
Dong Da held a Talkshow on the construction and implementation of the Residential Group Convention


 Overview of the Talkshow – Photo: Hoang Nhung Mr. Dinh Van Lock, Deputy Head of the Department of Mass Mobilization of the Hanoi Party Committee; Comrade Tran Thi Van Anh, Deputy Director of Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports; Mr. Nguyen Anh Cuong, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee, Chairman of the People’s..

 Overview of the Talkshow – Photo: Hoang Nhung

Mr. Dinh Van Lock, Deputy Head of the Department of Mass Mobilization of the Hanoi Party Committee; Comrade Tran Thi Van Anh, Deputy Director of Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports; Mr. Nguyen Anh Cuong, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee, Chairman of the People’s Council of Dong Da District, Head of the Steering Committee for the formulation and implementation of the Regulation on democracy at the district grassroots; Comrade Nguyen Thi Minh Hien, Member of Standing Committee of the District Party Committee, Head of the District Committee for Mass Mobilization; Deputy Head of Information Department, Steering Committee for the formulation and implementation of the Regulation on grassroots democracy in Dong Da district; Mr. Nguyen Hoang Giap, District Member, Vice Chairman of the District People’s Committee, Head of the Steering Committee of the movement “All people unite to build a cultural life” in Dong Da district… and representatives of departments and branches participated in the Talkshow.

According to the report, currently, the whole Dong Da District has 380 residential groups, corresponding to 264 branches. In which, there are 339 new residential groups, 26 new residential groups and 15 residential groups remain unchanged. Up to now, the number of residential groups in the district having built conventions is 288/380 residential groups (reaching the rate of 76%). In which, the number of residential group conventions approved by the ward People’s Committee is 207/288 (reaching the rate of 71.8%); the number of conventions of residential groups not yet approved by the ward People’s Committee is 81/288 (reaching the rate of 28.2%); the number of residential group convention approved by the District People’s Committee on is 23/207 (reaching the rate of 11%).

Over the past years, the construction and implementation of the Convention on residential groups in Dong Da District has achieved many positive results, contributing to preserving and promoting the good traditions, customs and practices of the nation; eliminating outdated customs; promoting and expanding democracy at the grassroots; improving the efficiency of state management in the locality.

However, in addition to the positive aspects, the construction and implementation of the residential group convention in the district over the past time still had many limitations such as: Many conventions were sketchy in content and lack specific features of culture, society, customs and habits; The management and control of the construction and implementation of the convention was still not thorough, many places of implementation were still formal and movement, etc.

 Delegates discussing at the Talkshow – Photo: Hoang Nhung

 At the Talkshow, the delegates listened to 10 presentations out of a total of 25 registered to participate. The presentations mentioned issues such as: Promoting the role of the Women’s Union, the Youth Union, the Fatherland Front… in the implementation of the Residential Group Convention associated with the movements of associations and mass organizations; implementing a civilized lifestyle in marriage and funeral; deploying the movement “All people unite to build a cultural life”, etc. In addition, it was critial to develop a Residential Group Convention with content suitable to the socio-economic characteristics of each residential area, in order to promote its role of conventions in building basic cultural life, etc.

Participants at the Talkshow also focused on exchanging practical experiences in the leadership and direction of Party committees and authorities at all levels in the development and implementation of the Residential Group Convention. At the same time, it pointed out the advantages, difficulties, limitations and causes as well as solutions to promote and improve the quality and efficiency of the construction and implementation of the Residential Group Convention in the coming time.

At the end of the Talkshow, the Organizing Committee expected that the comments of the delegates and leaders of the Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports would help Dong Da District continue to concretize and effectively implement the Party’s policy, the State’s policy on the implementation of democracy at the grassroots; on the development and implementation of the Residential Group Convention.