
Organizing the contest “Innovation and the model of effective law dissemination and education through cultural activities at grassroots level”


Implementing the Plan on Law Dissemination and Education of the Culture, Sports and Tourism Sector in 2022 and the Plan on the implementation of the 2022 work theme of the Culture, Sports and Tourism Sector “Building a cultural environment at grassroots and personnel affairs”, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism issued a plan for..

Implementing the Plan on Law Dissemination and Education of the Culture, Sports and Tourism Sector in 2022 and the Plan on the implementation of the 2022 work theme of the Culture, Sports and Tourism Sector “Building a cultural environment at grassroots and personnel affairs”, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism issued a plan for organizing the contest “Innovation and the model of effective law dissemination and education through cultural activities at grassroots level” (hereinafter referred to as the Contest).

Pupils in Dan Phuong district (Hanoi) participate in the contest on studying the law on traffic safety. Photo: Le Dung

The contest aims to appeal and mobilize all individuals and organizations nationwide to participate in law dissemination and education; diversify forms of law dissemination and education, contributing to the innovated and improved quality and efficiency of law dissemination and education, raise the awareness of residents on legal compliance through cultural activities at the grassroots level; Searching for, honoring and replicating effective initiatives and models of law dissemination and education that are being implemented in practice or can be effectively applied in practice.


The launching ceremony of the Contest will take place in April 2022. The organizers will accept entries from May to 30 September 2022 at the latest. The awarding ceremony will take place on the occasion of Vietnamese Law Day on 9 November 9 2022 as expected.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism assigned the Legal Department to take lead and coordinate with relevant agencies in implementing, organizing and summarizing the Contest; research and give guidance for implementation and replication of initiatives and models of law dissemination and education after the Contest.

The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Department of Culture and Sports; Department of Culture, Information, Sports and Tourism; The Departments of Tourism in provinces and centrally-run cities are responsible to coordinate in widely disseminating information about the Contest by appropriate and effective ways; instruct subordinated units, district-level Culture – Information Department to disseminate information and give introduction on the Contest, encourage and mobilize organizations and individuals in the area to participate in the Contest.

As required by the Ministry, the organization of the Contest should ensure quality and efficiency, attracting the participation of a large number of individuals and organizations nationwide; ensuring the proactivity, flexibility, adaptation and safe control of the COVID-19 pandemic; initiatives and models of law dissemination and education must be feasible, practical, suitable for each object and locality.