
Xam Ha Thanh launches a new MV, contributing to “Eliminating Corona Virus”


“Eliminating Corona Virus” is a witty and interesting take on the current situation based on Xam Sai elements. The artwork maximizes the strength of the percussion rhythm delivered by artist Pham Dung in combination with the sound of the Ken Bau by artist Ngoc Xuan. The audience will feel a little of Hue royal court..

“Eliminating Corona Virus” is a witty and interesting take on the current situation based on Xam Sai elements. The artwork maximizes the strength of the percussion rhythm delivered by artist Pham Dung in combination with the sound of the Ken Bau by artist Ngoc Xuan. The audience will feel a little of Hue royal court music, a bit of Cheo comedy, and a little of modern rap in the familiar Xam Sai melody.

The lyrics were written by Nguyen Quang Long based on the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and the authorities on the prevention and control of Covid-19, as well as his own emotions witnessing the synergies and determination to repel the epidemic from all levels of government, the health sector, the army, the public security authorities, and the people.

Nguyen Quang Long said that he wanted to write a Xam song about Corona virus right from the early days of this dangerous virus, but it was not until he witnessed the fierceness of the government and the authorities, the determination of the people, and especially the noble gesture by the soldiers when they left the barracks for quarantined people that the lyrics poured out in one night. In just 3 days, the MV was completed.

 Artist Quang Long (on the right) – author of “Eliminating Corona Virus”

With witty lyrics, the song conveyed meaningful messages in the fight against Covid -19 in Vietnam: “Virus, quickly go away/Chase away the virus to make our country peaceful again. We should be unified/Let’s say together, let’s join hands to eliminate Corona Virus”, or: “Entrepreneurs, let’s join hands/ Artists, let’s join hands/People, let’s join together/Be cautious/Let’s prevent the spread of the virus whenever we go/If we see signs of Corona Virus/Let’s eliminate it” …

There are parts of the lyrics that are trendy such as “Corona virus, get away from us” or recommendations, such as “we should not travel, gather into crowds; if we have important tasks to attend to and leave home for, keep a distance of two meters from each other”, etc. The lyrics also contain criticism about the poor sense of epidemic prevention in some people (those creating scenes in quarantine areas, etc.), such as “That girl with a big mouth and poor behavior, returning from elsewhere and creating a scene in here. Such bad behavior.”

Besides the wit and charm in the vocal work of artist Van Phuong is the elegance seen in the voice of artist Mai Tuyet Hoa. While Van Phuong presents general issues, Mai Tuyet Hoa gives specific instructions of the health sector on how to prevent the epidemic, how to wash hands, to avoid contact with people in crowded areas, or that staying home during this time is patriotic.

“We make this Xam song as simple and quick as possible to timely support the fight against the epidemic and raise the awareness of the community” said director Nguyen Nhat Giang.

“The vocal harmony group showing up was intentional. They represented the masses, delivered their voices, and expressed their determination and solidarity to stand with the country in the fight against the epidemic” said author Quang Long.