
Gia Lam District promotes the effectiveness of implementation of democracy in localities


Upon recognizing the importance of promoting democracy at localities, the 20th Party Executive Committee of Gia Lam District issued the Program No. 08-CTr/HU of the District’s Party Committee on “Promoting people’s mastery and enhancing the effectiveness of the implementation of democratic regulations in localities”. In implementing the plan, the district has intensified the dissemination of..

Upon recognizing the importance of promoting democracy at localities, the 20th Party Executive Committee of Gia Lam District issued the Program No. 08-CTr/HU of the District’s Party Committee on “Promoting people’s mastery and enhancing the effectiveness of the implementation of democratic regulations in localities”.

In implementing the plan, the district has intensified the dissemination of the central, the city’s, and the district’s policies on the implementation of democratic regulations to the people, in which the motto “People know, people discuss, people do, people inspect, people monitor” has been implemented with specific actions. The inspection and monitoring have been carried out regularly at 100% of Party branches in all communes and towns. The processes of reviewing, supplementing, amending, and perfecting the conventions and regulations have fundamentally meet requirements. Democracy has been promoted in all aspects of social life. The quality and effectiveness of the steering boards for democracy at all levels have been enhanced and more members have regularly been added to ensure timeliness and sufficiency as required by regulations.

Strengthening people’s right to participate in monitoring

The organization for the implementation of the Ordinance No. 34/2007/PL-UBTVQH11 dated April 20, 2007 of the Standing Committee of the 11th National Assembly in exercising democracy in the district’s communes and towns has obtained significant achievements. The building and issuance of regulations, conventions, village regulations, etc. have met requirements on quality and adequacy. The effectiveness of implementation of democratic regulations in localities has been affirmed and democracy has directly been promoted as shown in people’s active participation in monitoring socio-economic as well as national defense and security development programs in the area. Through this, the implementation of democratic regulations constantly consolidates the great unity of the nation, creating consensus among the people.

Besides achievements, a number of shortcomings also showed in the implementation of democracy in communes and towns. Major shortcomings were the limitations and the low-efficient form of implementation carried out by local steering boards; the slow and unpractical method of reviewing, supplementing, and implementing new democratic regulations in some areas; and the fact that the inspection by the people of the processes of implementing construction projects, site clearance, land consolidation, public contributions, and so on were not taken seriously at some point in some areas.

In the coming years, Gia Lam District will focus on implementing a number of main specific solutions such as enhancing the role and responsibility of the authorities in organizing the implementation of the principles and contents that have publicity been announced, directly discussed, and decided on, and ensuring the role of the people in discussing, voting, and other participation tasks.

To be more specific, the people will directly discuss and decide on the policy and level of contribution to public infrastructure and welfare facilities projects within the communes, villages, and residential quarters that are funded wholly or partly by them. They will also engage in other tasks as regulated by the laws.

The district will continue to strengthen the leadership and direction of Party committees in implementing democratic regulations in localities following the motto “The Party leads, the State manages, and the People own”, renew the contents and methods of enhancing the quality and effectiveness of the Party’s public relations, be aware of the people’s situation to promptly direct and solve urgent issues to prevent formation of complex situations in the localities, and fully implement the motto “People know, people discuss, people do, people inspect, people monitor” to promote democracy and improve the effectiveness of implementation of democratic regulations in localities.

Mr. Nguyen Huy Viet, Secretary of Party Committee and Chairman of People’s Council of Gia Lam District giving his speech at the District People’s Council meeting on improving the system’s performance.

The responsibilities of authorities at all levels in organizing the implementation of democratic regulations will also be strengthened. Accordingly, it is required that the district carries out good implementation of democratic representation and direct democracy through promoting the role and enhancing the quality and effectiveness of the People’s Councils and People’s Committees; strictly implements the regulations on direct democracy to ensure people’s direct participation in discussing and deciding on the affairs of localities that relate to their practical benefits; promotes the roles and strengthens the responsibilities of the Vietnam Fatherland Front branches and other socio-political organizations at all levels in building and implementing democratic regulations in localities; and promotes the roles of elderly people, religious dignitaries, and prestigious people in the community in order to propagate and disseminate to the people the exemplary implementation of democracy in localities.

Diep Lien