
Dan Phuong launches the “Dan Phuong – Tradition, Integration and Development” Art Photo Contest in 2022


The competition seeks to identify photographs with artistic merit in order to inform residents of the district and the capital about Dan Phuong’s unique position, responsibility, and significance to the region’s growth. Dan Phuong’s revolutionary tradition, a millennia-old civilisation, heroism, peace, camaraderie, initiative and innovation, independence and blooming aspiration are all sparked at the same moment...

The competition seeks to identify photographs with artistic merit in order to inform residents of the district and the capital about Dan Phuong’s unique position, responsibility, and significance to the region’s growth. Dan Phuong’s revolutionary tradition, a millennia-old civilisation, heroism, peace, camaraderie, initiative and innovation, independence and blooming aspiration are all sparked at the same moment. Additionally, the competitions play a significant role in educating the public both at home and abroad about the cultural, scientific, historical, and aesthetic elements of Dan Phuong Culture.

 The competition seeks to identify photographs with artistic merit in order to inform residents of the district and the capital about Dan Phuong’s unique position, responsibility, and significance to the region’s growth

Dan Phuong’s revolutionary tradition, a millennia-old civilisation, heroism, peace, camaraderie, initiative and innovation, independence and blooming aspiration are all sparked at the same moment. Additionally, the competitions play a significant role in educating the public both at home and abroad about the cultural, scientific, historical, and aesthetic elements of Dan Phuong Culture.

The contest entries’ content, according to the organizing committee, “boldly reflects the theme and highlights the typical value of Dan Phuong culture, has a clear message and has a new and unique perspective on Dan Phuong under the integration and development with a long history; beautiful nature; heroic people in battle, need wisdom in productive work, and elegance in communication and behavior.” Demonstrate the author’s amazing viewpoints on historical landmarks, festivals, culture, architecture, art, and scenic areas; community identity, lifestyle, cultural transfer, and generational inheritance; food culture, folk traditional attire…

Entries must have creative compositions, beautiful lighting, and highly aesthetic images; good response in terms of photography techniques and language. For the works to be submitted for the competition, the photo series must have cohesion and continuity between the works. The works have artistic value and meaning in content, comply with the Party’s guidelines, policies and laws of the State, ensure cultural standards, and conform to the fine customs and traditions of the people. Vietnam, which has a wide spread, contributes to raising awareness and orientation in preserving the nation’s fine traditions and cultural identity, does not infringe on copyrights, and strictly complies with the provisions of the contest.

Entries will be presented in the form of single and set photos (including 5-10 photos, numbered in sequence). Each entry must be accompanied by a caption on the topic and a description of the work’s content (no more than 200 words).

The Organizing Committee will receive works from now until the end of December 15, 2022. Entries should be sent directly or by post to the Dan Phuong Culture – Information and Sports Center or via email ttvhttttdp@gmail.com.

Through the works submitted to the competition, the Organizing Committee will select a number of works to participate in the “Hanoi – Aspiration and Development” art contest in 2022 organized by the Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports. . In addition, the Organizing Committee will judge and plan to award and exhibit the winning works at the beginning of the Lunar New Year 2023.

In addition, the competition offers a chance to inspire mass movements, particularly among the younger generation, to continuously protect, pass down, and promote the Vietnamese cultural identity and the beauty of Dan Phuong during the integration and development phase.

Hoa An