
Press contribute to the transformation and formation of standards on behavioral culture


Attending and directing the Workshop were Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam and representatives of the ministries and departments in Hanoi and some provinces and cities nationwide. Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam spoke at the workshop. In the speech, Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Ms. Trinh Thi Thuy, said: Originating from practice..

Attending and directing the Workshop were Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam and representatives of the ministries and departments in Hanoi and some provinces and cities nationwide.

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam spoke at the workshop.

In the speech, Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Ms. Trinh Thi Thuy, said: Originating from practice and the importance of behavioral culture in building Vietnamese people in the new situation “Promoting human factors in all areas of social life; focus on building people about morality, personality, lifestyle, intelligence and work capacity; and building a healthy cultural environment “. … The government, ministries and local authorities have actively built up the codes of conduct and public service culture such as Scheme on the public service culture approved by the Government on regulations on the spirit, working attitude, behavior standards, ethics and lifestyle; costumes of civil servants and other regulations;  Behavior criteria in family piloted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Code of Conduct in school developed by the Ministry of Education and Training to create fundamental changes in cultural behavior of managers, teachers, staff and students, and students to develop capacity and improve personality and cultural lifestyle; healthy and friendly school culture; and Code of Conduct in public areas of  Hanoi People’s Committee…

Through the implementation of the Codes of Conduct in the fields and in the localities, to date, there have been positive changes. Behavioral culture in the public areas has gradually been formed and was promoted by the people with many good moral and honest examples, high responsibility for common benefits of the community, the society and the country; and boldly fighting and criticizing against bad acts.

Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Trinh Thi Thuy spoke the workshop.

However, implementation of the codes of conduct is still limited and unsatisfied as expected. There are still violations of officials and public servants in behaving with colleagues and people, causing pressing issues in the public. The people’s behavior in families and public areas has not been positive. Domestic violence, school violence and uncivilized, uncultured and unemotional behaviors still exist…

In order to overcome the above situation, there should have timely solutions, especially promoting propaganda and strengthening information coordination with press agencies in the communication and behavioral culture. In fact, the media press plays an important role in the development of society through the periods, is an indispensable need of each individual as well as the collective, especially in the context of the current information society. now on. Newspapers are an important channel for propaganda, promotion, indirect management and social monitoring … through mass media to provide timely, accurate, objective, honest and responsible information, is the basis for forming and expressing public opinion. Communication in the media plays an important role in shaping the standard of behavioral culture in accordance with the new social context; step by step bring to life the ethical and cultural values ​​of Vietnamese people in the period of industrialization, modernization and international integration.

 Former Member of the National Assembly, Dr. Nguyen Viet Chuc.

At the seminar, delegates focused on discussions to clearly define the general characteristics of the behavioral culture of Vietnamese people from traditional to modern; Analyzing the current state of behavioral culture in different areas of social life and the role of the press in spreading messages to form behavioral cultural norms; Describe the lessons learned in the process of propagating examples of good and good people, criticizing the bad in society, popular experiences, spreading the beauty of cultural behavior to the public in social conditions The current; At the same time, propose solutions to improve the effectiveness of the press agencies in communication on behavioral culture standards in the coming time.

Former National Assembly Member, Dr. Nguyen Viet Chuc said: We are in the period of old standards that seem to be backward but new standards have not yet been formed. Therefore, it is necessary to first define what cultural standards are, to determine with what is standard deviation. In particular, newspapers must show their own cultural standards.

Reporter Tran Thi Thanh Thuy (Hanoi Radio and Television Station) expressed: After the days of the US-North Korea Summit in Hanoi, through the media press, the image of friendly and hospitable Hanoi people has created Strong impression for international friends. This shows the power of the press agencies of the Capital as well as the whole country to change the perception of the authorities and people with the behavioral culture.

 Reporter Tran Thi Thanh Thuy (Hanoi Radio and Television Station).

Concluding at the seminar, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam said: Culture is a very large category, defined as a spiritual and motivational foundation for socio-economic development and national development. In particular, newspapers are a part of culture, journalism is creative, popular, cultural propaganda. In the culture, there are newspapers, in the press there is culture and every press is a cultural product, journalists are cultural soldiers on the ideological front.

Behavioral culture is the behavior, employment, attitudes, words, communication of people with people, and in general, it is the behavior of both a community and the whole nation. It is formed through the continuous process of learning, training and maturity of each person as well as of the community and the nation. Therefore, human behavioral culture will show the culture of the nation.

Talking about the cultural characteristics and qualities of Vietnamese people, the Deputy Prime Minister mentioned the heroic, solidarity, enthusiasm, diligence, honesty, self-esteem … of Vietnamese people, the “need, saving, integrity, loyal, public impartiality “are things that Uncle Ho told each officer and party member to aim for. In education, there are 5 qualities that are needed by students, namely patriotism, compassion, hard work, honesty and responsibility.

The Deputy Prime Minister frankly pointed out the limitations in the cultural behavior of Vietnamese people. That is the situation of jostling, wasting, not conscious of keeping public hygiene, noisy, late … If we do the first communication together, only 2 things can make that transition. As a queuing culture and littering, only 2 things we need to propagate how people realize and perform well, the whole society will be much better.

Deputy Prime Minister stressed: Today, we talk about the role of journalism with how to formulate a new sense of culture is one side, on the other hand to create a transformation of social behavior to build Cultural life, the role of the press not only directs public opinion to change behavior but also creates culture. How to make the media penetrate into the masses, as Uncle Ho said, how to penetrate the culture of the nation.

To do that, the press not only reflected, but also analyzed that behavior from a cultural perspective, thereby making recommendations on behavior. Therefore, not only journalists but also cultural experts and journalists need to write on the works that go into people’s hearts.

To Nga