
Chuong My district to develop the cultural industry into a key economic sector


As planned, the district sets targets to 2025: The district focuses on investing in key areas, developing a number of industries with advantages and potentials available to the district such as spiritual culture tourism, ecotourism, craft village and handicrafts tourism; giving priority to investment in technical infrastructure, especially traffic infrastructure in tourist zones and spots,..

As planned, the district sets targets to 2025: The district focuses on investing in key areas, developing a number of industries with advantages and potentials available to the district such as spiritual culture tourism, ecotourism, craft village and handicrafts tourism; giving priority to investment in technical infrastructure, especially traffic infrastructure in tourist zones and spots, and the transport system linking Chuong My – Quoc Oai – My Duc regions to create favorable conditions for tourism activities, attracting tourists, creating a premise for the cultural industry to develop.

Illustration: The district focuses on key investment, focusing on a number of industries with available advantages and potentials.

Targets to 2030: Continue to maintain and develop the existing cultural industries of the district; increase investment in upgrading technical infrastructure of scenic areas in order to attract tourists, prolong their stay and increase visitor spending to increase revenue from tourism for the district; by 2030, revenue from cultural industries is expected to account for about 2% of total production value.

Targets to 2045: Develop a diversified, modern and synchronous cultural industry in the district; Apply advanced technology and build high-quality traditional craft village products with domestic and international brand and reputation, build a systematic and scientific product promotion chain, promote marketing for products; develop the cultural industry in a sustainable way, bring into play social resources to create a new development step for the cultural industry; by 2045, the proportion of cultural industry is expected to account for 5% of total production value and become an important economic sector.

Illustration: Increasing investment in upgrading technical infrastructure of scenic areas to attract tourists.

The People’s Committee of Chuong My district proposed 7 tasks and solutions: To thoroughly grasp, propagate and promote thinking innovation, raise awareness about the cultural industry; promote human resource development; strengthen the application of science and technology; develop the cultural industry market; attract and support investment; expand exchanges, cooperation and product branding; focus on investment in construction and development of cultural tourism.

Chuong My District People’s Committee requested departments, branches, People’s Committees of communes, towns and related agencies and units to stick to the objectives, tasks and contents of the Resolution for implementation; to associate the implementation of the Plan with other programs, plans and tasks of each branch, agency, unit, locality… to develop the cultural industry into an important economic sector of the district.

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