
Cau Giay District praises and rewards 640 collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements in 2018


Rewarding individuals winning the title “Good person, good merits” at the city level From the beginning of 2018, Cau Giay district has promoted emulation movement in all fields. The movements were really encouraging, drawing a large, enthusiastic participation and responsible of cadres, party members and people of all strata. In 2018, the district has successfully..


Rewarding individuals winning the title “Good person, good merits” at the city level

From the beginning of 2018, Cau Giay district has promoted emulation movement in all fields. The movements were really encouraging, drawing a large, enthusiastic participation and responsible of cadres, party members and people of all strata. In 2018, the district has successfully completed the targets and tasks. In particular, the cultural and social sector has changed dramatically. Cau Giay District continues to lead the city in the high school entrance exam results. Pointed education won many achievements in excellent student examinations with 28 international prizes, 4 national prizes and 120 city prizes. Especially, 6/6 students of Cau Giay Secondary School participating in the  Bulgaria International Mathematics Competition brought home 3 Gold Medals, 3 Silver Medals, ranked 3rd in the world. 2017-2018 school year, the district education sector is honored to receive 1 Emulation Flag of the Government, 2 emulation flags of the city, 1 Second-class Labor Medal, 1 Third-class Labor Medal, 1 Excellent Emulation Flag awarded to the District Department of Education and Training by the Ministry of Education and Training.

Social security is guaranteed. The district has well implemented the policy of caring for people with meritorious services, social protection beneficiaries, people in difficult circumstances …; supporting jobs for 5.985 workers; maintaining no poor households and implementing many solutions to help near-poor households. Currently, the district has 16 near-poor households.

The culture, information and sports sector of Cau Giay district gained many outstanding results. Completing the installation of 800 outdoor sports equipment at 78 points. Coordinating to successfully host the 8th National Sports Festival 2018 with 2 subjects: Badminton and Fencing. In 2018, the whole district won 418 medals of all kinds, of which the city level with 312 medals (100 Gold medals, 96 Silver medals, 116 Bronze medals); the national level with 106 medals (36 Gold medals, 39 Silver medals, 31 Bronze medals; 3 First prizes for the whole group at the collective dance festival – young songs, Chau Van singing, comedy plays, short plays ; 12 Gold Medals, 1 Silver Medal  at the 3rd National Folk Song Festival …

Through emulation movements, Cau Giay district achieved 3 Labor Medals; 3 Certificates of Merit from the Prime Minister, 12 Excellent Flags of emulation movement, 44 merit certificates of the city. The District’s Emulation and Reward Council has rewarded 968 collectives and 1,800 individuals for achievements in their areas of activity.


Rewarding collectives and individuals who have made achievements in the “All people protect national security” movement

In 2018, the movement of all people on protecting national security, preventing crimes and social evils, á well as preventing HIV / AIDS has been implemented seriously and drastically. Functional forces have effectively and synchronously carried out any measures to fight against criminal offenses and social evils; promoted the fight against crime in all areas associated with the movement “All people protect national security”; exceeded the targets of investigating and solving big criminal cases, dealing with criminal offenders, drug addicts… In the year, 179/223 criminal cases were investigated and discovered. 134/140 cases of illegally trafficking, transporting and storing drugs have been detected, arrested and handled criminally, accounting for 134% against the target assigned by the city. Recognizing the contribution of collectives and individuals in the movement, Cau Giay District rewarded 15 collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements in the “All people protect national security” movement.

At the Conference, Cau Giay District praised and rewarded 640 collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements in implementing emulation movements; the movement “All people protect national security”, movement of Prevention and Combat against Crimes and Social Evils and HIV/AIDS prevention, of which 3 individuals were awarded the Prime Minister’s Merit and 8 individuals were awarded “Good person, good merits”, 7 collectives were awarded title of Excellent units in the emulation movement, 7 collectives received merit certificates, 15 collectives received the Excellent labor collective title of city level, 16 collectives and individuals were rewarded by the Director of Public Security of Hanoi City for their outstanding achievements in the “All people protect national security” movement.

Vice Chairman of Cau Giay District People’s Committee Trinh Thi Dung has launched the emulation movement in 2019. In the coming time, Cau Giay officials and people continue to overcome all difficulties and challenges, to unite together, to enthusiastically emulate, to strive to successfully accomplish the objectives and tasks set out, contributing to effective implementation of the 5th district Party Congress Resolution and the 16th municipal Party Congress Resolution.

Minh Hue