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The 55th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Vietnam and Laos


Performance welcoming the anniversary (Photo: Quang Hai) In the morning of 18 July 2017, the 55th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations and the 40th Anniversary of Friendship and Cooperation Treaty between Vienam and Lao taken place at the Friendship Culture Palace (Hanoi). Attending the anniversary, representatives on the Vietnamese side include Mr. Nguyen..

Performance welcoming the anniversary (Photo: Quang Hai)

In the morning of 18 July 2017, the 55th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations and the 40th Anniversary of Friendship and Cooperation Treaty between Vienam and Lao taken place at the Friendship Culture Palace (Hanoi). Attending the anniversary, representatives on the Vietnamese side include Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong – General Secretary, Mr. Tran Dai Quang – President; Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan – Chairwoman of the National Assembly; Mr. Truong Hoa Binh – Standing Deputy Prime Minister; Mr. Pham Binh Minh – Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Mr. Hoang Trung Hai – Secretary of Hanoi Party Committee; Mr. Tran Thanh Man – the president of the Central Committee of Vietnam Fatherland Front; former leaders of the Party, the State; leaders of committees, ministries, sectors, associations, central bodies…Representatives on the Vietnamese side include Mr. Phankham Viphavanh – Vice President of Lao People’s Democratic Republic,…

Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong – General Secretary with his speech launched at the Anniversary. (Photo: An ninh Thu do (Capital Security) newspaper)

In the speech launched at the anniversary, on behalf of the Vietnamese party, state and residents, Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong – General Secretary expressed compliments and best wishes to Lao party, state and residents.

He said that Vietnam and Lao are two neighbors sharing the same river (Mekong river) and the same mountain  (Truong Son mountain).

Residents of both countries have maintained traditional relations, especially just after the establishment of Vietnamese Party and the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party, such relations have been expanded, developed and improved to a higher position.

With a motto of humanism and profound political meaning given by President Ho Chi Minh “helping neighbor is helping us”, both nations have always stayed side by side, shared joys and sorrows, set up great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation which have become invaluable assets, valuable sources and an extremely significant factor for ensuring the success of the revolution in each country.

55 years ago, under the context of the resistance war against American with many difficulties, together with significant victories in terms of politics, military and foreign affairs of Lao Revolution, 1962 Geneva Treaty on Laos was signed, opening a new chapter for the development of the revolutions in Laos and Vietnam.

With such opportunities and advantages, both countries have officially established Diplomatic Relations on 5 September 1962 which is a milestone in the history of relations between the two countries, affirming the strong fate attachment of the two nations in the fight for independence and national unity.

After both countries were completely liberated in 1975, in order to make the bilateral relations become comprehensive and more highly effective, both countries signed the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation on 18 July 1977, emphasizing on the special relations, the solidarity in fighting and unchangeable friendship between Vietnamese and Lao people, the great comradeship between the Vietnamese Party and the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party which has been fostered over the past few decades of sharing joys and sorrows in fighting against invaders and cooperating in national construction and valuable tradition and invincible power of both nations and parties.

That treaty has become a significant political and legal basis for continued improvement and development of the bilateral relations, General Secretary emphasized.

Looking back on the history after 55 years, we may be proud of the establishment and development of the special and unusual relationship between the two nations because that is a sustainable relationship which was generated from the close-knit relations which were set up by President Ho Chi Minh and President Kaysone Phomvihane and Suphanuvong and fostered by leaders of different generations of both parties and states.

That is the relationship which represents “expectations” of residents in both countries: solidarity in fighting against joint enemies, setting up the relationship of equality, self-control, friendship, cooperation and mutual benefits. That is a comprehensive and sustainable cooperation through historical stages.

General Secretary affirmed that the Party, State and Vietnamese people always have a profound understanding that each victory in the past struggle for the national independence and unity as well as achievements during innovation, construction and protection of Vietnam may be attributed to the solidarity, support and help provided by Lao Party, State and residents.

The recommendation of President Ho Chi Minh: “The affection between Vietnam and Laos is as profound as the water of Hong Ha and Cuu Long rivers is embedded in the heart of each Vietnamese nowadays and in the future.

General Secretary thinks that under current international and regional context with many complicated changes, both countries have many opportunities for development, however, they will also encounter many difficulties and challenges.

Lessons on model relations, instructions and cooperation contents mentioned in the Treaty of Cooperation and Friendship have remained their value and will be the “red thread” during the development of the relationship between the two parties, two states and residents in both countries.

In order to strengthen the comprehensive cooperation between the two countries, bringing the relationship of the two countries to a new height, both parties should make amendments and additions to their policies and regimes as well as give instructions in effectively implement agreements and raised strategic targets “with wider, longer and more comprehensive vision”.

On behalf of the Party and Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Mr. Phankham Viphavanh, Politburo Member, Standing Secretariat, Vice President reviewed memories about the valuable friendship between the Parties, States and residents in Vietnam and Laos; expressed the great gratitude and gratefulness of Lao Party, State and residents for the affection, physical and spiritual support of Vietnamese Party, State and residents over the past years. Mr. PhanKham Viphavanh also expressed his happiness to great achievements of Vietnam after more than 30 years of innovation. Remarkably, the victory in 1975 helped Vietnam to get its target on national unity, simultaneously brought the success for the struggle for Lao’s independence by the official establishment of Lao People’s Democratic Republic on 2 December 1975. From this time, both countries have entered a new era of peace, independence, prosperity…

Minh Dat (synthesized)