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Improve the satisfaction of individuals and organizations about administrative procedures


Departments, divisions, People’s Committees of districts, towns and cities all implement the above plan to ensure synchronization, consistency, in accordance with the content and criteria in the plan to improve and raise the Administration Reform Index (PAR INDEX), the City’s Administrative Service Satisfaction Index (SIPAS) and the city’s administrative reform plans and programs. The status..

Departments, divisions, People’s Committees of districts, towns and cities all implement the above plan to ensure synchronization, consistency, in accordance with the content and criteria in the plan to improve and raise the Administration Reform Index (PAR INDEX), the City’s Administrative Service Satisfaction Index (SIPAS) and the city’s administrative reform plans and programs. The status and results of implementation of tasks in administrative procedure reform, the reception and handling of complaints about administrative regulations and administrative procedures are properly assessed.


In addition, the content, work, deadline, completion schedule and clear responsibilities of the agencies, organizations and individuals involved in the implementation and implementation are specified in order to achieve the set objectives. The city strives to achieve the Satisfaction Index on the receipt and handling of comments reflecting petitions related to administrative procedures to increase at least 3-5% compared to 2021 (79.73%).

According to the City People’s Committee, Hanoi is a large urban area of the country with more than 8.5 million people as well as more than 335,000 domestic and foreign businesses under operation. Therefore, the demand for handling daily administrative procedures for people and businesses is very large. Hanoi strives to have a high satisfaction rate on receiving and handling comments and suggestions, contributing to the overall satisfaction rate of the City’s administrative services in 2022, to make it higher than that in 2021. The satisfaction index of people and organizations would improve in both overall satisfaction rate and ranking.

 Minh Dat