
Thuong Tin District successfully organized the Elderly Sports Festival


Practically responding to the “Vietnam Action month for the elderly 2022”, the District Culture, Information and Sports Center in collaboration with the Elderly Association of Thuong Tin District successfully organized the Thuong Tin District Elderly Sports Festival 2022. Giving flowers and gifts to the internal nourishing exercise teams Awarding prizes to air volleyball teams. Photo..

Practically responding to the “Vietnam Action month for the elderly 2022”, the District Culture, Information and Sports Center in collaboration with the Elderly Association of Thuong Tin District successfully organized the Thuong Tin District Elderly Sports Festival 2022.

Giving flowers and gifts to the internal nourishing exercise teams

Awarding prizes to air volleyball teams. Photo by: To Quy

The District Elderly Sports Festival 2022 attracted the participation of more than 300 athletes who are officials and members of elderly associations 29 communes and towns in the area. Athletes competed in 02 sports, namely elderly internal nourishing exercise ensemble (including 5 communes) and air volleyball (including 8 male and 10 female teams).

The District Elderly Sports Festival 2022 took place very excitingly with high professional quality, attracting a large number of audiences to watch, cheer and create an exciting atmosphere among the people, especially the elderly. With a noble and honest competitive spirit, the athletes have devoted to the audience with eye-catching internal nourishing exercise ensemble and attractive and dramatic ball phases.

At the end of the Sports Festival, the Organizing Committee gave flowers and gifts to the teams participating in the internal nourishing exercise and awarded the First, Second and Third prizes to the teams with excellent achievements in air volleyball. In which, the first prize was awarded to the men’s and women’s teams of Tien Phong commune.

The sports festival is a healthy and useful cultural activity, thereby contributing to improving the spiritual life, creating opportunities for exchanges and learning experiences among communes and towns. At the same time, it promotes the movement of exercise and sports among the people of all classes, especially the elderly, so that the elderly can live a happier – healthier – more useful life.

Minh An