
Hanoi conducts decoration for visual propaganda and promotion of COVID-19 prevention and control.


COVID-19 pandemic is spreading rapidly and seriously in many countries around the world. This is a dangerous disease without specific vaccines and treatment drugs so far. For people to be aware of the situation, dangerous nature and harms of this disease and to raise their awareness of and responsibility for its prevention and control, Ha..

COVID-19 pandemic is spreading rapidly and seriously in many countries around the world. This is a dangerous disease without specific vaccines and treatment drugs so far. For people to be aware of the situation, dangerous nature and harms of this disease and to raise their awareness of and responsibility for its prevention and control, Ha Noi Department of Culture and Sports issued a plan to organize the decoration, visual propaganda and promotion to affirm the efforts and determination of all levels and sectors toward the prevention and control of the epidemic, thereby raising awareness and responsibility of each citizen to be proactive in disease prevention and control to protect the health of themselves and the community.

Accordingly, Hanoi will promote the propaganda in the Hanoi Cultural News and Web Portal of Ha Noi Department of Culture and Sports; organize decoration and visual promotion activities in the whole city. In the center of the city, 30 clusters of 2-sided panels are put at the separating routes;5,000 vertical banners (funded by the City budget and society) are installed on main streets and downtown areas.  The content of the slogan, cheerleader samples, vertical banner samples and guidance are provided to 30 districts and towns to organize visual propaganda in the area. Local cadres are to be in charge of inspecting, urging and evaluating the results of the propaganda period.

At the grassroots level, People’s Committees of districts and towns based on the City’s plan and the guidance of the Department of Culture and Sports shall direct the respective Offices and Centers of Culture, Sports to develop plans and details for development, ensuring synchronization on schedule; deploy decorative propaganda in various forms such as a cluster of panels, vertical banners, banners, flag stands, etc., according to the content and the cheerleader paintings approved by the City; focus on the implementation at central areas, main roads, offices, agencies, enterprises, schools, public cultural places, and crowded places to ensure solemnity and security, safety, efficiency, and so on. The grassroots radio stations enhance the issuance of news, articles,  recordings of propaganda about the prevention and control of COVID-19.

The work of decoration and visual propagation and promotion is carried out in 3 phases in March and April 2020.

Phuong Uyen