
Two silk paintings show gratitude to the “white-bloused soldiers” during the COVID-19 pandemic


 Silk painting “Reading newspapers for wounded soldiers” by painter Tran Huu Te. In the online form, two works presented are introduced as two silk paintings: “Reading newspapers for wounded soldiers” by painter Tran Huu Te (1934-2002) and “Labor Hero Pham Ngoc Thach”, composed by painter Tran Dong Luong. “Fighting the pandemic is like fighting against..

 Silk painting “Reading newspapers for wounded soldiers” by painter Tran Huu Te.

In the online form, two works presented are introduced as two silk paintings: “Reading newspapers for wounded soldiers” by painter Tran Huu Te (1934-2002) and “Labor Hero Pham Ngoc Thach”, composed by painter Tran Dong Luong.

“Fighting the pandemic is like fighting against the enemy” in wartime as well as peacetime, “white-bloused soldiers” are always ready on the front to fight against the pandemic, performing the sacred and noble task of taking care and protect people’s health.

In the unremitting efforts of the entire population to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, it is indispensable for the figures of doctors, doctors – frontline fighters to fight against the epidemic. Taking care of the patient’s body and spirit, the kindness and responsibility of the “white-bloused angels” have given strength and alleviated the pain of soldiers during wartime, as well as patients in the pandemic. The silk painting “Reading the newspaper for the wounded soldiers” has been introduced to the audience on this occasion as a tribute and contributes to the motivation for the nurses and doctors to fight and win the COVID-19 pandemic.

The silk painting “Reading the newspaper for the wounded soldiers” by artist Tran Huu Te (1934 – 2002) was completed in 1975. The work depicts the scene inside a wartime ambulance shed. The soldiers forgot the pain of their wounds as they listened to the army female doctors reading the news about the fronts. The work is shown on silk material, with the technique of dyeing each color layer, washing many times until it meets the requirements to stop. The author has been very successful in using white, from the subtle transitions and shades of color, to creating a soft, deep color gamut of distant and close space for the picture.

With a subtle perspective, the author praises the soldiers who even have to sacrifice or lose their bodies, but still radiate a determination to fight to protect their homeland and country, towards a beautiful future for the people.

 Silk painting “Hero of Labor, Pham Ngoc Thach”.

The second silk painting introduced is the work “Hero of Labor Pham Ngoc Thach”, composed by painter Tran Dong Luong (1925 – 1993) in 1958. The painting is considered by many people to be “for life” and “shows the artist’s compositional ability and graphic excellence”. The picture recreates the scene of Dr. Pham Ngoc Thach, wearing a white blouse, with a gentle face, a warm smile and examining the patients. Surrounded by him are nurses and doctors focused on monitoring, note-taking, x-ray film handling, etc. The picture praises the spirit worked hard, wholeheartedly for the health of the people of Dr. Pham Ngoc Thach and his associates in particular, of the nurses and doctors – soldiers on the medical front – in general.

Art researcher Nguyen Hai Yen commented: “The painting color palette of Tran Dong Luong is balanced in the classical space. The colors fit in a soft frame. Tran Dong Luong’s pen is always delicate, smooth, elegant, bringing a deep vibe as well as relief and refreshment for the contestant “.

Bao Han