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Vice President, Mrs. Vo Thi Anh Xuan visits typical families in Hanoi on the 20th anniversary of Vietnamese Family Day


Vice President, Mrs. Vo Thi Anh Xuan visited Ms. Ngo Tuyet Thanh’s family (Ly Thai To ward, Hoan Kiem district).  Vice President, Mrs. Vo Thi Anh Xuan expressed her joy when visiting the two families in a warm and happy atmosphere on the occasion of Vietnamese Family Day. Through the sharing of families, the Vice..

Vice President, Mrs. Vo Thi Anh Xuan visited Ms. Ngo Tuyet Thanh’s family (Ly Thai To ward, Hoan Kiem district).

 Vice President, Mrs. Vo Thi Anh Xuan expressed her joy when visiting the two families in a warm and happy atmosphere on the occasion of Vietnamese Family Day. Through the sharing of families, the Vice President praised families for their contributions to the locality, even building a model of economic development, creating jobs for local people like the household of Mr. Nguyen Van Loi. Recently, the Central region has faced difficulties due to floods and now, the whole country is straining against the COVID-19 pandemic, she has acknowledged the noble gesture of families in supporting the floods and in pandemic prevention as well as other social activities. She said that if every family can be like Ms. Thanh and Mr. Loi, the homeland and country will become better and better.

Vice President, Mrs. Vo Thi Anh Xuan said that the Party and State are very interested in family affairs. The Prime Minister decided to make June 28 every year as Vietnamese Family Day, in order to promote the role of State and social organizations on the family to take care of building a sustainable and happy family.

This year, the Secretariat issued Directive No. 06-CT/TW on strengthening the Party’s leadership in family affairs in the new situation, and the President sent a telegram on Vietnamese Family Day. The Party and State both want each family and each person to raise their awareness of family in the new situation. Through difficulties and challenges, we see that family is very important, is the cell of society, contributing to social development.

On this occasion, the Party and State wish families to promote the good traditions of Vietnamese families, and build new family standards that are suitable for the new situation, dynamic, creative, responsive to the needs of the reality, at the same time promote everyone’s role, not only building a family but also contributing to the country. The Vice President wishes that families promote and spread the good values of their families for the common development of the country, so that other families can follow. The Vice President also wished families a meaningful Vietnamese Family Day.

 Vice President, Mrs. Vo Thi Anh Xuan visited Mr. Nguyen Van Loi’s family, Yen So commune, Hoai Duc district.

Ms. Ngo Tuyet Thanh’s family, addressed at No. 20, Hang Voi, Ly Thai To Ward, Hoan Kiem District, is known as an exemplary family, with active contributions to the local works, activities and lifestyle in daily life. Ms. Ngo Tuyet Thanh is the Deputy Station Manager in charge of Ly Thai To Ward Medical Station, always fulfilling her professional responsibility in taking care of people’s health in the area. She herself is a grade-3 heart failure patient, it is necessary to be cautious when implementing COVID-19 prevention. However, with her responsibility, she is always a pioneer in pandemic prevention and control and upholds the sense of responsibility in professional work subject. Her parents are also active in local mass organizations, her husband is a retired soldier, and two children are of school age. The family has 3 generations living, family members always love, stick, unite and share; live in harmony; exemplary grandparents, and parents, filial and obedient children.

Mr. Nguyen Van Loi’s family, addressed at village 6, Yen So commune, Hoai Duc district, also has three generations including 8 members living in the same house. Mr. Loi himself used to fight on the southern battlefield, when he returned to his hometown, he followed the path of studying and working. During his work, Mr. Nguyen Van Loi continued to study at university and was the first person in Yen So commune to establish a private enterprise. His wife is also successful in her work; both children are well-behaved and pass the entrance exam to the university. All members of the family always get along and respect each other. His family also actively supported the local study promotion movement, the flood-affected Central people and the COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control. In particular, the extended family of Mr. Nguyen Van Loi, including siblings, built an effective study promotion model, regularly rewarded and encouraged his children to study.

 Viet Ha