
Echoing “Bai ca thong nhat” – to recall a time on the legendary roads


A performance in Arts Festival Artists – former youth volunteers of the district sent to the audience some music and dance performances praising the Party, merits of president Ho Chi Minh, valiant scarifies of heroes and martyrs, generations of youth volunteers who have fallen for the independence and freedom of the motherland, changes and development..

A performance in Arts Festival

Artists – former youth volunteers of the district sent to the audience some music and dance performances praising the Party, merits of president Ho Chi Minh, valiant scarifies of heroes and martyrs, generations of youth volunteers who have fallen for the independence and freedom of the motherland, changes and development of the country.

The Arts Festival shows ethics and traditions “When drinking water, think of its source and gratitude is the sign of noble souls” of Vietnamese people; at the same time, it is also a form of extensive political activities among all former youth volunteers of Thanh Tri District, contributing to educating the revolutionary traditions to the young generation in the locality.

Thanh Hong