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Upholding the sense of responsibility, unifying actions in the entire Culture and Sports industry to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic


The duty at the Command and implementation of the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic is seriously implemented by the Hanoi Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism. The Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports established the Commanding Department for COVID-19 prevention and control based on the Department’s Steering Committee for COVID-19 prevention and control,..

The duty at the Command and implementation of the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic is seriously implemented by the Hanoi Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

The Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports established the Commanding Department for COVID-19 prevention and control based on the Department’s Steering Committee for COVID-19 prevention and control, led by the Director of the Department, Tran The Cuong, 2 Deputy Directors are Deputy Commanders, members are heads of departments, divisions and units under the Department.

The Department quickly directed the heads of the departments, divisions and units directly under it to update and promptly grasp the documents and directions by the Government, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the City Party Committee, the City People’s Committee, and the Department’s Board of Directors. in the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic; require cadres, civil servants, public employees and employees to work from home; when it is absolutely necessary to go out, go to public places, the workplace must take measures to prevent and control the pandemic as prescribed; wear masks, do not gather in large numbers, and disseminate information to others to prevent and control the pandemic. The Department also requested to stop all activities, meetings that are not urgent, and meetings that need to be held online.

Officials, civil servants make medical declaration when working at the workplace

The review and capture of cases of cadres, civil servants and employees in the unit who have returned from pandemic areas, people in close contact with patients, people in contact with close contacts and related cases to implement medical isolation measures, taking samples for testing according to regulations is carried out thoroughly.

In addition to the medical declaration, people entering the office must disinfect their hands, etc.

…and take their temperature

Along with that, departments, divisions and units have actively reviewed and equipped medical supplies, strengthened measures to prevent and control the pandemic; ensure hygiene – environment, disinfect in areas of agencies and units directly managed under the guidance of health authorities; build an online work plan; arrange the working parts appropriately, make sure not to let the work stall. At the same time, comply with the regime of information and report on the evolution of the pandemic situation and the observance of Directive 17 by officials, civil servants and employees at the unit as prescribed.

As of the morning of July 29, the whole Department currently has no cases related to the pandemic area, or contact with infected people F0, F1, F2; 100% of officials, civil servants and employees of the Department have made daily electronic medical declarations; 100% of units under the Department are on duty to lead, command and synchronously implement measures to prevent and control the epidemic according to regulations. The work is solved promptly to ensure on schedule and not late.

The Department also requested offices, divisions and units directly under the Directive to inspect and supervise the timely and effective implementation of the Directive’s contents; continued to arrange for cadres, civil servants and public employees to use information technology to work from home; requested units to thoroughly understand to officials, civil servants and employees the daily medical declaration by electronic medical declaration; issued travel permits to officials and public employees working at the agency according to regulations; instruct cadres, civil servants and employees to stay at home, only going out in cases of real necessity such as buying food, foodstuff, medicine, emergency, medical examination and treatment, vaccination and other emergencies. Strictly keep a distance of at least 2m when communicating, do not gather more than 2 people outside of offices, schools, hospitals and public places. Make daily medical declaration on website or Ncovi, Bluezone applications. Immediately contact local authorities and medical facilities when symptoms of fever, cough, difficulty breathing, loss of taste appear, etc.

In case they are assigned to the working agency, they must strictly follow the epidemic prevention and control measures as prescribed: Disinfection, wearing masks, not gathering in crowds, keeping a distance of at least 2m when communicating; medical declaration when coming to the office on website or Ncovi, Bluezone applications at the door.

Identifying Covid-19 as a dangerous disease with a rapid spread, in recent times in the city, many cases have appeared in the community, some of which have not been identified as the source of infection. To actively control the high risk of infection and disease outbreaks in the community, through the Department’s pandemic prevention and control measures to raise awareness, sense of responsibility and unify actions of all levels of Party committees and organizations, mass organizations, party members, cadres, civil servants and officials of the Culture and Sports sector on the importance and urgency of the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic in the present time.