Culture & Life

To develop the capital as the leading political and administrative center of the country


On 2/5, Hanoi City People’s Committee held a conference to collect opinions of ministries and central agencies and cities regarding the Draft Report on reviewing the 10-year implementation of Resolution No. 15/2008 / NQ-QH12 of the National Assembly on adjusting the administrative boundaries of Hanoi, performing the task of socio-economic development, ensuring security, national defence..

On 2/5, Hanoi City People’s Committee held a conference to collect opinions of ministries and central agencies and cities regarding the Draft Report on reviewing the 10-year implementation of Resolution No. 15/2008 / NQ-QH12 of the National Assembly on adjusting the administrative boundaries of Hanoi, performing the task of socio-economic development, ensuring security, national defence and and foreign affairs (2008-2018) and orienting the next core tasks of Hanoi City. Chairman of the City People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Chung chaired the conference, Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee Dao Duc Toan attended.

 City People’s Committee’s Chairman Nguyen Duc Chung spoke at the conference

According to the report of the City People’s Committee, after 10 years of expanding its administrative boundaries, the economy of the capital continues to grow, reaching an average of 7.41% per year (according to the new calculation method), continuing to be one of the leading economies of the whole country. The fine traditional culture and customs of Trang An culture and Doai culture is increasingly maintained and promoted. The 1000th anniversary of Thang Long – Hanoi is successfully organized, honoring the fine traditional values of Thang Long – Hanoi, making the good impression on the people of the country and international friends. Social security is guaranteed; 8,211 houses were built and repaired for people with meritorious services to the revolution; supporting the construction and repair of houses for 4,046 poor households is continued.

Immediately after the merger, the city has paid attention to the power supply for the areas without grid; repairin and renovating 5,523 temporary, borrowed and degraded classrooms. Educational facilities have been standardized and the proportion of public schools meeting national standards has reached 62%. Many specialized techniques in diagnosis and treatment, and technology meeting the standard of central and regional hospitals are applied. The IT application in the areas of education, health care, urban management, public administration services is promoted. Urban construction and management and environmental sanitation are implemented with the innovative and effective ways such as the program of planting 1 million trees, supplying clean water in rural area, urban-rural lighting system, renovating lakes … Many new urban areas have been building. Many belt roads, axial routes and bridges are invested, step by step forming the synchronous and enclosed traffic system. Rural infrastructure has been invested, the number of communes reaching the new rural standards reaches 76.17% – as the top of the country. The face of urban and rural areas has changed, creating the new face for the capital after 10 years of development. Political security, social order and security are maintained; external relations are enhanced.

Besides the outstanding results, the City People’s Commitee’s assessment of 10 years of expanding administrative boundaries under the National Assembly’s Resolution 15/2008 / NQ-QH12 shows that economic development is not commensurate with the potential and strength of the capital; quality, effectiveness and competitiveness is low; all strengths of our resources is not fully promoted; the effectiveness of using land resources and public assets is not high; the high technology application in production development is low and not synchronous.

Urban planning, construction, management and development have not met the requirements. Land management and public construction order have been limited; The renovation and upgrading of the degraded apartment buildings in the inner city is slow; The relocation of polluting production establishments, universities, colleges and medical examination and treatment establishments to the outside of the old inner city area have not yet met the required schedule..

The socio-economic development has not met the increasing demand of the cause of accelerating industrialization and modernization and not been commensurate with the position and role of the capital; cultural lifestyle, order, discipline and urban civilization is limited; tourism products have not been properly invested; Some aspects of education and training have changed slowly; the effectiveness of ethics education in the schools at all levels is inadequate; Health care and protection of people’s health, food safety and hygiene is limited.

The situation of crime and social evils is still complicated; Social order and safety in some localities and grassroots units is not good. The quality and effectiveness of cooperation and external relations to attract resources for socio-economic development in some areas is limited.

According to standing deputy head of the Central Economic Commission Cao Duc Phat, over the 10 years, the city has tackled a tremendous amount of work, and has fulfilled its missions of socio-economic development. Since then, the infrastructure has been adjusted according to the new vision, which has changed the face of the capital over many years. The economic growth rate is stable at high level. The City has paid attention to connection in rural areas, which has changed much. The social and cultural aspects has improved, the order and security of the Capital have been maintained. Many diplomatic political events are absolutely safe.

Commenting on the draft report, he suggested that Hanoi should highlight and clarify the contents of the work done, especially adjust the urban planning, infrastructure development according to the new vision, at the same time, clarify the shortcomings in the implementation of the policy on adjustment of administrative boundaries, evaluate the quality of planning and implementation of guidelines for establishment of functional areas in the inner city and the development of satellite towns. In addition, it is required to clarify the limitations on policy mechanisms and what is hindering the implementation of the set policy, on that basis, faciliate and solve the problems of the capital during development process.

According to Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly’s Office Do Manh Hung, upon the poll, there are many delegates did “not agree” on the merge of administrative boundaries; however, then upon voting, there are 92% of delegates agreeing the resolution. During 10 years of implementation, the delegates of 12th session all agree, the work of the city has conducted in the large scale and diversely in many fields.

The Deputy Chairman found that the report only shows the socio-economic situation of Hanoi for 10 years, but does not mention much about the implementation of the resolution of the National Assembly on the adjustment of administrative boundaries of the city. . In order to adjust, the socio-economic development of the adjusted localities (Ha Tay, Hoa Binh, etc.) needs to be separated relatively in order to assess the speed of development and the historical properness of the Resolution No. 15 for socio-economic development of the capital. The city should propose to the National Assembly so that the government sets out the policy to review and evaluate the implementation of the Resolution; sets out the new resolutions to implement the Capital Law and pays more attention to cultural issues.


Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Tran Anh Tuan said that the report should assess the results of the implementation of the merger; evaluate to improve the quality of civil servants; to carry out the payroll streamlining; administrative reforms; reform of tasks of public servants, contributing to Hanoi in the direction of building the government which is to serve the people, streamlined, valid and effective. Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Le Cong Thanh proposed that upon the passing of the land use planning of the city, the assessment for the implementation needs to be made to highlight the assessment of the management for land use in 10 last year. At the same time, it is recommended that the City invests more to revive the rivers in the city; invests in environmental monitoring stations and sets out solutions to ensure the environment….

To make conclusion of the conference, Chairman of the City People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Chung expressed his sincere thanks to the leaders of the Central committees, ministries and sectors, experts and leaders of departments, industries and district of the city. He affirmed that he would accept the contributions of delegates at the conference to direct the report-making agency to complete the Report.

Chairman of the City People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Chung also noted that the report-making body should clarify the argument to assess the need for the implementation of Resolution 15 of the National Assembly; clearly state the achievements, limitations and shortcomings, and recommendations should be attached to the plannings and plans of the Central Government and the ministries and branches; highlight the responsibility of the city in guidance and implementation… Emphasizing the need to point out the advantages, difficulties and challenges in both immediate and long term, Chairman Nguyen Duc Chung confirmed the the goal of building and protecting the capital plays the leading role in political, economic and social development. “Key objectives should be identified: respect for cultural development; building of business start-up centers; building of smart cities; economic development focusing on the structure of the service sector, bringing tourism to become a spearhead industry; arranging governments streamliningly and effectively; building of urban government; establishment of regional economic connection strategy … “, emphasized the chairman.

Chairman of the City People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Chung said that the city will continue to propose so that the Government proposes the National Assembly to monitor and evaluate the 10 years implementation of Resolution 15 and 5 years implementation

According Hanoi Portal