
Hanoi drastically carried out the peak phase of preventing and controlling COVID-19


 Meeting of Hanoi City’s Steering Committee on COVID-19 Prevention and Control on March 27, 2020 afternoon. Photo by City Communication Portal According to the Document No. 1047 which states that in implementing the Prime Minister’s Directive No.15/CT-TTg dated March 27, 2020, on drastically carrying out the peak phase of preventing and controlling COVID-19, based on..

 Meeting of Hanoi City’s Steering Committee on COVID-19 Prevention and Control on March 27, 2020 afternoon. Photo by City Communication Portal

According to the Document No. 1047 which states that in implementing the Prime Minister’s Directive No.15/CT-TTg dated March 27, 2020, on drastically carrying out the peak phase of preventing and controlling COVID-19, based on the disease situation in the city, complying with directions of the Prime Minister and the City Party Committee on COVID-19 prevention and control to effectively restraint and control the spread of and locally proactively prevent and respond to the pandemic, best protecting Capital citizens’ health and lives, the City People’s Committee directs:


All levels and sectors keep the spirit of “fighting against the disease like fighting against the enemy”, accepting the economic losses as a result of the pandemic prevention and control; Best protection of people’s health and lives is the utmost goal, with stronger determination and efforts in taking solutions and missions of the pandemic prevention and control in line with the directions of the Politburo, the Central Secretariat, the Government, the Prime Minister and Hanoi City Party Committee; Disciplines and rules must be strengthened without negligence; Measures to early discover the sources of infection, promptly isolate, quickly localize and thoroughly eliminate the pandemic are highly evaluated.


Measures to restrict crowded gatherings from 00:00, March 28, 2020, till the end of April 15, 2020, are adopted, specifically:


Stop meeting activities and events gathering over 20 people in 1 room; not gather 10 people or more outside offices, schools and hospitals; wear masks and ensure a minimum distance of 2m between people in public places.


Strictly stop religious rituals and activities with 20 participants or more at religious, belief and worship establishments; stop all cultural, sports and recreational activities in public places; requiring disinfection, body temperature checks, mask-wearing and a minimum distance of 2m between people for gatherings of fewer than 20 people.


Shut down or temporarily suspend the business of all service establishments in the City, except for the following: General supermarkets (except for local entertainment and catering services); Trade centers (including the foregoing general supermarkets, offices for rent and hospitals); Local markets (including stalls of foodstuff, fruit and vegetables, and dried food); Convenience stores, and mini-markets (except for local catering services); Grocery stores, flower and fruit stores; Agricultural product, food and medicine business chains; Healthcare services; Banking services; and petrol and gas shops.


Encourage people to use e-commerce and delivery at home; wear masks and keep a distance of at least 2m during such buying and selling transactions together with proper disinfection in accordance with the instructions of the Health authorities.


Pause all bus activities until April 15, 2020; Use no air conditioners, lower the glass, require both drivers and passengers using taxis and contracted vehicles to wear masks and practice disinfection before and after pick-up and drop-off.


Schools and vocational training facilities to temporarily require students to stay home, etc.


The City People’s Committee also requires the provincial departments, the district and town People’s Committees, and the heads of the City’s units to actively innovate and improve the working ways to adapt to the context of disease prevention; boost up IT application and online activities in direction, administration, work, study, and implementation of administrative procedures; and guide and encourage people to use online public services and carry out administrative procedures in the network environment.


Capital citizens should stay calm, rest assured, keep trust and support pandemic prevention and control measures. Every citizen should be a soldier to prevent and fight against the pandemic, further joining forces and unanimously repealing the disease. In the immediate future, gathering in large numbers should be absolutely avoided. People, especially the elderly and patients with underlying diseases, are recommended to leave the house in case of necessity only, wash hands frequently, wear masks in public places, raise the high awareness of their own health protection, avoid reaching medical facilities, except where absolutely necessary and well follow the recommendations of functional agencies.


Vietnam Fatherland Front of Hanoi City and the city’s socio-political organizations are requested to strengthen collaboration with the authorities at all levels to urge people to voluntarily comply with disease prevention measures; and further raising resources from organizations, businesses and people for pandemic prevention.


Hanoi City Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union should continue promoting its role of pioneering, volunteering and actively supporting authorities at all levels and people in taking measures to prevent and control the pandemic.

Along with drastically preventing and fighting against the pandemic, all levels and disciplines are expected to focus on specific and effective solutions to promptly address difficulties in production and business, ensuring social security.

