
Launching the movement to create a “bright, green, clean, beautiful” capital to welcome 31st SEA Games


Recently, the city’s environmental sanitation has been jointly implemented by government at all levels, sectors and the people that obtains important results as follow: State management of environmental protection has been strengthened; environmental quality in the locality has been improved; the capital has become increasingly modern and spacious; the traditional cultural values, good customs and..

Recently, the city’s environmental sanitation has been jointly implemented by government at all levels, sectors and the people that obtains important results as follow: State management of environmental protection has been strengthened; environmental quality in the locality has been improved; the capital has become increasingly modern and spacious; the traditional cultural values, good customs and habits of Thang Long – Hanoi has been preserved and promoted; The movement of “All people build a cultural lifestyle together”, and creating symbol of “Elegant and civilized Hanoians” was widely deployed that created an strong effect and consensus among the people.

Regarding the 31st SEA Games, it is an event has great cultural, political, diplomatic and economic significance, and also an opportunity to widely promote to international friends about a civilized city with thousand-year-old tradition, a heroic capital, a city for peace and an attractive, safe and friendly city. To build a “clean, beautiful and astonished” capital and welcome the 31st SEA Games, the Chairman of the City People’s Committee asked the leaders and directors of the city’s departments, authorities, and the chairmen of the People’s Committees of districts and towns to deploy the implementation of the following contents:

Photo: Volunteers are cleaning the “Ceramics road”. Source: thanhdoanhanoi.gov.vn

Tổ chức phát động đợt cao điểm về vệ sinh môi trường trên địa bàn toàn Thành phố hướng tới SEA Games 31 với chủ đề “Vì một Thủ đô sáng, xanh, sạch, đẹp”; quy mô, phạm vi đảm bảo đến từng thôn, tổ dân phố, từng hộ gia đình, đường làng, ngõ phố; các địa điểm công cộng; cơ quan, đơn vị, xí nghiệp, trường học, cơ sở y tế, cơ sở kinh doanh thương mại… Phát động phong trào thi đua xây dựng nếp sống văn minh đô thị, phong cách giao tiếp văn minh, lịch sự, chấp hành pháp luật, xây dựng văn hóa giao thông. Đẩy mạnh việc chỉnh trang đô thị với phương châm “Trật tự, kỷ cương, an toàn, sáng, xanh, sạch, đẹp”.

The environmental sanitation movement has been launched in the city to welcome the 31st SEA. The theme of movement is “For a bright, green, clean and beautiful capital” with a scale of every  village, residential group, household, village road; public places, and every authorities, units, factories, schools, medical facilities, business companies, etc. An emulation movement of developing a civilized urban lifestyle, civilized communication, politeness, legal compliance, traffic culture has also been launched. Beside, the city renovation was focused with the motto “Order, discipline, safety, bright, green, clean, beautiful”.

Creating a symbol of “elegant and civilized Hanoians”

A symbol of “elegant and civilized Hanoians” has been developed in the political system, authorities, units, villages, residential groups, families and citizens. The culture of Hanoians has been promoted with each citizen can “speaks well, does good deeds, behaves well”. The city continues to effectively implement 2 Codes of Conduct to create a drastic change in behavior culture, especially in traffic, offices, trading and public places. The capital’s people have also been mobilized to have a civilized lifestyle, not to throw garbage on the street, not to trade on sidewalk or break the regulations. Every citizen strive to be a civilized and elegant citizen. Each hamlet, village, and residential group ensures environmental hygiene with the motto of “bright, green, clean and beautiful”.


Lighting system decoration on Vo Chi Cong street

More street lighting systems has been installed to welcome SEA Games 31

Decoration of streets with enhance public lighting systems has created a modern and aesthetic city. The city also has maintained and spread the models of “streets decorated with flowers and paintings” in villages, residential groups, residential areas. Environmental sanitation units are responsible for following the correct process and maintaining environmental hygiene on roads, streets and residential areas, collecting, transporting the waste timely without delay, and cleaning the trash cans and trash trucks to ensure city’s beauty.

The city continues to well implement the “All people build a cultural lifestyle together” Movement associated with the “Good people – Good deeds” Movement. The regulations on building culture in families, communities, authorities and units are identified. The capital also  has organized activities follow the the motto “Wards and towns meet the standards of civilized cities”, and strived to being  “Cultural families”, “Cultural villages” “Cultural residential groups”.

Moreover, the city assigned departments create inspection teams to supervise this Directive implementation, and strictly punish violation cases of environment regulation in the locality.  The socio-economic investment projects must be closely appraised and assessed the environmental impacts. At the same time, it is proposed that the City People’s Committee reward groups and individuals who well perform the Directive in creative ways.

To well implement the “bright, green, clean and beautiful capital” movement, the Chairman of the City People’s Committee has required the Directors and heads of departments, mass organizations, socio-political organizations, authorities, units, chairmen of People’s Committees of districts, communes, wards and towns thoroughly grasp and promptly implement the assigned tasks. At the same time, the mass media authorities, people of all classes, capital, the whole country and foreigners has been invited to the capital to support and actively respond to the movements.

Thanh Mai