
Ung Hoa District inspects the Cultural Standard Units and the New Rural Cultural Standard Communes for the period of 2021 – 2022


Implementing the plan of People’s Committee of Ung Hoa District on implementing the movement “All people unite to build a cultural life” in 2022, on the morning of November 8, 2022, Inspection Team No. 2 led by Mr. Truong The Huu – The Deputy Head of the District Culture and Information Division as the Head..

Implementing the plan of People’s Committee of Ung Hoa District on implementing the movement “All people unite to build a cultural life” in 2022, on the morning of November 8, 2022, Inspection Team No. 2 led by Mr. Truong The Huu – The Deputy Head of the District Culture and Information Division as the Head of the Delegation conducted the inspection of “Cultural Standard Units” at Health Station of Vien Noi Commune and “New Rural Cultural Standard Communes” in Quang Phu Cau Commune, period of 2021 – 2022.

Some pictures of the actual inspection of the delegation:

Photo: Dinh Thuy

In the past time, Health Station of Vien Noi Commune has completed well in taking care of the people’s health, implementing well in the prevention and control of COVID-19 as well as COVID-19 vaccination; participating in supporting various types of funds such as: Gratitude events, vaccine fund for COVID-19 prevention and control, fund for the poor, etc. For 9 consecutive years, Health Station of Vien Noi Commune achieved and maintained the commune’s national standards for health and safety. In 2021, the Health Station was awarded a collective merit certificate “Advanced Labor” by the Department of Health.

Quang Phu Cau Commune is based on 5 evaluation criteria such as: Helping each other in economic development; Improving the quality of building cultural families and cultural villages; Building institutions and cultural and sports movements at the grassroots level; Building a civilized lifestyle, rural cultural environment; Complying with the Party’s guidelines and instructions, the State’s policies and laws and local regulations.

Implementing the construction of communes up to the new rural culture standard, the commune has promoted training courses on transferring science and technology into production, since then there have been many economic models with high efficiency. Average income is estimated at 64 million VND/person/year; the rate of families achieving cultural family reaches 94.1%; villages and hamlets are recognized and hold the title of Cultural Village continuously for 5 years or more; the implementation of a civilized lifestyle in weddings, funerals and festivals is well completed; cultural, artistic and sports movements are promoted; The quality of the movements for crime prevention and control, security and order protection has been improved… Thanks to the attention of all levels and sectors, by 2022, there will be 2 poor households and 101 near-poor households in the commune.

Through the actual inspection and listening to the report, the inspection team recorded the efforts, the results achieved by the two units and pointed out some shortcomings and limitations. The members of the inspection team spoke to evaluate the standards as prescribed and scored each criterion. As a result, Quang Phu Cau commune reaches 93/100 points; Health Station of Vien Noi Commune achieves 93/100 points; Both units are eligible to submit to People’s Committee of Ung Hoa District for recognition as “Cultural Standard Unit”, “New Rural Cultural Standard Commune” for the period of 2021 – 2022.

Thanh Binh