Culture & Life

Arousing and promoting cultural and heroic traditions to develop the Capital 


Building the capital becomes as the most livable in country, area and the world – a creative and globally connected city. Photo: Nguyen Quang With the Resolution No. 15-NQ/TU of the Political Bureau (term VIII) and the Resolution No. 11-NQ/TU of the Political Bureau (term XI), the Resolution No. 15-NQ/TW on “Hanoi Capital Development Orientation..

Building the capital becomes as the most livable in country, area and the world – a creative and globally connected city. Photo: Nguyen Quang

With the Resolution No. 15-NQ/TU of the Political Bureau (term VIII) and the Resolution No. 11-NQ/TU of the Political Bureau (term XI), the Resolution No. 15-NQ/TW on “Hanoi Capital Development Orientation and Assignment to 2030, with a vision to 2045”, signed and promulgated by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on behalf of the Political Bureau (term XIII), it expressed the deep concern of Political Bureau, Party, Government, Central Ministries and Departments to the Hanoi Capital development.

In Resolution No. 15-NQ/TU, the Political Bureau also clearly defined the Hanoi Capital Building Goals as “Culture – Civilization – Modernity”; becoming the driving force to the the Red River Delta development – the core economic region of the North and the whole country. The Resolution also set out these critical tasks that the Party Committee, the Government and the Capital citizen must unanimally join hands to develop Hanoi as the National Heart.

Mobilizing synergy to promote the potential and strengths of the Capital

The Resolution No. 15-NQ/TU, issued May 5, 2022, has continued to reinforce Hanoi Capital’s particularly significant function and position as “the National Heart” with the profound attention of the Political Bureau. Additionally, the resolution outlines these urgent and precise criteria for carrying out the work of developing Hanoi’s capital until 2030 with a view toward 2045. By doing so, Hanoi might take the ground-breaking action to harness synergy and successfully utilize the Capital’s potentials and capabilities. The Hanoi Capital will also be built and developed as the country’s political and administrative hub, or “The National Heart,” as well as a center for the economy, culture, education and training, science and technology, international integration, etc.

Nhat Tan Bridge connecting Hanoi’s economic development with other provinces and cities

Hanoi’s “Culture – Civilization – Modernity” development In the National Construction and Defense Strategy with the spirit of “The whole country for Hanoi, Hanoi for the whole country,” which are being reinforced in the Resolution No. 15-NQ/TU, capital is a great and thorough orientation as well as a particularly significant political duty. Along with being the primary mission for the Party Committee, the administration, and Hanoian this is also the duty and obligation of the entire Party, the people, the army, and the entire political system.

The Political Bureau (term XIII) established specific guidelines for the capital’s comprehensive development in all areas, including politics, economy, culture, society, and environment in conjunction with ensuring national defense, security, and foreign affairs; harmoniously and smoothly integrating cultural identity preservation with economic development; and between economic development and cultural development. In which the development of the Capital is driven by the purpose, the foundation, the people, and the resources.

The Political Bureau (term XIII) also established significant objectives for Hanoi Capital to grow in line with capitals of other nations in the region in Resolution No. 15-NQ/TU. In which the average growth rate of the GRDP from 2021 to 2025 is higher than the average growth rate for the entire nation; the GRDP will expand by 8 to 8.5 percent annually from 2026 to 2030, reaching 12,000 to 13,000 USD per person. By 2045, Hanoi will be a well-connected city with a high standard of living and a high quality of life, with a GRDP per capita of over USD 36,000; comprehensive, distinctive, and harmonious economic, cultural, and social development that is typical for the entire country; and a level of development comparable to that of developed country capitals in the area and around the world.

In this important resolution, the Politburo has also set extremely high requirements to stimulate the growth of the Party Committee and political system in the Hanoi capital to be truly exemplary, unifying, clean, and stable. It also suggests that Hanoi officials should be developed with exceptional credentials, pure, vibrant, and innovative moral qualities, the courage to think and act, and the ability to meet the needs of the mission. A pompous, elegant, affectionate, and civilized Hanoian populace that symbolizes the culture, conscience, and dignity of the Vietnamese people is another goal of the project.

The Political Bureau in Resolution No. 15-NQ/TU clearly outlined the particularly significant issues and the specific directions and tasks that the Party Committee, the government, and the Hanoi capital citizens must collaborate on, agree upon, and implement in order to raise Hanoi capital to the level of the capitals of developed countries in the area and around the world. Since that time, the Capital’s residents have seen improvements in both their material and spiritual lives. They have also done a good job of acting as a “economic locomotive” to spur the growth of the Red River Delta, a crucial Northern economic region, as well as the overall development of the nation.

Solidarity, bravery, wisdom to conquer obstacles and challenges

In 2001, following 25 years of renovation, Hanoi became the first locality in the nation to receive a Resolution from the Political Bureau (term VIII) on the direction and task of developing the capital. This was done in order to bring the capital to develop in accordance with its role and status as the capital and prior to the promulgation of Resolution No. 15-NQ/TU.

After ten years of putting Resolution No. 11-NQ/TU of the Politburo (term XI) on directions and tasks to develop Hanoi Capital for the years 2011 to 2020 into practice, despite facing numerous obstacles and challenges, particularly the Covid-19 epidemic, but with the close supervision and guidance of the Central Government; The active coordination of ministries, departments, branches, and mass organizations at the central and local levels throughout the nation, the Party Committee, authorities, and others; even in the most difficult times when there are changes in key leadership or natural disasters or serious epidemics.

The entire Party Committee has put forth a tremendous amount of effort, used creativity, focused on directing the drastic and effective implementation of Politburo Resolution No. 11-NQ/TU, seriously learned from experience, and simultaneously implemented solutions to promote advantages, quickly overcome limitations and shortcomings, and achieve significant and comprehensive results, with many notable imprints in the Party Committee’s fields of activity and in the capital’s socioeconomic development.

Notably, the Hanoi Party Committee is an excellent example, taking the lead in seriously and creatively implementing Resolutions 4, 6, and 7 of the Central Committees (terms XI, XII) in conjunction with promoting learning and adhering to Ho Chi Minh ideology, morality, and style, as well as achieved comprehensive and significant results. The quality of cadres and party members has gradually improved, as well as the leadership capacity and fighting might of Party organizations at all levels.

Despite the intricate evolution of the Covid-19 outbreak, fair economic growth and excellent balances were preserved. The Resolution’s target was well surpassed when all communes established new rural areas that met standards. The nation’s highest number of communes that meet the new rural requirements is a result of the spectacular outcomes of new rural construction.

The result is that the city’s appearance has significantly changed; it is now more open, civilized, and modern, as well as brighter, greener, cleaner, and more beautiful. The scientific, technological, educational, social, and medical fields all continue to improve, producing a number of noteworthy results. The people healthcare is improved dramatically. The society and politics are sustainable. The national defense and security are consolidated. The foreign relations and international integration are expanded creating some important imprints. The cooperation with the central authorities and association with provinces and cities in the country are promoted. The breakthroughs in Hanoi administrative reform and investment environment improvement have clear changes.

The Hanoi Party Committee has gained some important insights from the practical application of Politburo Resolution No. 11-NQ/TU. It is always fully understanding it and setting an example to strictly and fully abide by it, while at the same time applying the close attention and guidance of the Politburo and the Central Committee, the rules of the Party, and the laws of the State, actively researching and proposing specific mechanisms and policies appropriate to the actual requirements of the Capital; taking advantage of the close coordination and effectiveness.

The Party Committee of Hanoi is also acutely aware, outlining its obligations and doing a good job of promoting the position, function, and accountability of the capital for the entire nation. The Committee is close to the people, fully understanding and effectively putting into practice the idea that “people are the roots.” Additionally, it always goes hand in hand with respect for, belief in, and reliance on the people. Additionally, the Committee effectively balanced the strength of the populace to care for the populace, implement social security, and enhance the populace’s spiritual and material well-being… The next step is to inspire pride, determination, the will to succeed, the labor spirit in the workplace, creativity, inspiration, and excitement for completing the outlined duties and goals.

At the same time, the Hanoi capital has fully utilized its resources for socioeconomic development, placed a strong emphasis on leadership, and made significant adjustments to the tasks of constructing and improving the Party and setting the political system.

The Capital’s Party Committee has consistently ensured the synchronized implementation of four major tasks when leading, directing, and organizing the implementation: socioeconomic development is the primary task; Party building is crucial; building and developing culture, people are the spiritual foundation of society, motivation, and resources for sustainable development; and ensuring national defense and security is essential and regular. The task of creating the Party in particular is the primary determinant of how successfully the political task will be carried out.

Building a Capital with “Culture – Civilization – Modernity”

The Hanoi Party Committee has outlined significant aims and tasks to continue developing Hanoi Capital till 2030, with a vision until 2045, based on the excellent and relatively complete accomplishments that the Capital’s Party Committee has accomplished after ten years of executing Resolution No. 11-NQ/TU. to assit in the implementation of the Politburo’s (term XIII) Resolution No. 15-NQ/TU recently issued.

The Capital Party Committee thoroughly grasped, unified awareness, renewed thinking in building and developing Hanoi to become a “Culture – Civilization – Modernity” capital, comparing with the modern capitals in the region and in the world; applied creatively and flexibly the guidelines and strategies of the Party and laws of the State to organize the implementation seriously, drastically and effectively.

Obviously, Hanoi – the representative of the country, and the national heart, plays the role of the national political-administrative center, a major center of culture, science, education, economic and international transactions… Hanoi will promote all its potentials and advantages and mobilize all resources for development.

The capital will follow the Party’s rules and the nation’s socioeconomic development objectives in accordance with national sector planning, regional development, and the process of fostering international integration. Additionally, it strengthens and promotes Thang Long – Hanoi culture and humans, thereby creating endogenous strength for sustainable development of the capital.

In particular, the Capital’s Party Committee will strengthen the foundation and rectification of the Party and political system to be truly exemplary, transparent and strong; continue to improve the leadership capacity and fight strength of the Party committees and organizations, effectiveness and efficiency of the administration’s activities; building a block of great people unity, the subject role of the people.

The city of Hanoi has set important objectives, including: By 2030, Hanoi will lead the nation in industrialization and modernization, becoming a “Culture – Civilization – Modernity” city; to be the hub and the driving force for promoting and leading the development of the region and the entire country; to be highly competitive with the region and the world, comparable to the capitals of developed countries in the region; GRDP will increase by 8–8.5%/year in the period 2026–2030; Over 75% of Party participants and organizations successfully achieve their yearly tasks.

By 2045, Hanoi will become a globally connected, civilized, modern and creative city with a high standard of living and quality of life, with a GRDP per capita of over $36,000. The comprehensive, distinctive and harmonious economical, cultural and social development; comparing with the capitals of developed countries in the region and the world.

To realize these important goals, the Capital Party Committee has clearly identified 8 important tasks to be implemented. Along with thoroughly grasping, unifying awareness, strongly renewing construction thinking and developing Hanoi to become a “Green – Culture – Smart – Modern” capital, it will create a high unity in awareness at all levels, branches, cadres, party members and people about the role, position and responsibility of the Capital; arouse and highly promote the tradition of the capital of thousand years of civilization, heroism, self-reliance, self-reliance and aspiration for development.

The entire Party Committee will prioritize efficiently using intellectual resources, including creativity, the use of science and technology, and Fourth Industrial Revolution accomplishments. The Party Committee will concentrate on economic development, accelerate economic restructuring in conjunction with growth model innovation, and use science and high technology as the axis throughout the socio-economic development strategy. In addition, Hanoi will put an emphasis on socioculture, education and training, science and technology, healthcare, social security, and welfare development; attach importance to building culture right from within the Party and in the political system; promote the construction and development of culture, the elegant and civilized Hanoian, deserving of the capital’s thousand-year tradition of civilization and heroism.

Hanoi City also made a commitment to performing well in the areas of planning, planning management, resource extraction and usage, environmental preservation, national defense, political stability, social order, and safety at all situations.

Hanoi city will also promote international integration, improve the efficiency of foreign affairs; determining the effectiveness of external relations is not only a resource but also a soft power, a driving force for the capital’s development towards becoming a globally connected city, a center for international integration of the region and the world.

With the spirit of “Hanoi for the whole country, together with the whole country”, Hanoi will actively coordinate and enlist the help of central departments, ministries, branches, provinces and cities throughout the country and other international organizations to build and develop the Capital; strengthen the construction and rectification of the Party and the Capital’s political system to be truly exemplary, transparent and strong; set the goal of perfecting and improving the quality of socialist-oriented market economic institutions; The focus is on comprehensively amending the Capital Law to meet the development requirements of the Capital in the new situation…

Promoting the results achieved after 10 years of implementing Resolution No. 11-NQ/TU, in order to effectively implement Resolution No. 15-NQ/TU, together with the development of programs and specific plans to soon bring the Politburo’s Resolution into life, the Hanoi Party Committee will arouse and highly promote the tradition of a thousand year cultural , heroism, self-reliance and aspiration development, thus building the Capital into a developed “Culture – Civilization – Modernity” city, a livable city of the whole country, the region and the world, a creative city, a connecting global city./.

Nguyen Thi Tuyen, Member of the Party Central Committee, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee