United Nations selected 20th March to be the International Day of Happiness is because it is a special day of the year, when the sun is across the equator. So on this day, day and night are of equal length as balance and harmony of the universe. It is a balance between yin and yang, between light and darkness and between dreams and reality … And the 20th of March – International Day of Happiness also transmits a message that: balance, harmony is one of the keys to bringing happiness.

With a view to develop social livelihood, build a prosperous, progressive and happy Vietnamese family and respond to the International Day of Happiness (20/3) launched by the United Nations, the Prime Minister issued Decision No.2589/QD-TTg dated 26/12/2013 approving the scheme “organizing activities on the occasion of the International Day of Happiness on 20th March” to raise awareness of all levels, branches, organizations, individuals, families and the whole society on the International Day of Happiness, thereby take concrete and practical actions to build a happy family and a happy community of Vietnamese people; strengthen participation and coordination between levels, departments, sectors and people, and cooperation and support of domestic and foreign organizations and individuals for activities on the International Day of Happiness.

After 6 years of implementing the Scheme on “organizing activities on the occasion of the International Day of Happiness on 20th March”, Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports instructed districts, towns and cities for propagating and responding to the International Day of Happiness in many forms such as banners and slogans; visual mobilization; propaganda by word of mouth, propaganda on loudspeaker system,  seminars, visits to policy households … to set good examples to build happy families, criticize domestic violence, encourage all individuals and communities to have positive activities to bring happiness to relatives, families and communities. In 5 years, the whole city organized 6,159 propaganda sessions, 263 talk shows; thereby, each individual can evaluate his actions, behaviors and lifestyle in creating “happiness” for relatives, families and society so that family members understand each other better and care and share more in life, contributing to building a prosperous, equal, progressive, happy and civilized family as well a happy living, learning and working environment.

Responding to the International Day of Happiness (20/3/2019), Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports held a talk show on building a prosperous, equal, progressive and happy family in Hanoi Capital with the sharing of Dr. Vu Viet Anh in order to propagate the value of happiness and encourage the people to take actions for a happy life for themselves and the community.

For a practical and beautiful meaning in the International Day of Happiness, it hopes that every member of the Capital should join together to promote the traditional values ​​of Vietnam. Love and share to find yourself and help those around us, first of all family and loved ones with many true happy moments.