Culture & Life

To Ensure that the Culture and People of Hanoi Genuinely Become the Core Essence of All Political, Economic, and Social Activities


On the morning of March 21, at the scientific conference themed “Promoting cultural values and resources in building the “Civilized – Cultured – Modern” City,” hosted by the city of Hanoi, organized in collaboration with the Hanoi Institute for Economic and Social Development Research and the Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports of Hanoi, Mr...

On the morning of March 21, at the scientific conference themed “Promoting cultural values and resources in building the “Civilized – Cultured – Modern” City,” hosted by the city of Hanoi, organized in collaboration with the Hanoi Institute for Economic and Social Development Research and the Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports of Hanoi, Mr. Dinh Tien Dung, Member of the Politburo and Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee delivered a significant speech. The Hanoi Electronic Portal is pleased to present the full text of the speech by the Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee.

Mr. Dinh Tien Dung, Member of the Politburo and Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee, delivered the opening speech at the Conference.

Distinguished leaders, former leaders of central agencies, provinces, and cities!

Esteemed experts, scientists from both inside and outside the country, artists, managers, professional associations, and businesses!

Respectful participants of the conference!

In the celebratory atmosphere marking the 93rd anniversary of the establishment of the Communist Party of Vietnam (February 3, 1930 – February 3, 2023) and the 93rd anniversary of the founding of the Hanoi Party Committee (March 17, 1930 – March 17, 2023), today the city of Hanoi hosts a scientific conference themed: “Promoting cultural values and resources in building the “Civilized – Cultured – Modern” City.”

This conference is a tangible step in implementing Resolution No. 15-NQ/TU dated May 5, 2022, of the Politburo on the direction and tasks for the development of Hanoi until 2030, with a vision to 2045. It reflects the important guiding ideology of the Party Central Committee and the Politburo, especially that of the General Secretary at the National Culture Conference “Culture is indeed the foundation, the internal resource, and the driving force for breakthroughs in socio-economic development and international integration, placing culture on par with the economy and other crucial sectors of the country.” It continues to roll out the discussed contents from the scientific conferences organized by the Central Committee on the institutional framework, policies, and resources for cultural development on December 17, 2022, in Bac Ninh, and on the 80th anniversary of the Cultural Outline of Vietnam on February 27, 2023, in Hanoi.

On behalf of the city’s leadership, I warmly welcome and sincerely thank the representatives of the central leadership, provinces, and cities, as well as experts and scientists from inside and outside the country, and all distinguished delegates who have taken the time to participate in this important and meaningful conference. I wish all of you continued good health, happiness, and success.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Since the strategic vision of Emperor Ly Cong Uan, who decided to relocate the capital from Hoa Lu to Thang Long, an era of glorious development was ushered in. Over the course of more than 1,000 years, the history of Thang Long – Hanoi has unfolded in a region blessed with extraordinary landscapes and heroes, where the soul of mountains and rivers has lingered for millennia, connecting the threads of history and the quintessence of the Vietnamese nation. It is a place of convergence and radiance, embodying the spirit of patriotism, peace, solidarity, and the aspiration to rise, giving birth to and gathering the heroes and talents of the nation.

Enduring the vicissitudes of history, Hanoi, the capital city, has consistently played the role of the nation’s heart. It stands as the political and administrative nerve center of the country, a major hub for culture, science, education, and the national economy, as well as a significant international trading destination. It serves as the training ground for high-quality human resources, birthing numerous outstanding talents for the nation.

Globally, few capitals boast a history and cultural tradition spanning over 1,000 years (dating back to the ancient capital of Au Lac in the early 3rd century BC) like Hanoi. Every citizen of Hanoi, and all of us, take pride in our beloved capital, always conscious of our responsibility and duty to contribute to the construction and development of the Civilized – Cultured – Modern Capital, a globally connected city.

Hanoi is renowned as the “City of Heritage,” with an immensely rich and diverse cultural heritage comprising 5,922 historical and cultural sites. Among them are 1 world cultural heritage, 21 national special sites, and 1,793 intangible cultural heritages. Hanoi possesses priceless tangible cultural heritages, the imprints of majestic citadels, spiritual architectural structures (communal houses, pagodas, temples, and palaces), monuments, parks, flower gardens, rivers, and lakes.

Hanoi is also known as the “land of a hundred crafts,” with the highest number of craft villages in the country, boasting over 1,350 craft villages. Among them, more than 300 traditional handicraft villages and 70 creative spaces stand out, along with 1,095 festivals and community cultural activities reflecting the cultural identity of the Red River Delta, intertwined with historical stories throughout the nation-building and preservation process.

Hanoi is a place “where the soul of mountains and rivers has lingered for a thousand years.” It is recognized as the “Heroic Capital,” the “City for Peace,” and the “Capital of wisdom and human values.” Hanoi, as the first city in Vietnam to join the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, possesses invaluable assets that enable it to leverage cultural resources and contribute to the brilliance of cultural and artistic activities, thereby participating in the construction of the Civilized – Cultured – Modern Capital.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Within political doctrines, the resolutions of the Party consistently underscore the importance of cultural development. Since the Party’s inaugural political doctrine in 1930, there has been a keen focus on the necessity of fostering the nation’s culture. In 1943, the Party passed the “Cultural Outline of Vietnam,” advocating for the development of Vietnam’s culture based on “People – Science – Public.” This commitment persisted through the 8th-Term Central Committee Resolution No. 5 concerning the construction and advancement of an advanced Vietnamese culture, rich with the nation’s identity, and the 11th-Term Central Committee Resolution No. 9 asserting that “Culture must be placed on par with the economy, politics, and society.”

Significantly, at the 13th Party Congress, it was delineated: “Develop comprehensive individuals and build an advanced Vietnamese culture, steeped in the national identity, so that culture truly becomes an intrinsic strength, a driving force for the country’s development, and a guardian of the Fatherland. Increase investment in cultural development.” It can be asserted that these guiding principles are of paramount importance, further solidifying the uniquely critical role of culture in our country’s sustainable development process.

We are all aware that culture is a crucial factor in constructing a Civilized – Cultured – Modern Capital. Leveraging the values and resources of culture proves to be the most effective way to develop the culture of the capital. Over the years, Hanoi has consistently shown special attention to the preservation and promotion of cultural values, viewing culture as a driving force and one of the resources serving the cause of constructing and developing the capital. Across multiple terms, the City Party committee has consistently issued specific programs on cultural development, cultivating civilized Hanoians.

In compliance with the directives laid out by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the National Cultural Conference in 2021, on February 22, 2022, the Hanoi City Party Committee issued Resolution No. 09-NQ/TU on “Cultural Industry Development in the Capital’s Area for the 2021-2025 Period, Orientations toward 2030, with a Vision to 2045.” This resolution aims to facilitate the comprehensive development of Hanoi’s cultural industries in terms of scale, product quality, services, and market, ensuring sustainable growth. The objective is to transform it into a leading economic sector, characterized by high speed, proportion, and added value; marked by professional activities, equipped with modern and cohesive infrastructure; and featuring diverse, high-quality, branded cultural services and products, catering to the creative and enjoyment needs of domestic citizens, thereby fostering tourism and exports.

With a thorough and profound understanding of its cultural position, role, and significance, the city of Hanoi, emphasizing its commitment to cultural construction and development, has invested extensively in cultural development. The primary goal is to preserve and conserve the values of both tangible and intangible cultural heritage, as well as the cultural identity of ethnic groups. The city has concentrated its investments, allocating approximately VND 49,200 billion to the fields of healthcare, education, training, and culture for the 2022-2025 period and subsequent years. Over the years 2021-2022, the restoration and elevation of 181 historical sites have been completed, including 4 sites of national special significance, 114 nationally recognized sites, and 63 city-level sites.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Aligned with the entire nation, Hanoi is vigorously implementing the resolutions of the 13th National Party Congress and the 17th City Party Congress. Despite facing numerous difficulties and challenges due to the negative impacts of the global situation, climate change, and notably the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a resolute spirit and active political engagement, Hanoi has achieved comprehensive results across various sectors.

In particular, over the past year, the City Party Committee has proactively led and directed efforts to effectively achieve dual objectives: combating the pandemic while concurrently fostering economic and social development. The city has diligently executed the 2022 work theme of “Discipline, Responsibility, Action, Innovation, and Development” with outstanding results, including:

Summarizing the ten-year implementation of Resolution 11-NQ/TU of the Politburo on the direction and tasks for the development of Hanoi in the 2011-2020 period, the Party Committee submitted Resolution No. 15-NQ/TU to the Politburo. This resolution outlines the direction and tasks for Hanoi’s development until 2030 and envisions 2045. It establishes four viewpoints, two objectives, and eight groups of tasks and solutions that the city must focus on implementing. This legal foundation provides crucial conditions to motivate the development of the capital from now until 2030 and 2045, with the overarching goal of making Hanoi a “Civilized – Cultured – Modern” city. It aims to be deserving of the role as the political-administrative national center, the heart of the nation; a major center for economics, culture, education and training, science and technology, and international integration. The plan is to transform Hanoi into a smart, modern, green, clean, beautiful, secure, and safe city. This development is expected to be rapid, sustainable, and influential in promoting the Red River Delta region, the key economic area of the Northern Region, and nationwide development.

The task of building the Party and constructing a clean, robust, and effective political system continues to be intensified. The leadership style of the City Party Committee and the various party levels remains innovative, generating strong momentum from the city to the grassroots. This dynamic spirit motivates the entire political system to fulfill the political tasks of the city and its localities and units.

The City Party Committee has directed the amendment, supplementation, and issuance of the Working Regulations of the Executive Committee, the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee, and the 17th-Term Standing Committee of the City Party Committee. It also revised the Operating Regulations of the Party Delegation of the City People’s Council, the Party Affairs Committee of the City People’s Committee. These changes specifically allocate responsibilities to collectives and individuals, emphasizing the heightened responsibility of those in leadership positions to address work-related issues. The directive focus is on proposing solutions to tackle difficult problems, resolve obstacles, and address key strategic tasks related to the development of the capital.

The economy of the Capital is experiencing rapid recovery and development, and the COVID-19 situation in the city is fundamentally under control. The Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) for 2022 surged by 8.89% (higher than the national average of 8.02%), marking the highest growth rate in nearly a decade. The economic scale of Hanoi is approximately USD 50 billion (the national figure is around USD 409 billion), achieving a comprehensive fulfillment of all 22 economic and social targets, with 5 exceeding the set plans. The state budget revenue reached VND 333,000 billion, equivalent to 106.8% of the estimate, ensuring funds for development investment, regular activities, and pandemic prevention and control expenditures. Inflation is under control, with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rising by 3.4%.

The city has ensured absolute security and safety for the leadership of the Party, the State, and nearly 2,000 significant political, economic, diplomatic, cultural, and sports events within its jurisdiction. These events have been acknowledged and highly praised by the Central government and international friends, including the successful organization of over 600 cultural and artistic performances.

The City Party Committee has directed and urged the exploration of solutions to overcome delays in projects, aiming to mobilize resources for the city. Emphasis has been placed on accelerating administrative procedure reforms, reinforcing decentralization, delegation of authority, discipline, and rigor in task execution to resolve difficulties and obstacles in production and business, thereby promoting economic activities.

Simultaneously, the City Party Committee has issued directives to enhance leadership and guidance for urban planning, urban management, and construction order in Hanoi. Additionally, specific directives were issued to strengthen leadership and guidance in land management and the exploitation of mineral resources in the city. These measures are aimed at further enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of urban planning, land management, resource management, environmental protection, urban order, and construction order.

A resolute directive has been given to expedite the implementation of the Investment Project for the construction of Ring Road 4 in the Capital Region of Hanoi. The city identifies this project as of paramount importance, contributing significantly to expanding the development space of the Capital, making a breakthrough in socio-economic development, and improving the competitiveness not only of Hanoi but also of the provinces and cities in the Hanoi Capital Region.

The proactive initiative of Hanoi City, Hung Yen Province, and Bac Ninh Province is evident in the construction and issuance of a coordinated plan among the three localities to implement the project. Each province has individually released deployment plans. Notably, a consensus has been reached to strive for the handover of 70% of the land area for construction packages, serving the project’s groundbreaking by June 30, 2023. The fundamental goal is to complete the turnover of the remaining area before December 31, 2023, in accordance with the spirit of the resolutions set forth by the National Assembly and the Government.

Simultaneously, the city is actively advancing several other pivotal initiatives and projects. These include the redevelopment and reconstruction project for old apartments within the capital’s territory, a focused effort to expedite the progress of the Hanoi Urban Planning for the 2021-2030 period with a vision toward 2050, the adjustment of the overall construction plan for Hanoi until 2030 and the vision for 2050, as well as the comprehensive review and proposal for amending the Hanoi Law (anticipated to be submitted to the National Assembly in October 2023). Additionally, there is a project aimed at harnessing resources from public assets.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today’s conference is a continuation, inheritance, and application of the outcomes derived from conferences and scientific symposiums, adapting them to the vibrant reality of life within the city. The objective is to further elucidate the guiding principle that considers culture as the driving force and resource for constructing and developing the capital into a “Civilized – Cultured – Modern” city.

Embracing democratic ideals, scientific inquiry, and foresight, the city aspires to secure the participation and contributions of experts, scientists, and research institutions. It seeks their insights based on scientific evidence, responsibility, and a deep connection with the role of culture in the construction and development of the capital. The aim is to clarify the essence and solutions for the development of the capital, as affirmed in Resolution No. 15-NQ/TU dated May 5, 2022, by the Central Committee on the “Direction and Tasks for the Development of Hanoi until 2030, with a Vision to 2045,” and Resolution No. 30-NQ/TU dated November 23, 2022, on the “Socio-Economic Development and Ensuring Defense and Security in the Red River Delta until 2030, with a Vision to 2045.”

Notably, in 2023, the city is concurrently undertaking three crucial initiatives: the revision of the Hanoi Law, the formulation of the Hanoi Urban Planning, and the adjustment of the overall construction plan for Hanoi until 2030 with a vision to 2050. This presents a particularly significant opportunity for a comprehensive assessment, incorporating scientific evidence and practical considerations in the formulation of institutional structures and development policies. It involves identifying areas of development focus, with an emphasis on cultural spaces and the mobilization of cultural values and resources to shape the capital into a “Civilized – Cultured – Modern” city.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I have learned that the conference has received enthusiastic responses and active participation, showcasing a high level of responsibility from research institutions, policy planning agencies, state management bodies, organizations, cultural scientists, and experts in both Hanoi and beyond. The city of Hanoi hopes to gather many heartfelt, responsible, straightforward, and profound opinions from distinguished delegates, contributing to the success of the conference. Through this workshop, the city aims to gain insightful advice on leveraging cultural values and resources to build the capital into a “Civilized – Cultured – Modern” city, placing it on par with leading capitals and cities in the region.

With the desire to permeate culture more deeply and spread it more vigorously, ensuring that the culture and people of Hanoi truly become the backbone of all political, economic, and social activities throughout the process of constructing and developing Hanoi, I hereby declare the opening of the conference on “Promoting cultural values and resources in building the “Civilized – Cultured – Modern” City.”

I extend my sincere wishes for abundant health and happiness to all distinguished delegates and esteemed guests. May the conference be a resounding success.

Thank you!

* The title is from the Hanoi Electronic Portal

 Member of the Politburo, Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee, Dinh Tien Dung

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