
Propagandizing and educating about population work in 2020


Population communication activities in 2020 focus on 3 target groups. Illustration Accordingly, based on Dispatch No. 109/TCDS-TTGD dated February 28, 2020, of the General Office for Population and Family Planning on the orientation of implementing communication and education on population work in 2020, the Permanent Steering Committee for AIDS Population and Social Affairs of MOCST)..

Population communication activities in 2020 focus on 3 target groups. Illustration

Accordingly, based on Dispatch No. 109/TCDS-TTGD dated February 28, 2020, of the General Office for Population and Family Planning on the orientation of implementing communication and education on population work in 2020, the Permanent Steering Committee for AIDS Population and Social Affairs of MOCST) proposes its units under the Ministry; the Departments of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Department of Culture and Sports of the provinces and cities directly under the Central Government organize propaganda on the theme, messages and slogan of propaganda provided by the General Office for Population and Family Planning.

Also, it is required to direct the affiliated units, based on their functions and tasks, to integrate activities, sports, tourism and family programs in 2020 following the local situation and characteristics. Implementation results shall be sent to the local Culture Department before December 28, 2020, to synthesize reports according to regulations.

Implementing the Resolution No. 21-NQ/TW on population work in the new situation, Resolution No. 137/NQ-CP promulgating the Government’s Action Program on implementation of Resolution No. 21-NQ/TW and Vietnam’s population Strategy by 2030, the General Office is oriented to carry out communication – education on population and family planning in 2020 as follows:

Communication activities in 2020 focus on propaganda about the size, structure, distribution and quality of the population in an organic relationship with socio-economic development; it is required to maintain replacement fertility, reduce the imbalance in the sex ratio at birth, take advantage of the golden population structure, adapt to population aging, distribute rationally population and improve the quality of the population.

Regarding population size, for the provinces which has not yet reached the replacement fertility level, it is required to continue to propagate the contents and messages to reduce fertility to achieve the average replacement fertility rate in the whole province, communicate on benefits of family planning, small family size and no giving birth early and much. For provinces with lower or sufficient replacement fertility, it is required to propagate the contents and messages for each couple to have no more two children, maintain the distance between births, stabilize fertility level…

Regarding population structure, the General Office requires that communication on the status of the sex ratio at birth in the locality will focus on the causes, consequences and solutions through the propaganda of Decision No. 468/QD-TTg dated March 23, 2016, of the Prime Minister on approving the Scheme on Control of gender imbalance at birth during period 2016-2025, Directive No. 04/CT-BYT dated March 15, 2016, of the Minister of Health on strengthening the resolution of gender imbalance at birth; promote communication and education on the law provisions on prohibiting the selection of fetal sex; focus on propagating and disseminating the Law on Gender Equality, the Law on Domestic Violence Control, Law on Marriage and Family; highlight the role of women in today’s society.

It is required to promote communication and education to raise awareness of gender equality and sex non-selection, and raise the role of women in the family and society, focus on the media to create public opinion criticizing the sex selection of the fetus and support those who detect the violations of law in this field, propagate to improve occupational ethics and awareness of law observance of health workers, stop the abuse of science and technology to select the sex of the fetus in any form.


Promoting communication and education to raise awareness of gender equality and sex non-selection, and raise the role of women in the family and society [/caption]

The General Office also recommends strong communication on adaptation to population aging and promoting health care for the elderly, implement well the communication and education so that people are aware that population aging is both the result of socio-economic development in recent years and the challenge to socio-economic development in next time.

At the same time, it is propagandized widely for people to understand the rights and obligations of migrants, promote the positive elements of the migration process, contribute to the socio-economic development of both places of origin and destination, care of and improvement of the quality of the population, especially the immigrant areas.

Regarding the improvement of the quality of the population, it is required to focus on encouraging all young people to receive consultancy and health check before marriage, especially high-risk ones, raise awareness of harms and consequences, strictly follow the provisions of the law on banning child marriage and consanguine marriage, provide knowledge about reproductive health and sexual health so that women of childbearing age know and prevent pregnancy safely, avoid sexually transmitted diseases and have good pregnancy care to have healthy babies…

The goal of population communication in 2020 focuses on 3 target groups:

– Group of advocacy includes Party leaders, authorities, policymakers, managers at all levels.

– Group for behavioural communication subjects include women, men and couples of reproductive age, pregnant women, new mothers, adolescents and young people, the elderly, medical service providers, women and men from migrant groups, ethnic minorities, people with disabilities …

– Group of community mobilization includes Socio-political organizations, prestigious people in the community, clans, families, clan heads, village elders, village chiefs, religious dignitaries, non-governmental organizations, famous people in social fields, arts and culture, sports, domestic and foreign businesses…